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Dream Dictionary

Meaning of Dreams

How discovering the relevance and meaning of dreams can assist in their interpretation and association with everyday life.

Dream Dictionary Driving a car

A dream about driving would most likely occur to someone that had just recently started driving or had just become of legal driving age. What about people that have other dreams about driving that are substandard though?

Dream Dictionary Driving a bus, Driving van

Driving in many cases is a dangerous activity, no wonder that sometimes we dream about diving a bus or diving a van.

Dream Dictionary Driving drunk, DUI

Driving drunk is the only thing more dangerous than driving sober in terms of dangerous driving things.

Dream Dictionary Driving downhill, Driving fast

If you have a dream in which you are driving downhill, the speed that you are doing it at matters for the interpretation.

Dream Dictionary Driving in reverse, Driving circles, Driving backwards

Sometimes dreams present us with symbols like driving in reverse, driving backwards or driving circles which is means that we do something in a wrong way.

Dream Dictionary Driving asleep, Driving lost

Driving asleep is a dangerous this activity may end up you get injured or even worse this may case a car crash.

Dream Dictionary Driving from the passenger seat

One thing which you should avoid at all costs is driving from the passenger seat. This will only make things worse for the driver of the car, and yet for some reason many people dream of doing this, literally.

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