Virgo Weekly Horoscope for 28 December, 2020 - 3 January, 2021
You are excellent at satisfying others, but check your resentment quotient. Like a vacuum cleaner bag, it needs to be changed regularly lest you start spraying grit all over people who don’t know why you’re upset. Excellent news: Abundant Jupiter dives into sign Pisces for a prolonged visit, offering you myriad shots at personal growth and advancement. No doubt you will welcome this chance with open arms.
Lucky numbers for this week: 95, 9, 91, 49, 62
The current page of our website has a weekly horoscope for Virgo posted on it. It is not hard to guess that if the horoscope is weekly, it gets updated every week. This means you will be able to find new and useful information here on a weekly basis. After all, it is not a secret any more that it is
astrological forecasts that are one of the most effective means on your road to success.
Think for yourself. If you are born in the sign of Virgo, you have absolutely everything to become successful and fully realize your potential. However, without taking into account the energy emanations of the solar system's planets your road to a cherished dream may be intertwined
with many difficult situations - this is when you would really benefit from having a loyal and knowledgeable ally on your side. Mercury - your exaltation planet - may very well be such an ally for you. Without additional help, you won't have a single idea what Mercury's current position is and which benefits can be extracted from it. The weekly
horoscope for Virgo you can see above will solve this dilemma brilliantly. It will show you where your focus should be and when you can safely proceed ahead without thinking twice about it. Thus, in a situation like this a horoscope is not a prediction for the future, but a sort of a guide/manual which doesn't modify any of your goals
or life positions, but simply shows you the fastest and safest way to where you want to arrive.
In other words, a weekly horoscope for Virgo, apart from clearly being a predicting or should we say indicating tool, also has a number of constructive peculiarities which all boil down to this: a horoscope can help you identify the source of current
problems in a faster and more precise way. Stars will not take your competitors down, but will tell you when they are the most vulnerable and supply you with life energy you need. Many esotericians believe that this is one of the main functions of the stars - to help people. This may sound child-like or seem like a fairy-tale, but
given the fact that astrology was recognized as a full-fledged science 10 years ago, it is silly to deny the fact that there is a grain of truth in this statement. And it will be even sillier not to take advantage of the chances that astrology gives each and every one of us.