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Dream Dictionary

Dream Dictionary

Offers Dream Dictionary Analysis Interpretation Meaning of Dreams Use Our Site to Reveal Meaning of Your Dream Helping Understand The Impact on Your Life Fortune & Finances.

Dream Dictionary Baking

Baking is something that is seen as being traditionally domestic, and past the few years was something that was seen as an intrinsically feminine activity. This may have many people worried about the different interpretations involved with baking when it comes in a dreaming context. To help make things a bit clearer, here is a guide on the different meanings of baking as applied to a dream context.

Dream Dictionary Badger

The badger is one of the most important characters in novels such as The Wind in the Willows and is also one of the more docile kinds. Though, to be quite honest, entirely ignoring folklore, the badger is actually one of the most territorial and frightening animals of all time. The badger is ruthless and will put itself in horrible situations in order to achieve its goals. It is a strong fighter, but it is not as friendly as you might perceive it to be. If you would like to know what the symbol of a badger means when it appears in your dreams in that case, continue reading here.

Dream Dictionary Bad Breath

Despite the fact that the sense of smell is one of our strongest senses and is the one that is most connected to memory, when people have dreams that should normally naturally incorporate memories of pungent smells, they are so overloaded with visual memories that it may become hard to recall any smell. Therefore if you can recall any smell at all in a dream it must be important. If you can recall bad breath in your dreams, seriously consider what it might mean as a symbol. Some of those possible meanings of bad breath as a dream symbol will be listed here.

Dream Dictionary Bacon

Meant lovers will attest to how delicious they think it is at the drop of a hat and vegetarians will complain that the thing that they miss most about eating meat is bacon, or will say that they would consider halting their decision to become vegetarian in order to have some bacon again. For the most part obviously these claims cannot be checked and how delicious bacon is totally a matter of opinion. However if you happen to know anyone that is a major proponent of bacon you might want to consider going to them for a little advice on what it might mean to dream of bacon. Here are a few suggestions for those that dream of bacon, on what those dreams might mean.

Dream Dictionary Backward

Whenever a character or a person in a dream or a novel or what have you is going backwards it always symbolizes a regression, but what type of regression that is can be important. It is also important to discuss the different implications that a dream like this could have, because it does not always have to be related to regression. Here are a few possible interpretations of what it means when you go backwards in your dream.

Dream Dictionary Backpack

The backpack is an important symbol and one that has come up relatively recently since for the most part actual backpacks have only come into use recently. The backpack is seen as a tool used mostly by Americans and other European nations. However, what meaning does this symbol have when it appears in a dream? It can have many different meanings but the most important ones will be listed here for anyone interested in interpreting their own dreams.

Dream Dictionary Back

For the most part the back is a very important symbol. People can rarely get a good view of their own back until someone photographs it from a straight angle. And people do not generally see each other’s backs when they are conversing with them regularly since most people converse face to face. Because we have so little contact with backs in the waking world, when they show up in a dream, it becomes an important symbol. Keep reading for possible meanings of seeing a back in your dreams.

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