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Dream Dictionary

Dream Dictionary

Offers Dream Dictionary Analysis Interpretation Meaning of Dreams Use Our Site to Reveal Meaning of Your Dream Helping Understand The Impact on Your Life Fortune & Finances.

Dream Dictionary Claustrophobia

Claustrophobia is one of the most unnerving things in the world. This word is the word for the fear of small places or being in small places. Some people that experience claustrophobia can have it at a pretty tame level. For example in one level of claustrophobia you might feel like you are just afraid of being shoved into a really small space like a coffin or a very small closet or something like that. However you can also take it to the next level of ear and in that case it means that you are afraid of even thinking about being in small places or being caught with little room to breathe. What does it mean to dream of claustrophobia? Find out here.

Dream Dictionary Classroom

A classroom is a place where class happens. Class can also mean just about anything under the sun depending on who you are. If you are a student in college then class is probably just your standard room where your class usually meets. If you are an adult that is taking adult enrichment courses then a classroom could be anywhere where your class is hosted. If you are a student in high school or below then to you this word might mean that you are in a building known as a school that is just full of classrooms all over. What does it mean when you dream of a classroom? Find out here.

Dream Dictionary Cross Dressing

Cross dressing for those that might not know what it means is what happens when someone of one gender puts on the clothes of someone that is thought to be of a different gender. Some people say that those that participate in cross dressing have some sort of sexual problem or some kinds of sexual issues. However, the cross dressing habits of someone do not necessarily indicate sexual preference at all as proven by famous personalities like Ed Wood. It’s a thing that people do that for some reason seems to excite them and it should not be treated as a sickness or anything like that which might hurt someone’s feelings. What to know what it means if you dream of cross dressing, well keep reading to find out.

Dream Dictionary Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth are something that you don’t see as often these days as you probably used to. Modern scientists have figured out a way to fix just about everything, and teeth are no different than that. If you have a set of crooked teeth, all you need do is go to the dentist and you will be fixed right up with some braces. Sometimes braces can take a long time to set in and sometimes it will take forever for them to really be fixed right up, but in the end, you’ll have a nice new set of beautiful straight teeth and it proves that you really can fix just about anything. What does it mean to have a set of crooked teeth in your dreams? Keep reading to find out.

Dream Dictionary Crystals

Crystals are seen as different things all of the time. The thing is, there is such a wide understanding of what constitutes a crystal and there is even more of an understanding publicly of what constitutes a crystal. This means that a scientist and a civilian might not agree on what a crystal is, but they will always err on the side of a yes rather than of no. Crystals also represent a lot in the world of magic. But if you would like a more detailed discussion of what it means to see a crystal in your dreams or what it means when crystals are involved then just keep reading.

Dream Dictionary Cruise

A cruise is a boat trip that you go on when you are trying to let off some stream or when you are trying to celebrate an important event in your life. You can go on a cruise to just about anywhere but unless it is somewhere that you will really like then you probably won’t be having as much fun. Though you can cruise in a lot of different places and vehicles, such as a car, the thing that a cruise really refers to is a boat. When you go out on a boat trip it means that you are trying to get a bit of relaxation, but what does it mean when it happens in your dreams instead? Find out here.

Dream Dictionary Crutches

Crutches are those odd looking devices that are given to people that suffer serious leg injuries to just one of their legs, or minor injuries to one of their legs and serious ones to the other. Generally doctors recommend that if you go through some serious leg trauma then the best thing to do would be to put a cast on and lie down until you feel better which could take weeks or even a month. But for some people this course of action simply isn’t feasible. People these days can’t just sit down and relax while they have other things to worry about. Thus, they are given crutches to help them keep themselves upright while they are out and about without putting stress on their legs. It is not a perfect system but it’s the best one we have. Find out what it means when you dream of crutches by reading below.

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