Zodiac signs Well
The Zodiac Sign Aquarius Love Compatibility Horoscope

Aquarius Love Compatibility Horoscope

Zodiac sign Aquarius Love Compatibility

Compatibility of Aquarius, Basic Traits of the sign of the Zodiac Aquarius' Love & Romance Character, Aquarius Relationships Individual Preferences, those born during January 21 - February 19

Aquarius and Aries Love Compatibility Horoscope

This connection will be stormy and will bring a lot of new emotions. There is a chance that the Aries will be dominating, as the Aquarius is more passive. The planet Uranus, which rules Aquarius, is unpredictable in its actions; therefore, Aquarians have a tendency to procrastinate too much to please the Arians "up and at 'em" characteristics. If both sides try a bit of tact & understanding, this great love affair could turn into something special. The Aries must be very tactful if he/she wants to deal with this extremely emotional dreamer. In bedroom Aquarius, while jealous and possessive of his/her partner, rarely overindulges activities as he/she has far more things to do and be engrossed in; therefore he/she is not as sexually active as Aries would like, and Aries will come to see Aquarius as a selfish lover. It is an unusual turn of events in this connection. In case of marriage, a lot will be depending on how much they love each other.

Aquarius and Taurus Love Compatibility Horoscope

Aquarius's careless attitude toward love will baffle and finally enrage highly passionate Taurus, who doesn't want someone just to play with. The Aquarius is inclined to analyze everything and is not very interested in getting pleasure from making love. The Aquarius would rather prefer to talk, but the sensual Taurus will not be satisfied with such type of love. Taurus will seem to be too requiring for the Aquarius. These two are stubborn in very different ways: Aquarius refuses to be conventional, while Taurus rigidly adheres to the values of family and security. Aquarius is interested in humane concerns; Taurus is single-minded about itself and its possessions. Aquarius puts a low emphasis on sex and places it far down on the list of necessities. This attitude could cause Taurus some major upsets as he/she will not be able to accept the problems of the whole world sharing his/her bed, which could cause Taurus to become over-demanding in Aquarius' eyes.

Aquarius and Gemini Love Compatibility Horoscope

Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius, is full of surprises and sudden changes. This will suit the Gemini perfectly. Gemini is capable to subordinate to the Aquarius' will. There will be a lot of pleasant things in a bedroom, though the lack of passions is also possible. The changeable Gemini is easily influenced by the Aquarius' constant pressure. They love to socialize, they have a wide range of outside activities, and neither is particularly jealous or proprietary. The sexual attraction between them is likely to be intense, as Aquarius finds Gemini to be very attractive physically. This couple will be fine bed-mates and fascinating friends. It is an interesting connection which may turn into a charming marriage.

Aquarius and Cancer Love Compatibility Horoscope

Fun-loving Aquarius will be too unpredictable for a vulnerable Cancer. The Cancer is usually more open and steady than Aquarius, who is inclined to find new adventures. Aquarians love to share their life stories with the world while Cancer is satisfied to concentrate on personal obligations. Cancer has a conservative taste; Aquarius tastes are usually the opposite. The Cancer's needs can't remain unsatisfied. Aquarius tends to exempt him/herself from the emotional requirements. They are able to find a common language in the bedroom for some time, though they will not sustain this partnership in the drawing room for a long time. The eccentricity of Uranus does not go well with the moods of Luna. Odds against this combination are too great for this combination unless one will become subservient to the other.

Aquarius and Leo Love Compatibility Horoscope

Leo can't get the cooperation or the admiration it requires, and Aquarius resents Leo's attempt to rule. They have different views of independence: to Aquarius, it means freedom to explore new horizons; to Leo, it means pursuing a glamorous, extravagant lifestyle. Aquarius is interested in the world; Leo is strictly interested in Leo. Their sexual life will be unsatisfactory for Leo as Aquarius can and will find others that capture their interests and this will frustrate Leo, causing Leo to think that his/her mate is inhuman and uncaring. While these two will be attracted to one another, they are zodiac opposites which means that it can be bad as well as good connection.

