Astrology Dictionary K Page 2


Astrology Dictionary K Page 2


Johannes Kepler was a German Astronomist born in 1571 and is regarded as one of the Fathers of Astronomy mainly for his planetary motion work and discoveries. His description of the elliptic orbiting of Earth and the other planets around the Sun was very important for Astrology. The same can be said for his calculations of each planet's distances from the Sun based on it's revolution time cycle. Kepler is also responsible for demonstrating the fact that planets tend to move quicker the closer they are to the Sun. He developed laws that while only for each separate unaffected planet have helped plot our Solar System with much more astrological accuracy.

Keplerian Aspects

Keplerian Aspects were developed by Kepler as an extension of the Major aspects defined by Ptolemy. He believed that there were only about 8 different aspects that would have any significance in astrological work. These are named the Keplerian Aspects and are a group of angles called 'quintiles'. They are quincunx, the decile and semi-decile, the quintile and the bi-quintile and the quindecile. Kelerian Aspects are just one of the many contributions Kepler has made to the advancement of Astrology studies and the preciseness of charting formations used in the interpretation of planetary natal coordinates. Kepler's fondness of diagrams to display his findings brought the influence of aspects in Astrology to the forefront.

Kepler's Laws

Galileo believed that planets had circular orbits but Kepler believed them to be ellipical rather than round. While he was working under the guidance of Tycho Brahe in Prague he developed his own laws to back up his theories on planetary orbital shapes. Kepler's Laws formed a basis for calculating distance, focus and intervals in time all useful in astrological analysis. His Laws involving the motion of planets with eclipic orbit measurements are the Law of Eclipses, The Law of Equal areas and the Law of Harmonies. Kelper Law's are focused on and measured from the slightly curved path to the center of the Sun.


In Verdic Astrology Ketu is known as the descending South Node of the Moon and in Indian Astrology it is referred to as 'the Dragon's tail'. The appearance of Ketu in an astrological reading has different significances in each house of the zodiac. In the 1st house it is a good sign for business, in the 2nd house it signifies travel, in and the 3rd it highlights help from others. In the 4th house it represents respect, in the 5th finances, in the sixth it concerns happiness and in the 7th fears. Ketu in the 8th house is about children, in the 9th about career and in the 10th partners. The presence of Ketu in house 11 reflects on the future and in the 12th it is an indication of success.


Astrological keywords are the simplest form of explanatory text used to describe the inner workings of the different signs of the zodiac. If you are aware of the keyword for your star sign or that of someone else's you have an instant understanding of their earthly purpose. The keywords are based on the order of the signs and supposedly their maturity in the acquired wisdom as they travel through the sequence of the signs. For example Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and the associated keywords are ' I am'. Taurus's is 'I have', Gemini's is 'I think' and Cancer's is 'I feel' and so on through to Pisces the 12th sign with 'I believe'. Most people recognize themselves from their Astrology sign keyword.


A Kite is the name for an aspect that has the configuration of a triangle with a fourth planet involvement to form the kite shape. This is a fairly rare occurrence and considered a rather favorable one in a birth chart arrangement. It is thought to be an indication of a person's life being easygoing without too many planetary forces being effective in changing that. Kite's in Astrology can be Grand Trine's or Yod's. If in a Water sign they portray feelings, in a Fire sign they highlight energy, in an Earth sign a Kite signifies structure while in an Air sign they are believed to express intellect.


This is the name given to the system of astrological house division based on time and introduced for use by Walter Koch and published in 1971. The Koch house system uses a method to calculate the polar elevations of the place of birth to arrive at the ascendant point. It divides the chart into three sections using the Midheaven and Ascendant axis. These divisions are based on equals of time rather than being spacial equally. The Koch House method and its results are popular with most Astrologers and among one of the main Astrology systems employed for analyzing natal charts.

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