Astrology 2013


One cannot move on to 2013 horoscope without reviewing the events of 2013 and the events that are transpiring between Uranus and transformations of Pluto will carry on until the year 2015. The unstable Uranus and Pluto square is exact on May 20 and November 1 plus April 21 and again in December 15, 2014 continuing to March of 2015. This will bring about great changes in world affairs. Watch for history making events, but do be aware that humankind has its own potentials and free will. Uranus and Pluto will reshape ideas and lead us into unfamiliar territory, but all is not lost! Now a time to change and learn from the past to avoid the pitfalls of the Great Depression and the civil rights challenges to name just a few. We are now entering into a new human evolution of change. It will be exciting and terrifying.

Major Transits in Astrology 2013

In 2013 there is a full moon eclipse on April 25, Scorpio's house. All signs will feel the power, but everyone will react differently. The effects of this eclipse are more powerful for Scorpio and its opposite sign, Taurus. You will find that cosmic weather rains on all the signs and the implication will be parted in twelve different ways. Every sign is a door and everyone will experience this cosmic event differently. On May 9 is the Annular Solar Eclipse, May 25 represents the penumbral lunar eclipse and October 18 brings another penumbral lunar eclipse. A total solar eclipse begins on November 3 which will bring great changes and power.

January - Neptune and Chiron into early Pisces brings about the energies of healing and the mystical. High energies of the psychic are apparent.

January/April - Chiron in Pisces represents a deep time of spiritual healing plus mental and emotional regenerating and healing. This will continue until April 17, 2018.

March/May - Uranus in Aries this is a time for all things creative, being inventive and thinking outside the box. However these emotions could bring unstable revolutions, riots and revolts. The upheavals in economies are continuing probably until May 15, 2018.

February/April - Mars Retrograde - The first of the difficult personal aspects, Mars retrograde forces all of us to look at how we handle assertiveness, sexuality and our roles as creators in the world. Tensions run high, and people are more likely to butt heads.

May/August - Saturn transits through Neptune bringing tragedy or transformation. Energies will be high from May 13 until August 18. Watch for either a deep tragedy or a transformation for good.

June/July - Jupiter in Gemini - Expansive communication and technology until June 26, Focus on communication until Jupiter travels into Cancer causing a slowdown in communication. This will continue until July 15. Watch for revolutionary feelings as Uranus squares with Pluto. You could feel irritable and unsure when these planets are squaring up. Avoid violence and criticism.

July - Grand trine of Jupiter, Neptune and Saturn transiting though significant points. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces will experience very positive effects in their lives. This will continue from July 9 to July 27.

December - Saturn in Scorpio there are deep inspection of foundational beliefs and changes will occur from spirituality, personal feels, to government foundations. Personal beliefs will be challenged. This change and unsettled feeling will continue through the end of 2014.

Pluto has now moved into Capricorn diminishing the effects of Pluto in Sagittarius and bringing change for the better. Your own free will and personal desires will cause changes in your life.

Comments: Astrology 2013

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