Aquarius and Virgo Love Compatibility Horoscope

Both are mental signs rather than emotional ones, but Virgo looks on the darker side of life while Aquarius is imaginative and optimistic. There is no strong sexual attraction between them. Aquarius needs activity, social events, and a wide circle of acquaintances. Virgo enjoys a quiet existence with a few close friends. There will be neither especially strong excitation, nor interesting erotic games. The sober, practical Virgo is inclined to criticize the Aquarius' generosity. Their goals are very different: Aquarius wants to be as brilliant as possible; Virgo wants to be as efficient as possible. The marriage is possible in case they both have strong feelings towards each other.

Aquarius and Libra Love Compatibility Horoscope

They should suit each other perfectly. Warm, sensual Libra joins with enthusiasm in Aquarius's erotic fun and games. Also, diplomatic Libra knows just how to get around Aquarius's quirky stubborn streak. Libra is waiting for a support from the Aquarius in this life full of adventures. They both like to live in a society and will participate in public affairs. They have a lot of friends, however, they do not forget their own interests. While there are some aspects of their personalities that will irritate the other they will find it easier than most signs to compromise. The opinions of others mean very little to Aquarius, he/she cannot understand how Libra can be wounded by a cruel remark from someone else and will possibly feel that Libra is being over sensitive. They will be happy together, even without perfect sex. This is a sensual connection and a good forecast for the conjugal relations.

Aquarius and Scorpio Love Compatibility Horoscope

This combination usually ends up getting into unpleasant terms after a little time. Fueled by Scorpio's volatility and Aquarius's imaginativeness, sex is quite out of the ordinary. But Aquarius is turned off by Scorpio's powerful and jealous passions, and Scorpio is upset by Aquarius's unpredictable moods. Aquarius constantly participates in numerous public affairs. Scorpio can't bend the Aquarius to his/ her will, because of Aquarius' love of freedom. The Aquarius is extremely sociable. The Scorpio is reserved. The happiness in bed will not help this couple to be happy together. Let everyone go their own way.

Aquarius and Sagittarius Love Compatibility Horoscope

This combination usually has a great chance for success. These two are so innovative about lovemaking that they ought to charge admission. In addition, they inspire each other intellectually, for Aquarius has far-out, inventive ideas and Sagittarius is optimistic and visionary. They both are unpredictable, active and cheerful. They both like making love. They have a rich imagination and they are full of interesting fantasies. They love to be the center of everyone's attention. Usually, they are interesting people which are not suffering from jealousy. There is a very good chance for a successful relationship. Many of their values are alike and their need to be outgoing and sociable is inherent in both of these people. Aquarius and Sagittarius both understand the need to let the other be when they need their freedom.

Aquarius and Capricorn Love Compatibility Horoscope

Both signs have a strong sense of self, but Aquarius wants to be free and Capricorn wants to dominate. They will find out soon that their romance has turned into a friendship. It is uneasy for the Capricorn to cope with the Aquarius in intimate affairs. The Aquarius is an inventive, free-willed person. He/she can't long be in love with the practical Capricorn. Aquarius is continually on the go and likes to spend money. Capricorn considers that frivolous and tries to impose strict controls. Aquarius may go through a number of jobs, searching for the right challenges but Capricorns' need for financial security is so strong that this will horrify him/her. This is not a satisfactory connection, and marriage will require efforts.

Aquarius and Aquarius Love Compatibility Horoscope

They are perfectly compatible with each other. They are both inventive in love. However, there are no deep feelings between them. They are both too rational, reasonable and moderate for deep and strong feelings. There are many personal interests. Given, that they are unsuited physically, they will not find this odd, nor a reason to allow hostilities into their relationship, for sex does not play a big role in either one's life as they are easily distracted by daily happenings and other people's problems. In general, it promises to be a pleasant connection and reliable marriage as a result.

Aquarius and Pisces Love Compatibility Horoscope

In case Pisces study the Aquarian horoscope, this may not be a bad combination. But usually, their sexual affinity turns into a war with elements of a melodrama. The sensitive Pisces dependent on the Aquarius too much and constantly demanding the proofs of his/her love. The Aquarius feels depressed. The Pisces is a highly complex personality that must be the center of attention in his/her lovers' life, and this is disheartening to Aquarius, who believes in developing individuality. Pisces can have deep bouts of depression and if he/she perceives that Aquarius is unsympathetic to these he/she may cut Aquarius off completely and make his/her own private decision about their life together. This connection seems to be promising at first, but it will never turn into a happy marriage.

