Astrology Dictionary P Page 2


Astrology Dictionary P Page 2


Pisces represents the 12th sign of the zodiac and those people born between February the 20th and March the 20th. This sign is symbolized by two fishes that in Greek mythology were thought to be Aphrodite and her son who had transformed themselves into the 2 fish tied together to escape a monster. Pisces is ruled by the astrological planet Jupiter and is considered to be a Mutable Water sign. Typical traits of a Pisces include having a good imagination and a sensitive, intuitive and compassionate nature. Negative characteristics are their easily led, secretive, vague and escapist tendencies.

Placidus House System

The Placidus House System is a popular choice for modern day astrologers that is based on diurnal and nocturnal arc degrees. It was designed in the 17th century by a Spanish Monk called Placidus de Tito and is regarded as an unequal house method. It basically calculates the time taken for a degree to rise from the lower Sun's path to the line of the horizon. The Placidus House System often generates rather small houses or very large ones equaling in size as they near the equator. In the 19th century tables were published for this system that have saved hours of calculating time before the introduction of computer generated assistance.


For astrological purposes the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are the most significant planets. A planet is defined as such when it does not have a fixed position in the Solar System. The word has ancient origins and is thought to have been translated from 'wanderer' and distinguishes these celestial bodies from stars with seemingly stationary positions. Astrology interpretation is primarily based on planetary movement and it's influences. Included in the most important planet list are the Moon's pair of Nodes named the Dragon's Head and Tail. All these heavenly bodies each convey a different significance and meaning depending on their timed location.


The word Planetary comes from the Latin planetarius and describes celestial bodies that do not produce their own light. It refers to orbs that are illuminated by the light of the others in it's revolving path. In Astrology we measure planetary hours, rays and strengths to assist with astrological calculations. Influences are measured by the positioning of planetary formations and the signs, angles and houses they appear in. A Planetary Station occurs during a retrograde period where the planet's energy is temporarily stationary at the beginning and midway through it's cycle. A planet's power is believed to be heightened during these planetary pauses.


Plato was a student of Aristotle and a follower of Pythagoras, and his own unique ideas regarding Mind over Nature were influential in the advancement of Astrology. He believed strongly in the value of observing the heavens in order to connect one's self with the divine powers. He stated that the name planetos meaning to wander was not appropriate for celestial bodies and that more astronomical study on their movement was definitely required. Plato also described Time as being a flowing image of Eternity controlled by the instruments of Time, the planets. His combined concepts helped generate the first seeds of interest in astrologically themed thinking.


Pleiades is the astronomical name for a group of at least 6 visible stars located in the constellation Taurus. The myths behind this cluster of stars tell of them being the 7 daughters of Atlas who had placed them there to keep them away from Orion who was pursuing them. Pleiades is sometimes referred to as 'the weeping sisters' from this legend. Many more than the seeable six have been discovered since the invention of the telescope. In Astrology Pleiades is not commonly mentioned but recent years have seen a rise in the interest of the additional celestial bodies and their overall influence and significance.


The planet Pluto is a recent discovery in 1930 following the introduction of the telescope and it is the smallest planet in our Solar System. It is also the farthest away from our Sun and has been renamed and catagorized as a dwarf planet in 2006. Although it is small in size and far from the Sun it's astrological influence is believed to be just as powerful as the other surrounding celestial bodies. Pluto's position in a house can highlight areas of life that are not fixed and may be altered by changes. Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto and emphasizes its concern on rebirths, new beginnings and our levels of deeper intuitive understanding,

Next astrological definitions of Astrology Dictionary for letter P:

Polarity, Porphyry, Precession (of the Equinoxes), Prediction, Prenatal, Primary Directions, Prime Vertical

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