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On a rainy cold day, the thing that we desire most is to get out of the rain, get into pajamas, and watch TV while drinking hot chocolate under a ton of blankets. We also usually have childhood associations with blankets. We were often covered in blankets, our entire bodies wrapped and entangled in them thanks to our parents. So what does it say about you when you have lots of dreams about blankets? Find out by reading the below information.
In America the blonde hair color is thought to be the pinnacle of all shades of hair. It is a sign of beauty. If you have blue eyes and blonde hair at the same time, it is a one two punch of attractiveness no matter your gender. However, men and women (but mostly women) with blonde hair have the unfortunate stereotype associated with them that they are less intelligent than other people. People think that just because a person has blonde hair it makes them more attractive and less intelligent than anyone with another hair color. But what does it mean when you dream of being blonde? Find out here.
This could be a person on person fight, where one man injures another. It could also be an animal attack where the beast goes for the face of the person that is defending themselves. Sometimes a bloody face can come from self inflicted damage such as falling off a bike and scraping cheeks and getting a bloody nose. Whatever the case though, all of these come from serious situations and are all serious injuries in their own right. What does it mean when you have a dream where you have a bloody nose? Find out by reading on.
One reason you may get a bloody nose would be blunt trauma to the nasal cavity, such as being hit in the face by a baseball or a fist. Another reason might be simply because of stress. You can get a bloody nose from picking your nose and going a little too far, or perhaps inserting a Q-Tip into the nose too far. One final reason and the most common, is from a change in altitude. Going to the top floor of a high building or climbing into the sky too fast on an airplane can cause a bloody nose to occur. What does it mean when you get a bloody nose in your dream though? Find out here.
The worst thing about Blisters is that they normally come out of extensive practice. If you spend a lot of time working on playing the guitar, rather than getting some kind of reward for it, your body gives you blisters which make you feel almost as if you are being punished for ever trying to be good at the guitar. If you would like to know what it means to continually dream of a blister, then keep on reading for a bit more information about it.
Because the majority of all of us possess sight, we tend to think of people that are blind as second class citizens. We do what we can to help them, but ultimately it is up to those that have the disabilities to learn to cope with a world that is frustratingly not exactly made for them. We should all feel a bit guilty for putting those disabled persons in a position in which they need to suffer for the way that we live our lives, when we are clearly the ones that are more able to adjust than they are. But what does it mean when you dream about the issue? Find out here.
Blueberries have the power to be extremely sour or extremely sweet just like any other berry, but most of the time a good blueberry will be bland. When it is sweet, this means it is overripe and when it is sour this means it is under ripe. There is a delicate balance that all berry pickers must realize when dealing with blueberries because they are a very fickle fruit. If you would like to know what it means to dream blueberries then look no further than the below information.