♒ Horoscopes for Aquarius

The Zodiac Sign Aquarius Love Compatibility Horoscope Zodiac signs Well

Zodiac sign


Comments: Aquarius Love Compatibility Horoscope

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AquaWoman 2018-01-04 19:00:40
I was married to a Gemini.. Yeah we have a good sex I'm wild in bed and he is good bed BUT he is irresponsible husband and father!

I have an Aries boyfriend at the moment he is not very expressive with his feelings, he said twice he loves me while I'm sleep. And I think I love him! I don't know whether he loves me or not!

what do you think guyz?

M Aquarius 2018-01-03 07:51:55
Has any Aquarius Male been able to make it work with a Female Capricorn???
Busi 2017-12-30 10:26:14
Hi I am in a relationship with Aries but I don't feel complete. I was in Love with a Libra guy and separated but now he asked for love back I wish I can leave Aries guy and go back to Libra I feel complete when I'm with him. Please advise confused
lol chench 2018-09-02 01:40:28
Don’t stay for comfort. Live your life with the love of your life. Don’t make my mistake
Aries 2017-09-26 02:41:48
Will an Aquarius man stay with a woman older than him, divorced with a kid, and still living with her parents?
Rita 2018-03-01 15:22:17
Thats a lot to ask from any astrology sign, but an aquarian is open an willing to take on problems head on. If he lives you, he will stay
loreal 2017-02-06 17:50:00
my boyfriend is a Leo and im an Aquarius and we have the best relationship
Adewale 2016-12-31 22:50:41
My ex-wife of march 29 who had left me for 5yrs now, wants to come back while i have found july 17 girl whom she's ready to get married to me. What should i do?
Potato 2017-05-11 18:40:15
Get with the girl you want. Your Ex-Wife had left you.. Now, she wants you back.. Why did she leave you? Now, The other girl, Do you have a good connection with her? Do you guys have fun other?
aquarilove 2017-01-06 13:29:38
Get married to the girl who is a Leo. My husband is a Leo, and I am an Aquarius and we have one of the best relationships. He is my best friend, and we are compatible to them. We balance each other out. We learn to except each other's flaws and stick it out.
mz strokie 2016-10-17 21:58:07
Im an Aquarius and my first love was a Libra only reason it didn't work cause we were very young ... My father and older sis are Libra so i know Libra activity very well.. In now I'm engaged to a Libra and everything seems perfect ! So i believe this site is right Libra and aquarians are compatible AW my mom is Aquarius and dad is Libra
lovelibra 2016-09-01 20:20:01
i been knowing this aquarius for3yrs and he is a hoe he used me up and then now he found someone else
nad 2016-07-15 21:25:38
I am scorpion(22 2 1995) whoman i am in love with aquarin(9 6 1996) man if it is possible for our marriage say our life after marry
i am scorpion 2016-07-15 21:17:58
I am in love with aquarian deeply and he is 1 and half younger than me it is possible to get marry with him
miracle 2016-03-24 06:30:30
M taurus 26 april, N I found this gemini 21 june, N I love him so much but he has this problem that he always think only for himself,always remembering hurtful past..I got tired of it. now I found this aqarius 14 February he is so lovely caring N understanding. I think I will go for him... scorpion guy that hv dated are hurting N they love to c tears... M taurus female
Teejay 2016-02-08 18:03:04
I'm a cancer woman that's in love with aquarian guy but i'm a bit scare if it doesn't work out as plan...
Millie 2017-12-12 11:19:32
Im an Aquarian female and married a cancerian male. Marriage was wrong from the srart needless to say it didn't work out.
However my dad is an Aquarian and my mother a cancerian and i think that's why its worked. Dad has flair, strong and independent and enjoys socialising. Mum shes a homebody and nurturing and is oposite.

