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Dream Dictionary

Dream Dictionary

Offers Dream Dictionary Analysis Interpretation Meaning of Dreams Use Our Site to Reveal Meaning of Your Dream Helping Understand The Impact on Your Life Fortune & Finances.

Dream Dictionary Blue Dress

The dress is an interesting dream symbol because of the entire huge list of possible interpretations that seem to be lost when considering the fact that few people actually remember dreams that involve dresses. On top of that, taking into account the color of the dress is an entirely new matter such as with a blue dress for example. Clothing is so typical in our day to day lives that when we dream about it we tend to forget its significance, and thus tend to forget that it even existed in the dream at all. Forget remembering color. However if you do happen to remember having a dream about a blue dress then read here for a discussion of what that might mean.

Dream Dictionary Blue bird

The bluebird is such a rarity that it must represent achievement in some way, and achievement has a direct correlation to happiness. Thus when a person sees a bluebird, it results in making them happy in some way. If you happen to see a bluebird, it also represents sadness because of the color blue and our association with sadness relating to that. This is where the term “the blues” to describe that genre of music came from. But what does a bluebird mean when it shows up as a dream symbol? Find out by reading on below.

Dream Dictionary Blue Eyes

Despite all of the psychological advances we’ve made and the ideas of beauty that have been instilled in all of American culture, the idea that a man or woman featuring blond hair and blue eyes is the pinnacle of beauty is one that has not left the public psyche, and one that we are not sure ever will. For some reason, blond hair and blue eyes are seen to be two of the most attractive qualities a person can possess by American culture at large, and it creates quite a rift between the rest of us, and the chosen few with those attributes. What does it mean to dream of blue eyes though? Find out by reading on.

Dream Dictionary Bleacher

Since most stadiums have seats, to be in the bleachers suggests that you probably have a child that is attending high school or on some kind of little league sports team. But in some other ways the bleachers represent the loss of talent or the lack of it. When a team member is sent to the bleachers in a sports game, it means they are out of play, and are going to sit the game out until they are called on again. What does it mean when you are sent to the bleachers in your dreams? Find out here.

Dream Dictionary Bleeding Mouth

One of these reasons could be that they consumed some sort of food or product which caused them to experience a terrible reaction to the food or product and resulted in a bloody mouth. In extreme cases there are people that are s reactive to either sour or spicy foods that it can result in physical damage to the mouth and cause bleeding. The other reason that bloody mouths come about is due to a lack of care when eating. This can cause one to bite their tongue or another area of their mouth which will then cause bleeding. But what does it mean when someone dreams of a bleeding mouth? Continue reading to find out.

Dream Dictionary Bleeding Gums

Some people that do not take care of their teeth see the bacteria in their mouth growing to such a point that when they do exacerbate their gums with tooth and mouth care, they bleed exorbitantly. Some other reasons that a person might see bleeding gums is if they chew too fast and end up biting their mouth, and a final reason that bleeding gums might occur is if a person is eating sharp shards of something and they cut into the gums. You might want to know the reasons that you would dream of bleeding gums though, and you can find that below.

Dream Dictionary Bible

The brilliant thing about the Bible is that, because the Christian religion has so much influence, because the religion has so many believers, and taking into account the way that services work and the way that Christians worship, in order to get sales for the book it is not even necessary that anyone read the full bible. Priests and pastors exist to interpret the important points for you, and this is where their job stops. If you would like to know what it means to dream of the bible, then continue reading on for a discussion of that meaning.

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