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Dream Dictionary

Dream Dictionary

Offers Dream Dictionary Analysis Interpretation Meaning of Dreams Use Our Site to Reveal Meaning of Your Dream Helping Understand The Impact on Your Life Fortune & Finances.

Dream Dictionary Baby Dying

When someone witnesses a baby dying in real life it tends to be something that they do not forget for the rest of their life. If you have had the misfortune of having to witness this tragedy then you may be dreaming of it because it is prevalent in your mind. You saw it once and now you can’t stop seeing it. It keeps showing up in your dreams because it is important to you. However, sometimes this has a different symbol associated with it and this is necessary to discuss in order to get a good grasp on what it means for those that have not witnessed it. Here is that meaning.

Dream Dictionary Baby Birds

A marvel of biology because of its ability to fly, humans have studied it forever to try and come up with something as beautiful and functional as their wings that we too can use to help us work a little bit better than we already do. However, these studies have not gone so well for the most part. Instead, leave it to the Wright brothers to come up with something more useable and practical to us than any of the wing based inventions that we see in the science fiction universe. There are a few reasons you might dream of birds, but of baby birds? Only a handful. Here are those reasons that you may dream of baby birds.

Dream Dictionary Baby Elephant

However, what cultural perceptions and scientists can all agree on is the fact that elephants have a ferocious capability of remembering certain things. Elephants are quite well known for their memories and have been known to symbolize remembrance and all kinds of other nifty things for a long while in many cultures and belief systems. However, when baby elephants are added into the picture, it becomes much more interesting to interpret what elephants mean in this regard. So what does it mean to dream about a baby elephant? Find out here.

Dream Dictionary Baby Chickens

On the one hand the chicken is seen as a food source to many while on the other hand the chicken is seen as a bird which represents fear. This is not to say that a chicken is a scary animal, but it is more to say that the chicken is seen as an animal that is representative of another’s fear. For example, have you ever heard anyone call you a chicken the last time you got scared of something? This is because the chicken is now seen to mean the epitome of fear. However, what does a chicken mean when you dream of it? Continue reading for the answer to this question.

Dream Dictionary Baby Teeth

Sometimes baby teeth fall out in dreams and the message has to do with communication and ability to get yourself across correctly. Sometimes when baby teeth show up in your dreams then it means that you are thinking too much about childhood or are perhaps going through some kind of transformation or transition from one stage of life to another. Regardless of what the meaning is in your dream specifically, baby teeth have a huge significance in the world of dream interpretation and it is important to decide what they mean and why they are so important.

Dream Dictionary Baby Boy

The baby boy can act as a symbol for a childlike display of masculinity for some and could also act as a symbol of innocence and frailty for others. There are many meanings that a baby boy may hold culturally, but how do all of these meanings relate and what do they mean when this symbol is one that seems to constantly reoccur in your dreams? Find out by reading on here.

Dream Dictionary Baby Girl

Children in general are perceived as completely innocent in many situations, but baby girls are seen as an extra level of innocence. This is generally believed to be related to the way that women are perceived in society. Women are seen as being more delicate or fragile. Even though we now know this to be a regressive thought, this is still what culture widely leads us to believe. Men are seen to be strong and emotionally resilient. A baby girl then would be seen as even more emotionally expressive and even more fragile. But what does this symbol mean in your dreams? Continue reading to find out.

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