24 2015-12-24 20:44:06
I have found a very beautiful Aquarius woman and I love her to death. I am a Libra and tbh me and her have hit our relationship running. we compliment each other so well its amazing. we have not had sex yet but we have had some really good fun. I love her and I wouldn't trade her for the whole world. She means everything to me.
amelia 2016-05-16 12:01:12
I am an aquarius and I get along SO well with Libras!! perfect match! No I dont have a libra in my life, he's a gemini and he can be a bit self centered but he is a good match as well, but a libra would have been perfect! enjoy!
Courtney 2015-12-04 16:31:53
Im in love with a sag im a aqu I don't know how to let him know that
Cancer 2015-10-28 23:56:01
I am in a relationship with an Aquarian and we are nothing like the discription that was given we compliment each other in everything. All our friends see us as the perfect couple we are always the same wirh each other.
Aquarius woman 2015-10-10 14:29:05
Honestly I am just confused right now. I am in a relationship with a Capricorn and all that is said here it's true. Our relationship is more like a second job to me. He wants to always be making decisions for the both of us and if I try to oppose I am been disrespectful. I am suffocating in this relo. Our sex life is nothing to be desired. So old fashioned it's like we are over 50 years old. When I try to spice things up I am to him I am acting like a porn star. I can't take it no more. We make love like twice in a week at the most.

I meant a Leo man not so long ago. I found myself giving myself to him sexually. He handled me so well. I felt like I could do anything with this guy. That was all to it though.I am not glad that I cheated on my boyfriend. I was just being honest to my desires. Even though and Aquarius are not compatible in other things that was a moment I wish could last forever.

I have never dated a or . Don't know if I can keep trying with this dating thing I am just tired of trying.
Aquaman 2016-05-04 11:36:13

Don't give up
meme lord 2015-09-08 14:25:14
I'm an aqua girl and i just hope that i get to marry harry styles that's all i want
sweet diamond 2015-08-31 19:32:09
😭 i am with a libra and so far so good.
we like each other,
d sex is superb,
financially,he has tamed my excesses,
mood swings impossible with a librian
emmmmm,we know we peas in a pod,but trust me,we both scared of commitment.
bottom line, i wont trade him for all diamond in d world, he is my pride.
D D 2015-08-21 11:08:34
I am a Leo woman and I'm in love with an Aquarius man. Every website I go to says we are opposites but I don't agree. I was born August 1st, he was born feburary 16. We actually have a lot in common. He's so passionate and loves to go out and meet new people. So do I. We're different in cultural ways because he is Russian and I am African American but physically we can't get enough of eachother and I could talk to him all day and never get bored! Idk maybe the zodiac thing is bullshit or were just the lucky ones
Rebecca 2015-10-12 01:23:54
I think this is a generalization of the signs. If you truly want it to work, it will. Congratulations on finding a perfect match for you.
Alyssa 2015-08-03 07:19:39
I think Aquarius are very nice, smart and beautiful.they are able to respect the other and always find away to make the cancer happy. I'm a cancer. We're teens and I love her.
Aquarius Rose 2015-07-27 02:49:35
I'm an Aquarius chick & I'm madly in love with a Cancer. Thought for sure a Sagittarius would be my perfect match. We were together off n on for 10 years. Rough break ups but a wonderful relationship when it was good. Odd. Now my Cancer mate healed my heart & i never been so crazy for someone. Now expecting our first baby.
Aquamelodrama#1 2015-07-15 06:55:35
I am an aquarius women who not only fell in love with a gemini but also a cancer and an aquarius.All at different stages of my life and all three relationships were down right fails.The aquarius i dated was up himself and only cared about money and himself as what you all keep forgetting is there is more to horoscopes and compatabilities then what we so stupidly read about.The gemini i dated was at first the best guy i could of asked for then the moment we started a family it all went down hill and i was entrapped in a violent relationship for 5 years straight as his personality didn't agree with mine sexually or otherwise,We were just too different altogether.Then the latest and most recent was the cancer and my god the sex was great....But that's it.We never shared an agreement on anything else but sex.He was 100% jealous over me having a life and worse having friends.He on purpose destroyed a 10 year friendship over his own personal pettie jealousies and all we did was argue.I've dated a capricorn as well and we were better MATES then we ever were as a couple.The leo i dated was too interested in himself then me.

