Astrology Dictionary P Page 3


Astrology Dictionary P Page 3


The English definition of the word Polarity is an excellent explanation of its meaning in an astrological sense. The dictionary defines it as 'the presence or manifestation of two opposite or contrasting principles or tendencies'. Polarity can refer to signs and houses in Astrology. The sign polarities are Aries and Libra, Cancer and Capricorn, Taurus and Scorpio. Continuing with Gemini and Sagittarius, Leo and Aquarius and Virgo and Pisces. Air and Fire signs have the same polarity so are considered harmonious. The house polarities are the 1st and the 7th, the 2nd and the 8th, the 3rd and the 9th and so on sequentially.


Porphyry was an influential mathematician and a philosopher of neoplatonist concepts with an interest in Astrology. His works were influenced by Plato, Pythagoras and Aristotle and he was considered a believer of karma and rebirth. Porphyry developed his own simple astrological house system that divided each quarter of a horoscope into 3 equally sized houses. Porphyry's method set the ascendant and mid-heaven as the 1st and 10th house cusps. Other significant peaks are to be determined from the tri-sectional of the angles. The Porphyry House System is a popular choice in Indian and Hellenistic Astrology charting.

Precession (of the Equinoxes)

The precession of the Earth's axis lasts for a period of almost 25,800 years and is partly the result of the gravitational pull of other celestial bodies. The precession of the equinoxes is an extremely slow conic motion of the Earth's central line towards the vernal and autumnal equinox points along the ecliptic path. It's discovery was attributed to Hipparchus but the Egyptian Pyramid alignment and other ancient landmarks indicate the observation was not unique to him. The precession of the equinoxes has introduced astrological ages in connection with its stages. Astrologers today believe we are at the present time in the age of Aquarius.


Astrology has always had a predictive side to its forecasts and some astrological concepts concentrate solely on prediction. These are Mundane, Meteorological, Medical, Electional and Horary Astrology and they focus on predicting an event in the future. These particular forms of prediction use different approaches and techniques than those in Natal and Relationship Astrology. Their forecasts still incorporate the positioning of zodiac signs, planetary movement and influences, house placements and aspects. Prediction or event-orientated Astrology has been requested for centuries and by many famous people.


The term Prenatal is used in Astrology to indicate cosmic events determined before the birth of an individual. A solar or lunar eclipse occurring in the months leading up to a person being born is known as a Prenatal Eclipse. The period of 9 months before a birth date is considered to be the astrological time of conception. A Prenatal Epoch is calculated by the position of the Moon on epoch or it's opposite day. The Moon's location then becomes the ascending or descending natal sign and degree for chart analysis. Prenatal indicatory influences can add insights into personality traits and shed light on possible destiny's.

Primary Directions

The introduction of pocket calculators in the 1970's sparked an interest in the ancient astrological idea of Primary Directions. These particular Astrology methods written about by Ptolemy were made a whole lot easier by electronic calculation. Primary Directions are calculated by the rotation of the Earth's axis and its movement through the 30 degree zodiac signs. This is measured as taking about 2 hours per sign or around 4 minutes for every degree. In Primary Directions the planets are maintained in the same position as they were at the time of birth. The MC is progressed and mundane aspects are created for interpretation.

Prime Vertical

The Prime Vertical in Astrology is the plane that separates the front and back of a celestial sphere appearing in a natal chart. Viewed from Earth it is a circle passing overhead from East to West, intersecting the horizon and travelling directly through the Nadir. Some advanced astrological techniques construct Prime Vertical Charts based on these points and positions. The interpretation of these methods consider the Prime Vertical to be one of the 8 Personal Sensitive Points. These select areas are believed to uncover how a person best receives, processes and distributes their senses including ESP.

Next astrological definitions of Astrology Dictionary for letter P:

Profections, Progression, Prohibition, Psychic, Psychological Astrology, Ptolemy, Pythagoras

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