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The bicycle is a wonderful way of getting around that does nothing to harm the environment and is a perfect way of making sure that not only is the ozone layer kept safe, but also that you are kept in shape. The bike is both a method of transportation and a method of exercise and is seen as both by most bikers, but what does it mean when you consistently dream about a bicycle? Keep reading to find out.
Even the simplest bikes being made today still seem to be complex machinery, a mechanism that is ingenious and highly useful. There are many advantages that a bike would have even to a car, such as the ability to have manual control over even the smallest details, the comparative lack of maintenance, and the fact that they can fit into smaller places and be parked easier, as well as maneuvered more easily. What does it means when images of bikes permeate your dreams though? Keep reading to find out.
Scotland has the Loch Ness Monster, countries where there are snowy mountain tops all around yearly have the yetis, and America has the cousin of the Yeti, which is Bigfoot. The Bigfoot monster is one of the most legendary creatures in folklore because he doesn’t actually exist. But while his existence can’t be proven, so many people constantly try to prove it and there is so much cryptozoological focus on him that scientists can’t rightly debunk him either. So what does it mean when images of Bigfoot permeate your dreams?
Many a popular movie and book have quoted the oft repeated proverb that if you catch a fish for a man, you feed him for a day, but if you teach man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. This is one of the quintessential metaphors that so many people like to latch onto because of its simplicity and ease of understanding. The idea behind it is, if you do something for someone when they ask you to do it, such as a homework problem, or solve a problem at work, it will only temporarily get rid of the issue, but if you teach them how to do it on their own, then they will be able to work out problems in the future without having to ask for assistance. But what does it mean for you when you dream of a big fish? Find out here.
While the danger of being hit by a car is probably just as great, if not greater than getting bitten by a dog, on many occasions people walk past with their dogs on a leash and find that their dogs react poorly to other pedestrians. Dogs are fiercely territorial and protective of their owners. So what does it mean for you when you dream that you are bitten by a dog? Find out by reading on.
In a simply psychological experiment, people in a room are shown a picture of a gun and a picture of a snake. The snake gets the heart pumping on people while the gun has little effect at all. We are biologically trained to be afraid of snakes because it is true that they are a danger. And even though we know that we should be afraid of guns, our innate reaction is towards not being afraid. But what does it mean when you not only dream of snakes, but you dream of being bitten by snake? Find out here.
Even the most violent birds usually stick to smaller prey, and the smaller birds have no reason whatsoever to attack large prey. In fact the birds that we usually associate with being violent will only attack humans after they are already dead, such as vultures and turkey vultures. You can thank Alfred Hitchcock for putting the image in your mind of attacking birds. So what does it mean when you have dreams about birds attack? Find out by reading the below information.