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Taurus Monthly Horoscope

Taurus Horoscope for September 2020

Free Monthly Horoscope for September 2020 for Zodiac Sign Taurus

Taurus September 2020

If you’re tired of cosmic curveballs, you might roll your eyes at September, Taurus. A thunderstorm of energy involving electric Uranus in your own sign awaits you, but you can use this fully to your advantage. In all actuality, you’ll fare better than most other signs this month thanks to your recently learned skill of navigating through sudden change unscathed.

it out, and you may even decide that September is your favorite month so far.

Endings manifest on the 2nd with the Full Moon in Pisces and your eleventh house. Because this area of your chart is the domain of friendships and social networks, maybe you’re deciding that it’s time to move on from something that just doesn’t feel in sync

On the other hand, you could enjoy a heart-to-heart with an intelligent friend that strengthens your vision for the future.

A few key events occur on the 5th, including a tense semi-square between Uranus in your own sign and North Node in your second house of possessions. Because the planet of surprises is involved, you might find yourself dumping some
belongings as a shocking display of rebellion. On the other hand, this could mean someone else unexpectedly forces you to “let go” of something you value.

Either way, don’t let your desire for freedom distract you from developing your positive qualities.

Also on the 5th, Mercury moves into Libra and your sixth house of health and wellbeing. Where have you been
out of balance regarding your work and the details of daily life? Over the next few weeks, this energy grants you the concentration you need to set everything back in order.

Homegrown nostalgia and atmospheric aesthetics are on your mind after the 6th when your planetary ruler Venus enters big and beautiful Leo. As the planet of love and beauty travels
through your fourth house of home and family, there is an opportunity to earn money remotely – maybe even in your pajamas!

Expect a gentle and peaceful air of calm after the whirlwind you endured last week.

Everyone gets burned around the 9th when Mars stations retrograde in Aries, but you’re nearly fireproof on the outside. The real issue for you
over the next 8-10 weeks is making sense of unpredictable results. As the warrior planet of action and desire takes a backseat in your twelfth house of all things unseen, it might feel like some invisible person is steering the boat you call your life. When nothing makes sense, know it’s normal to have doubts, especially at this time.

When Jupiter stations
direct in his domicile (your ninth house) on the 12th, any fears should begin to melt away. Bringing wisdom, luck, and progress, the planet of good fortune sets you up for a prosperous rest of the year.

As for everything that’s been holding you back? The great benefactor says “No deal” to these ancient restrictions, so you should follow suit.

The New Moon on the 17th is especially good for you because it occurs in Virgo – a fellow earth sign. Because this is a new beginning in your fifth house of creative self-expression and romantic endeavors, the world is almost in the palm on your hands.

If you’ve been craving a celebration or a playful just-for-fun outing, anytime around this
New Moon is perfect. You’re oozing pleasure and passion, so everyone’s more than happy to keep you company!

You won’t be abandoning hard work all month though. The Sun reaches your sixth house of work and service on the 22nd and illuminates that area of life for the next month or so. During this cycle, your focus is on doing things
well and taking care of the details, so this is a great time to tackle a few chores or anything else that requires balanced discipline.

As if the Sun’s transit through Libra wasn’t enough, Mercury enters your seventh house of partnerships on the 27th to emphasize this focus on balance again. Over the next few weeks, you need to weigh the
pros and cons of every decision, considering your own needs and factors outside of them. If you have anything important, do your best to introduce it in a one-on-one setting.

Wrapped in customary trappings and determined to have you doing everything right on cue, Saturn stations direct in Capricorn on the 29th.

For the rest of the year, you’ll be challenged
to let go of relics of the past and step outside of everything you’ve known, no matter how scary that process might feel. You’re on a quest to know the world and find the higher meaning in everything, so you’ll need to go a little farther than where you’ve traveled before.

Some situations this year have caused you to act “out
of character,” but you’re sketching yourself exactly how you want to be seen as you approach October.

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