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Dream Dictionary

Dream Dictionary

Offers Dream Dictionary Analysis Interpretation Meaning of Dreams Use Our Site to Reveal Meaning of Your Dream Helping Understand The Impact on Your Life Fortune & Finances.

Dream Dictionary Boyfriend Cheating

Nobody is immune to the effects of cheating and you can get really hurt in the process. Even if it is done with the utmost secrecy, an eventual emotional outburst will probably cause information about it to leak and this will result in a further argument that has the potential to break a relationship. Even if it doesn’t break the relationship, a bond of trust will be irreparably broken forever. No matter how much healing is done it will never be as good as new. But what does it mean for you when you dream that you have a boyfriend cheating? Find out here.

Dream Dictionary Boyfriend

You would be surprised how relatively far into our history it was that the concept of boyfriend was introduced. In many different incarnations the term was Beau, and in an even older term, they were considered suitors. However, despite the different terminology the word meant basically the same thing, it was meant to apply to the affection at companion of a lady or a man that was interested in men. What does it mean when you dream of a boyfriend? Find it out here.

Dream Dictionary Bowling

Bowling is the hobby (some would consider it a sport) wherein people take very heavy balls and roll them down a lane in order to hit pins at the end. Bowling can be a very satisfying and challenging form of sport but it can also be disrespected as a sport because people feel like it is not legitimate. It is basically a great way of letting go of some aggression but in a precise way at the same time. Without the bumpers on the side, bowling takes a lot of hand eye coordination to be able to make your goals. What does it mean when you continually dream of bowling though? Look no further than here to find out all about that.

Dream Dictionary Bow and Arrow

Even though those times are long past and the usefulness of the bow and arrow has been superseded by the bullet and gun, archery still remains a popular art in some circles and is important to people that continue to practice it as a sport and as a hobby. It helps to increase hand eye coordination and it also has other advantages. But what does it mean when you dream of a bow and arrow? Keep on reading to find out exactly what significance this has.

Dream Dictionary Bowel Movement

Truth be told many philosophers agree that people are simply scared of their bowel movements because they are one of the last things that latch us onto our humanly bodies. They remind us that in some ways we really are no better than animals and it causes us to feel inferior in some way. Really bowel movements are natural, but what does it mean when you can’t get them out of your head or you keep dreaming about them? Continue reading for a look into that.

Dream Dictionary Black Man

In your dream you may met black man or someone of African descent that has a skin pigment close to black or dark brown. The other is the kind of thing that can only happen in a dream where the skin of a person is black as night, or where a person is but a silhouette, entirely black in themselves, or if the person is dressed in all black and ahs their face obscured. Either way there are two different ways that you could see this dream and this will discuss both of them. What does it mean to see a black man in your dreams? Find out here.

Dream Dictionary Black Bear

The bear is known for being ten times the weight of a human in some cases and being able to crush one with its jaws and paws with no problems whatsoever, and yet unless they are directly bothered by humans for some reason then they will likely not have to worry about the bear killing them since bears usually like to keep to themselves. The black bear is a lone ranger that represents that same level of austerity magnified. If you would like to know what it means to dream of a black bear, continue reading here.

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