Astrology Dictionary P Page 4


Astrology Dictionary P Page 4


Profections are defined in the Dictionary as being 'a setting out, going forward, an advancing or a progression'. In Astrology Ptolemy used the term to describe the successive rising of one zodiac sign per year. So a Profection is the sequential jump from one sign to the next on an annual basis, it can also apply to other types of symbolic movements. Profections can be used to rectify birth charts and although they are not able to be redirected their dignities and house rulers may reposition. This occurs if Profections are used along with a sidereal zodiac approach in the inspection of astrological charts.


The word Progression comes from the Latin progressionem and is defined as 'the action of moving forward'. In astrological terms it refers to a progressed planetary aspects possibly calculated from a birth chart. Primary Progression charts use the measurements of 1 degree to equate to 1 year of life. Another method known as Secondary Progression measures 1 day as being equal to 1 year's life and Tertiary equals one day to represent a month of life. Minor Progression involves the equating of 1 lunar monthly period to one year of life. These forms of progressive Astrology are sometimes utilized to predict optimum times for events and planning them.


The term Prohibition in Astrology relates to the interference of a planet towards 2 others that prevents them making a true major aspect. If another planet intervenes by getting in the way the expected aspect formation is prevented or prohibited from culminating. When Prohibition occurs the fastest planet astrologically will be regarded as the significator. The planetary body involved is sometimes referred to as the 'rogue' due to its intervention and so the prevention of aspect formation. In Horary Astrology the occurrence of Prohibition is an indication of outside influence in a question's outcome.


The word Psychic is explained as anything considered outside the scope and bounds of natural or scientific knowledge. This includes clairvoyance, ESP, astral projection and ghosts and astrological concepts. A person described as Psychic is thought to be especially tuned in and sensitive to the influences of supernatural forces. Our history contains many references to psychic objects like gems, metals, divining rods and icons as well as plenty of unexplained events. There has always been a curiosity among people about discovering what the future holds and how we may be able to foretell these happenings in advance.

Psychological Astrology

Psychological Astrology is a combination of Psychology and astrological ideology and is based on the flexibility of personality growth. The notion of a person having fixed unchangeable characteristics and a predetermined fate began to be challenged in the 20th century. Psychological Astrology is now used in the inspection of birth charts and reveals personal development stages to assess a person's potential. Planetary configurations and their influences in Psychological Astrology can uncover someone's likely mental processes of perception, memory and reasoning. It can highlight personal complexes and coping mechanisms so revealing and unfolding an individual's basic needs.


Ptolemy was a very influential Greek Astrologer responsible for developing a geocentric centered system used widely in astrological methods up until the 16th century. His work included the famous Tetrabiblos, or four books, which explained the principle framework of Astrology concepts and defended its non scientific validity. Many of the Astrology based concepts of today still utilize the basic theories expressed in Ptolemy's ancient but uncannily accurate for the time observations. He is especially well known for his notion of a house system that had a set of 12 divisions, each relating to a different stage of a person's life.


Pythagoras was a Greek mathematician and philosopher famous for his study of numbers with an interest in sacred Geometry. Pythagoras believed that the universe was ordered by the rule of number and his influential beliefs helped shape the foundations of Astrology. His mathematical work gave us our understanding of planetary relationships, the zodiac divisions and aspect measurement techniques. His formula of a2 + b2 = c2 relating to the right sides of a triangle is used in astrological calculations. Pythagoras's ideas complimented many other leading Astrologists of the time who incorporated his concepts into their studies.

Next astrological definitions of Astrology Dictionary for letter P:

Parallel Aspect, Paran, Paranormal, Part of Fortune, Partile, Peregrine, Phases of the Moon

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