Offers Dream Dictionary Analysis Interpretation Meaning of Dreams Use Our Site to Reveal Meaning of Your Dream Helping Understand The Impact on Your Life Fortune & Finances.
The androids have been written about for a hundred years or more, ever since the idea was created through science fiction writing, of a functioning electronic being that could mimic humanity. Original concepts of them were fairly rudimentary, but with the onset of a more technological age where movies are getting better and better at making realistic looking robots, they are becoming more and more real and even occasionally showing up in our dreams. Yet, what it means when you see one in your own dreams can be absolutely fascinating in interpretation.
This is not something that is usually shared with strangers, and human nature seems to compel us to be naturally embarrassed by our parts. Some would suggest that witnessing your own anus in a dream is suggestive of strong sexual fixations but this is not always the case. You would be surprised to see what it means about you when you are looking at the anus in your dreams.
Anger is borne out of frustration over a situation, but whenever you get angry at the situation, you will just become worse at handling it. No matter what the situation is, whenever you get angry, it is guaranteed that your mind will be less focused, you will not be able to accept input from other sources and you will just be generally more distracted. This is not good for productivity and it will only cause you to falter in your progress. But why would you ever be angry in a dream? Find out by continuing to read.
When you are angry at something, you tend to get less focused. For example if you get angry at not being able to perform a task, then you will still have to do the task until completion. However when you get angry at it, it will only cause you to do worse. With a little more patience you would be able to master it, but this involuntary anger takes control and ruins your abilities. How do these emotions affect us in our dreams though and what does this mean?
The angel represents the paragon of all good. This is because they are heaven sent to protect and serve you. While God or Jesus represents the true embodiment of all good, people do not feel worthy in their presence. People feel that their sins are too great, or they fear that they will be judged. The angel is a representative between heaven and earth, but they can means something very different when they appear in your dreams.
This is because the ant eater, being a creature that obtains its main source of sustenance from ants, need to be able to reach onto ant holes. But because of the fact that the ants around them are so large and dangerous, they cannot just reach in with their hands. Therefore they stick in their tongues from their long snouts which are meant to stretch for very far and be very durable against attack, and snatch the ants out. They evolved their bodies to fit their eating needs. But what do these strange and remarkable creatures mean when you dream about them. Find out here.
Those magnificent horns on the heads of stags are seen as the paragon of beauty by some and seen as the paragon of masculinity by others. To some they are religious artifacts. They are viewed so many different ways that it is hard to keep track of all of the meanings, but what you are probably concerned with is what they mean in the context of a dream. What do they mean about you and your life when you see antlers appearing in your dreams?