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Dream Dictionary

Dictionary of Dreams

In alphabetic order this Dream Dictionary contains descriptions and meanings of dreams for the purpose of personal interpretations.

Dream Dictionary Drawer

It is basically just a little area that can be pulled out of a cabinet and is used for further storage. If you have a dream in which you see a drawer then this can have a variety of meanings.

Dream Dictionary Drawing

Drawing of all kinds is insanely important to human beings, whether it be drawing to express yourself, or doing specific things like drawing eyes.

Dream Dictionary Drawbridge

A drawbridge is a device that is mean to both keep people out and let people in and it is used at the discretion of the person operating it.

Dream Dictionary Draft

A draft as most people know is essentially just a little gust of air that causes a room to be cooler. Sometimes it can cause a room to be hotter too depending on the weather outside versus the weather inside, but it is very much different from someone just leaving a window open and this is because a draft is not something that is ever intentional.

Dream Dictionary Drain, Drain pipe

If you are having these dreams about drain, drain cover or drain pipe then there is no doubt that there is some underlying significance to them.

Dream Dictionary Dragon, Dragon attack

The dragon is a fearsome symbol in the world, it is known for taking over and for being quite vicious. It is also known for being elusive and for being majestic.

Dream Dictionary Dragged

Dreaming of being dragged our dragged out of bad, etc can be a fun dream actually. But what the meaning of dreams where you dream about being dragged or even dragged out of bad?

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