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Dream Dictionary

Dream Dictionary

Offers Dream Dictionary Analysis Interpretation Meaning of Dreams Use Our Site to Reveal Meaning of Your Dream Helping Understand The Impact on Your Life Fortune & Finances.

Dream Dictionary Boss

If you are a boss it means you are in control, plain and simple. There are many different levels of bosses in an organization. For example, you may be the manager of a McDonald’s restaurant, but this does not mean that you are the boss of McDonald’s it means that you are the boss of that specific location. There are very many people in a higher position than you and you are one of the lowest rungs on the ladder.

Dream Dictionary Boar

For example, there is the type of boar that is an animal. Then there is the boar as in the kind of person that is uncultured or uncivilized, lacking manners that they should have. Finally, there is the kind of boar that represents a pig headed person, someone that won’t listen to another person’s thoughts or is just way too stubborn. All of these meanings are interrelated in the dream world too, so find out here what it means to dream of a boar.

Dream Dictionary Boat Sinking

Men were known for taking elements of the land and reshaping them to fit their needs, carving out immense stone blocks and bringing them across the land to form pyramids and major buildings. We were once known for founding many amazing civilizations on land, but that was not enough, then we invented boats and became masters of the water as well. If you would like to know what it means to dream of a boat sinking though, then continue reading below.

Dream Dictionary Boots

There are all kinds of boots and shoes that have been crafted to play certain sports, to match the contours of your feet better, but no matter what type of shoes they are, none will compare to boots in terms of sturdiness. Even though they may not look fashionable, they will take you far in life, literally. So what does it mean about you when you are always wearing boots in your dreams? If you would like to know the answer to that question, just keep reading.

Dream Dictionary Boils

Boils could actually be said to be the opposite of that. You try hard to do what you can to maintain your appearance, but really, once you get boils it becomes obvious that you don’t try hard enough. Boils come from getting greasy and disgusting skin. Your pores seep grease once you eat too many greasy foods and other junky food items. Don’t let this happen to you. But what does it mean when you dream of having boils or getting boils? Just keep reading to find out.

Dream Dictionary Boy

While a baby boy is the picture of innocence just like a baby girl would be, an older boy can be a bit of a wild card. On the one hand they are still relatively innocent and are fun to be around, but on the other hand they have a wild streak which can lead them to be mean, rude, and destructive. Even the most prim and proper boys have it. But what does it mean when you dream of a boy? Find out here.

Dream Dictionary Boyfriend Dying

Hopefully it is an experience that you never have to go through, but many people know what it is like to go through an episode of their boyfriend dying. If your boyfriend is taken from you unexpectedly, then this is probably the reason you dream about it so often, you can’t help but think about what could have been. However if you don’t have that issue, thankfully, but are still dreaming of your boyfriend dying, then find out what this might mean here.

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