So i ask you ladies do you really believe in horoscop-ic compatabilities or is it just a stupid crock that simple mindedness influences as false hope?
People also forget that their is so much more that explains our personalities like chinese horosopes,western animal horoscopes etc etc

you all just read one and walk a mile with it rather than getting the WHOLE truth about yourself and others...Relationships work when everyone works with them and not against them...Simple
tasha 2015-09-22 10:22:42
I agree, but also i think signs just gives you the base of a person. Then theirs other factors that play apart like how they was raise, what they have been threw etc. It just let u know that that sign could work if u find the right person.
Aquariusone 2015-06-29 03:58:05
I'm an a Aquarius and I'm in love with a Libra and a Gemini. I love both but the Gemini keeps me more happy. But my Libra is more connected to my personal life. What do i do?
Cshaun 2015-08-26 04:02:07
I'm an Aquarius and I fell in love with a Libra. It's the most exciting and loving relationship. We both respect each other but are our own individuals. I can't see myself with anyone else
Female Aquarus 2015-05-17 12:49:34
Started dating a Taurus when I was 16 he was 5 years older than I, we now have 3 children, I have spent the most of these 16 years feeling trapped and angry, I've never been able to follow my dreams with him, I think he actually hates when I'm happy, I look forward to the future when I have my children raised so I can be free! It's been a crazy ride with him, major bumps the whole way, I've stayed so my kids don't live in a broken home, so I work hard to make it work and give in to my Taurus husband, though this has caused major resentment and s*x sucks feels more like a chore or duty to just keep the peace! 🙁
Another female aquarius 2015-12-24 21:11:01
I used to be in a relationship with a Taurus from when I was 15 and on for the next year and a half. He tore down my dreams and made me unhappy even though he claimed he loved me. It was a chore for me to keep the peace too :/
Amy the Aquarius 2015-10-19 04:05:37
I was married to a Taurus male and he squashed my whole personality and destroyed my self worth and discovering my own interests. He was abusive and finally I got rid of him. Divorced since March and I went back to my maiden name! I could not be happier and more grateful for every breath I take in life!!! I finally did it after 17 years!!!
Mama Aquarius 2015-06-15 08:43:31
Wow! I am an aquarius and was married to a Taurus, it was HELL. He stayed angry all the time almost like he was addicted to it. If everyone in the house was happy (me and kids) he would rain on our parade. Me and the kids were afraid to be jovial and pleasant and have fun because he didn't know how to come out of his selfish black hole and enjoy life. He had issues with celebrating the people in his life, which meant me and our kids, and it became verbally abusive. My once optimistic and happy socialable self turned into a depressed resentful angry woman. We were married way too long....6 years. The children were glad when we left him. Our new home was called "Happy House."
Sara 2015-05-29 02:48:53
Im an aquarius and my boyfriend is also a taurus. We're deeply in love and want to get married in the near future. I feel like my boyfriend has alot of characteristics your husband have. Your situation puts things in persepctive for me. Alot to think about 🙁 I wish you the best of LUCK

Tashi 2015-03-24 16:46:36
I am an aquarian deeply in love with a Gemini man. Hope it works for us
M Gomez 2015-06-10 23:52:53
It dose work out but like it says you can influence him very well he is also very influenced by others and can become jealous and possessive from my experience at first not really but once hes really in love with you they tend to get pretty territorial from my experience s*x is so amazing and spending time together is wonderful just make sure to consider them when hanging out with friends because they get pretty jealous and possessive from my experience like no lie i dated a Gemini for 3 years and towards the end he got violent because he got some new friends that convinced influenced him to not lt me be me that he had to be in control but other than that great relationship i love him he left me because the last time i saw him he punched me in the mouth because i called his friends good for nothing baster "you know i said curse words as well but I'm not going to say that here" and he left and got stoped jaywalking with the joint and got deported so i told him i would wait for him which i did but i guess he couldn't wait so after 6 months after his deportation he dupt me. And all i have now are memories and i laugh at the fact that he got my name tattooed on his arm extremely humongous it very hard to miss but i still love him and its been 2 years sins he dupt me
Jane 2015-03-07 17:20:34
Thank u soo much this really helped!!
Omarys Lazaro 2015-03-06 19:17:30
I have been my boyfriend for 5 years now and he is a Scorpio, I love him very much but the sex is not the best for me?

