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Dream Dictionary

Dreams and Meaning

The helping hand a dreams and meaning list can provide when seeking an analysis of a confusing dream.

Dream Dictionary Disguise

A disguise is something that might seem innocuous at first. Truth be told it might not even seem like that big of a deal at all, but the fact is, a disguise is something that you wear when you are trying to hide who you are.

Dream Dictionary Disgust

Disgust comes in many forms and has many different emotions attached to it at the root. This is something that you are going to have to remember when trying to interpret a dream about disgust.

Dream Dictionary Dishwasher, Dishes

Dishes as well as the dishwasher can all be complicated but important symbols. Basically the idea behind dirt in dreams is that it represents negative things.

Dream Dictionary Dishonesty

Dishonesty is something which sounds simple but is oh so complex in reality and it is not something that can just be easily ignored.

Dream Dictionary Dislocated Jaw

A dislocated jaw can be quite a confounding and important symbol because of the immense meaning behind it.

Dream Dictionary Discovery, Discovering

Discovery is something important to all of our lives because it is something that we can all relate to.

Dream Dictionary Discharge

There are a lot of meanings to the word discharge and because it is so important to understand it meaning when you see in a dream that something being discharged.

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