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Dream Dictionary

Dream Dictionary

Offers Dream Dictionary Analysis Interpretation Meaning of Dreams Use Our Site to Reveal Meaning of Your Dream Helping Understand The Impact on Your Life Fortune & Finances.

Dream Dictionary Beaver

Beavers band together and take down trees with nothing more than the teeth in their mouths. They then proceed to carry these trees over to a river and stop the flow of water so that they can fish to their hearts content and reap the benefits of all of their hard work. To be honest, in some ways their ability to function is much more admirable than that of humans. And their tails are just an entirely different matter. But what does it mean when you dream of beavers? Find out by continuing to read on.

Dream Dictionary Beads

Bead stringing is taught at summer camp and every year hundreds of thousands of little girls come home from summer camp carrying bead necklaces or bead bracelets that they’ve created. At the same time many serious artists use beads in their work. Beads are known to be well worked into Native American tradition nationwide too, not just dependant on tribe. Many people participate in beading. But what does it mean when you dream of beads? Find out by continuing to read here.

Dream Dictionary Battle

There are hundreds of thousands of fighters involved, each one armed to the teeth with swords and guns and other weapons, each ready to die to support whatever cause he is fighting for. No matter what the war or what the battle, whenever one of these bloody events occurs it creates a great rift in the public psyche. Battles have an important effect on everyone whether they were involved in them or not, so what do they mean for you when you dream about them? Find out here.

Dream Dictionary Bats

Ever since the idea of the vampire was invented, people seem to think that bats are all blood sucking evildoers who may or may not turn into giant white counts with terrible accents that will then try to suck out all of you life juice. This could not be farther from the truth. The real truth is that bats are totally A-OK to be around and will not harm you most of the time. The large majority of bats subsist on insects and fruits and will leave humans alone, but that does not stop our horrific imaginations from coming up with terrible things. So what does it mean when you can’t stop dreaming of bats? Find out here.

Dream Dictionary Bath

Baths are something that most people in the US and other European nations take every night, either that or showers. This is because people feel that they need to clean themselves of all of the toxins that they shed off during the day. Chances are you probably take baths or showers every day too so you might tend to forget about it or downplay it when you have to do the same thing in your dreams, but it can have significance in this environment too. If you would like to know a little bit about what it means to take a bath in your dreams then keep on reading here to find out.

Dream Dictionary Basketball

Basketball is up there in popularity with baseball, Tennis, and football in terms of how many people watch the matches, and is a little more physical than golf. There are tons of things that go on, on the court that people find hard to keep track of, but for the most part it should be simple in your dream to figure out what’s going on. If you have been having dreams of basketball and want to know what they mean, just keep on reading to hear a discussion of the different things associated with the symbol of basketball.

Dream Dictionary Basement

The basement is seen for many as the sum of all fears. The basement was a dark place and children are also deathly afraid of the dark, so the association with the basement with fear was not all that unprecedented. Adults would tell you not to go down because they thought you would injure yourself in the poor lighting, but their insistence that you not go down in the basement made you afraid of monsters. Now that you are older and wiser you are dreaming of the basement, but what do these dreams mean? Find out by reading below.

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