I would not want to lose to him, but sometime are fights can really push me away 🙁
Galagirl95 2015-02-24 08:50:07
II'm an Aquarius female. I'm in love with a Pisces and a Virgo. I can't have both. I have been on several sites, some say a Pisces is better others say the Virgo. Does anyone have any experience with both?
Scarlet 2015-12-20 10:57:49
I am in love with a Virgo he is very kind to me and we have a lot of the same interests (I too am an Aquarius).I think you should go with Virgo not because I like one but because they are least likely to cheat on you or break your heart and if you are in a relationship with one they will try their best to keep their lover happy.
AquariusKels 2015-08-14 07:25:22
I love a Pisces & he is very difficult to understand at times because of his lack of emotions. But Virgos are definitely more fun. Pisces are kinda boring. . 🤔
hanna posito 2015-07-10 22:18:32
I dated a pisces he cheated on me with my bestfriend
catwalk171 2019-05-02 07:08:59
Same here. I dated a Pisces and he broke up with me to have s*x with one of our friends.
Namrata 2015-05-22 22:37:37
Hello, virgo would be better. Aquarius and a virgo is a good match.I am a virgo female and i have seen that i attract aquarians a lot and i also like them because they can converse really well. We don't fight at all. Virgos can be less emotional than pisces.A virgo will understand you and will give you the space you require if he really loves you.
Aqua woman 2015-05-22 22:13:50
I would go with Pisces!! Virgos too needed
chuck 2015-04-20 02:02:53
Go with a Sagittarius-PERIOD!
Badabum 2015-09-08 01:39:39
Dude..... Seriously Aquarius and Sagittarius have to be the best out of the whole zodiac man
Ashley 2015-04-19 22:55:06
I have been with a Virgo in total for 9 years now and I'm the happiest girl ever. We're so in love his presents always makes everything better & makes me feel like a Princess. Wouldn't want anyone else . But I have been with #Sag & #Leo as well but. Virgo is the way to go
eric 2015-03-09 23:56:05
Virgo seems to suit me way better now matter what this says.. I'm a male Aquarius with a female Virgo,, and are sex life is amazing and were more compatible and comfortable together than any other sign
Aquarius Female 2015-01-28 02:08:30
Im with another Aquarius (male), but were still somewhat opposites.

Im the free-spirit that hates jealousy and being tied down, I always want something new and I love to just randomly take off. But Im very loyal and faithful if I choose to be. However Im also extremely creative and artsy, and thats how I get my emotions out, Im not great at expressing them, or feeling them, otherwise. My need for something new usually ties in with needing vacations, moving around a lot, changing and deserting relationships/friendships, and cutting and dying my hair randomly.

He is very logical and non-emotional and great with math and all that. Hes very loyal to me, but was always flaky in past relationships, never being tied down with lables, and not sticking with one person for more than two months (we however have been dating for two years, live together, and have a child on the way). Despite his non-emotion, hes very emotionally attached to me, even more so than I am to him. He doesn't like spontaneity, and has to have everything planned out. He always needs something new as well, but usually to do with technology or other social advancements.

Our differences show in our relationship by:

I love to randomly go on unplanned trips, like to the beach or camping, always outdoors. I love the idea of backpacking accross Europe and staying in hostels. I want to join the Peace Corps.

He has to have everything planned and budgeted. He also needs luxury, so no hostels. and no camping for more than 3 days. He hates the idea of the peace corps because he feels that if hes going to be traveling, he wants it to be fun and adventurous, and not work.

However, we compromise by me telling him my spontaneous ideas, and he plans them and actually makes them happen, whereas my plans usually fall apart. But if I actually make plans ad follow through with thm, even if it seemed like something he wouldnt like, he loves it.

Also with emotions, I hide mine vigorously, andsometimes dont even realize how Im feeling about a situation because I ignore my emotions. He has to pick and pick at me in order for me to break.

He is very straightforward about how he feels, often coming off as nagging to me, but its very helpful in knowing how to fix the situation because were open and honest without any emotional outbursts.However, with his friends hes very private about his emotions and personal life.

