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If in dream you get your car covered in bird poop it is almost assured that you are going to have a bad day. And bird poop is also distinctive for being almost entirely white. The worst part about it is that it sticks. Once a bird poops on your car, unless you get it immediately and clean it up, you are going to have to leave it on your car until you take it to a carwash, or until you’re ready to do some major scraping and scratching. If you would like to know what it means to dream about bird poop then continue reading here.
Many people really envy the ability to fly and that is impossible to avoid mentioning when talking about birds. Also, ever since the movie “The Birds” directed by Alfred Hitchcock came out, there has been much fear of birds. This is not an overarching fear that can be notably seen when people pass by birds, but he allowed us to see just how dangerous birds could be if they decided to attack and it turns out they can be pretty deadly. So what does it mean when you see these in your dreams? Find out by reading below.
It is hard to imagine two people that are identical in almost every way functioning together, let alone imagining that they are brothers or sisters and were born at the same time. Though it is not always the case, in many cases these people even have similar interests and likes and dislikes. It must be really surprising to give birth to a set of twins in real life, but what does it mean about you when you give birth to a set of twins in a dream? It has to mean something crazy right? Find out here by reading into it a bit further.
Some think that a birthday party is the one time out of the year that they get the respect they deserve while other people believe that the birthday party is a tribute to all that defines human narcissism. It is a celebration of a person rather than of an event and the accomplishment that the person did in order to be rewarded in such a way? Simply being born. The other argument to this idea is that all of the small things they’ve accomplished changed the course of the world forever in ways we will never know, but whatever your opinion on it, you are dreaming of a birthday party and want to know why. Find out here.
In a tradition as old as written history, parents will remember the day of birth of their child and celebrate that birthday occasion with them once every year because it marks the occasion of that person turning one year older. Some people make a big deal out of their birthday and some people try not to care too much about it, with a few even going so far as to never celebrate their birthday and spurn others for trying to. If you want to know what it means when you dream that it is your birthday though, then continue reading.
Beheading was once a common method of execution for political prisoners and corrupt dictators etc. is now just more of a way of getting a strong message across. Instead of swords, we use guns. We have no need for horses and swords in war anymore, instead choosing to rely on modern weaponry for all of our attacks. The only time swords are used to behead anyone (and guillotines too for that matter) is when terrorists are trying to spread fear throughout the public. So what does it mean when you see beheadings in your dreams? Find out here.
In many cases the term betrayal sounds a little too heavy handed to account for the different things that we sometimes define as a form of betrayal. Cheating on your husband or wife would be considered a form of betrayal, but also lying about who took the last cookie from the cookie jar is a form of betrayal as well. In fact in some cases telling the truth about it is still a form of betrayal if you are betraying someone else’s confidence. But what does it mean when you dream of betrayal? Find out here.