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The black bird is traditionally seen as a raven of some sort or a crow or a mockingbird or really any kind of black bird that is common. These are the ones that people see most often so they are the ones that people traditionally dream of or see in their dreams. But sometimes this causes people to forget that there are other types of black colored birds out there, not just crows and common birds, there are also ravens and vultures. These kinds of birds have very different dream interpretations when people see them in their sleep. For an in depth discussion of what these birds might mean, read below.
Black beauty was the story of an ailing girl who trained a horse into loving her even though the horse was a mustang and was wild. It was a beautiful and inspiring story that was targeted at all ages. What meaning does this story have to you? Are there other reasons you can think of why a horse’s image might be trapped in your mind? Why have you been dreaming about black beauty lately or black horses in general? Find out here.
Culturally women are known to wear dresses while men conform their bodies to pants and shirts. This is how gender works in our society these days. But what does a black dress mean? While a dress symbolizes femininity, the context that people wear black dresses in usually involves some kind of celebration such as a graduation from high school or college, or a dark setting such as a funeral or something of that sort. Usually black dresses are seen at funerals. What does it mean to dream of a black dress? Find out by reading below.
While a black wolf is a vicious creature, this is too expected. We all know that we associate wolves with fear and it is so well known that the concept of wolves as fearsome creatures has become fairly passé in recent years. Now, the main terror to be afraid of in your dreams is the black dog. To see a black dog suggests a danger less obvious than that which a black wolf might stand for, so what does it mean when you yourself dream of a black dog? Find out by reading along.
Scientists know which ones will do harm and which ones are okay to touch and let crawl over you. For most people though, they are entirely alien and people assume that all of them are dangerous and deadly. This is a great way to keep yourself motivated to stay away from them but ultimately you will end up encountering a few black spiders in your life that you will have to deal with. What does it mean when you see black spiders in your dreams though? Read below to find out.
Black snakes, even though they come in all shapes and sizes from all around the world seem to be the harbinger of doom, or at least they are seen that way by a great many people. Some black snakes like the anaconda can swallow you whole, while other black snakes like the black mamba can poison you and kill you within an hour or less. And some black snakes just do absolutely nothing and will hurt your ankle if they nip at you at the very worst. What does it means when you dream of a black snake though? Find out by reading on.
Far from being a neutral color and the absence of color, they symbolize to us so much more than that. White traditionally represents purity and clarity while black traditionally represents evil and corruption. If you see a book with a classic battle between good and evil at the forefront, to imagine the good side wearing clothes made of white and armor made of silver and to imagine the evil side wearing clothes made of black and onyx and black metals would probably not be far off base from how the author him or herself imagined it. What does it mean when the colors black and white insert themselves into your dreams though? Find out here.