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The baby is the beginning of a new life in the universe and means a lot to the woman that births it and to the man that fathered it as well as to all of the people that the child will one day meet and change the lives of. From this level of importance we can gather that the baby as a dream symbol will have a fairly significant dream meaning. When you have a dream involving a baby, you should not ignore it, in fact you should be sure to consult a dream dictionary immediately when a dream of a baby occurs.
Many Africans still live reclusive lives, in smaller outposts separate from the rest of society. They are not uncivilized, but operate on an entirely different cultural spectrum and preserve the way that their ancestors once lived. On the other hand, those rich from gold and oil live in comfort on the other side of the country and on top of all of this is strong political turmoil that threatens to split the country in two. However, what does it mean when you dream about Africa? Read on for your answer.
Despite all of the ways that modern stances have progressed the way that sex is treated legally and socially, being in love with multiple people, or having sex with someone else when you are in a committed relationship is still extremely frowned upon. Whether or not this will ever change, it is still for the best that this taboo exists so as not to hurt the feelings of your significant other. But what does it mean when you dream of cheating on your partner? Find out by reading on.
The AIDS virus works by attacking the immune system directly. Rather than having any awful symptoms by itself, the symptoms are actually rather benign. What it does is weaken your immune system to the point that even the smallest sniffle inducing cold will be totally deadly to you as your body will have no natural defense against it. If you have a dream about the AIDS virus though it probably means that you will need to do some self evaluation to figure out some things in your life. This is why.
If you are used to flying on a plane, then the fact that the plane landed safely should not be a surprise to you. The plane landing safely is an everyday occurrence, why should this be special? In a dream, everything has a special significance. This is why when you see a plane landing in your dream, you should try to find a little more in depth information about what this occurrence means.
The events of 9/11 did not help the public psyche in terms of having to worry about plane crashes. In fact it is because of the popularity of images and instances like this in real life and in media that people still think that being involved in a plane crash is fairly common. Truthfully it is rare to be in a plane crash, but then, there has to be another reason why so many people dream about it. What does this image mean when it is found in a dream?
Airports open up for us thousands of gateways to new areas, giving us many options on where we want to go. Journeys that would take us years by foot now can be completed in the space of a few hours thanks to airplanes, and by extension airports. But what significance does the airport have on your dreams and what does it mean to dream of airports? That will be answered here.