All in all, we may be on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to being an aquarius, but the blatant aquarius traits are what make us perfect for each other.We balance each other out very well, and our detachment from emotion, and open-mindedness, causes us to not hardly ever fight. And when we do fight, its more like "hey you did this and it pissed me off" "Ok ill fix that. Want to fuck?" "sure!" and then we never fight about it again because the partner actually fixes the issue.
On the other hand, I dated an Pisces for a year, on and off.

He was unpredictable, manipulative, lazy, and a liar. But he was also passionate, adoring, and poetic. Hed write me songs and poetry, and confess his love for me all over the place. It was a very passionate relationship when we were together...but then hed see someone else and get dstracted and leave me for her. But then hed come back, and then hed leave me again for someone else.

We were similar in that we were unpredictable and spontaneous, dating him was a blast. always taking off in the car and driving to exciting adventures. But it was also an emotional rollercoaster. Because he would encourage me to delve further into my shell because he was SO emotional. I felt as if I couldnt be emotional because he needed my steady logic and soundness. It wore me out and caused me to be insecure and depressed.

And he was never satisfied with me because...well...hes a Pices. But he still keeps trying to come back, to this day and that was 3 years ago.
Lastly, I dated a Scorpio. This was my first, and shortest relationship.

we were friends for two years, and I thought I was in love. Then we dated for two months and I realized I was far from it and ran away as fast as I could.

He was grossly sexual (and Im a sex fiend, so thats saying something), but then when I would try to seduce him he would reject me. Very moody and we were never on the same page. I saw things one way, he saw them another. I was willing to accept his opinion, but all of my opinions that were different from his were "stupid", and hed make sure that I knew he thought I was stupid. He was very insecure and wanted everyone to like him, so he was a chameleon, and would act like the people he was around, and only acted like himself in private. It was very annoying.But he was also great with kids and very affectionate and kind.

Dating him was a pain in the ass because I never knew was he was thinking. Which I thought was exciting at first, but turned out to just be annoying.
heres the jist

-Aquarius [f] Aquarius [m]
great match, casual and unpassionate, but very loyal. Though they may have very differing opinions, they easily accept one anothers way of thinking and thus avoid conflict. Sex is awesome and fun and both parties are open and generous.

-Aquarius [f] Pices [M]
Could possibly work with dedication and patience on both sides. Very exciting and passionate. Lots of fun, but also an emotional roller coaster. Both have a hard time being faithful, and depression is hard to avoid for both parties. Sex is extremely passionate and romantic, which sometimes makes up for its often, one-sidedness on the Pisces part.

-Aquarius [f] Scorpio [m]
Not a good match. Both parties have a hard time understanding one another, leads to frustration and sometimes desperation. Only good thing is that the drive of the Scorpio sometimes helps the Aquarius stay on track. Sex hardly ever happens, and when it does, it often feels rapey/unwanted
Shelley 2016-01-28 10:32:51
My mouth is on the floor. I am an Aquarius too and I was married to a Pisces. You were spot on with the laziness, manipulative and serial cheating. We adored each other for the most part until he gets a message from a chick on date site! He was always on the prowl and tried to leave me two or three times in the name of a new chick. Had to divorce him, he stressed me out. Since the divorce he contacts me every few months trying to get back, until he distracted again...

Now I'm in love with a Libra
Drea 2015-09-11 19:04:37
OMG!!! You have described my boyfriend and I! We are Aquarians and this explains it all. Get this, I was married to a Scorpio and he was possessive, jealous and somewhat pompous!The Pisces is too emotional for me and extremely draining (I have 2 sons that are Pisces-God bless the women who date them). Your relationship is dead spot on to mine!!
Jesse 2015-01-15 19:40:43
I've been married to a Capricorn for 13 years , we have 5 kids and he is the most amazing loving caring husband ...though I do feel that we are quite different ....
I'm surprised to see we are not supposed to be compatible!
gaia 2015-05-11 15:56:16
I've been with a cap for 12 years. I thought we were good together, then he realized he needed more in his life and had hidden so much from me. I was and am still angry re. this hiding from me. He's much younger and somewhat enlightened and felt we could work it out. Right now I just feel left out of a parallel life we've created.

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