Astrology Dictionary P Page 1


Astrology Dictionary P Page 1

Parallel Aspect

A Parallel Aspect in Astrology is an angular relationship between 2 celestial bodies that have the same North or South degree and direction. Parallel Aspect's are believed to act in a similar way to a conjunction and fall into the group of Power Aspects along with their opposites Contra-parallels. In a natal chart these particular equally distanced points are influential in their energetic transforming actions. A Parallel Aspect is the only aspect that is not calculated using celestial longitude so it revelations are more personal. It is thought that a person with many Parallel Aspects in a birth configuration may be very independently natured.


A Paran occurs when a planet or star makes an angular crossing with the other and their respective paths are the same. The word Paran is from the ancient Greek Paranatellonta referring to groups of stars falling in angles simultaneously. In the past Parans were believed to have been noted and used by Astrologer's in Egypt in the earliest astrological charting practices. Today the concept of Paran's has been expanded to include planets as well as stars. A Paran can culminate on the Descendant or Imum Coeli but is rarely analyzed in birth charts. It is mostly significant and referred to for predictions of natural weather influenced disasters.


The word Paranormal covers anything that cannot be explained by the usual scientific theories and as such is unexplained. There are many subjects incorporated into the classification of Paranormal including UFO's, ESP, Psychokinesis, Atlantis, Astral Projection and Astrology. Paranormal encompasses any experience that is not rational, usual or fully expected in its results. It also includes people's abilities to perform levitation or endure extreme circumstances that are beyond explanation. Although there are Science facts about planets and stars their influential power, considered 'paranormal' is not measurable in the same way.

Part of Fortune

Part of Fortune is the name for a calculated point within a birth chart based on ancient Arabian Astrology. The Arabic Part or Lot the Pars Fortunae is one of most important and powerful and the one most frequently used in natal readings. To work out the Part of Fortune in a horoscope analysis the position of the Ascendant is added to that of the Moon. The location of the Sun is then calculated and subtracted from the added Ascendant and Moon totals. There is significance in the Part of Fortune calculation when viewed inside houses or signs. This coordinate provides an indication of the luckiness of an individual.


In Astrology today an aspect appearing in the same degree and within 60 minutes of another is classed as exact and given the description Partile. In ancient astrological terms a Partile was simply the measurement of an angle by its degree. To be regarded as a true Partile in Modern Astrology the aspect must also have equal longitude and lattitude positions and be within one degree of equality. An Applying or Separating Aspect involves the exactness of Partile's. The fastest moving planet will move directionally towards the Partile when applying while it will move away from it when separating.


In Astrology when a planet has no essential dignities and no set rulership over it, it is called a Peregrine. The celestial body must be located in an area outside or elevated from a sign or a triplicity of signs that it traditionally rules. The Latin words pereger and ager meaning 'beyond one's own land' are the origins of the term Peregrine. This explains the status of a planet's situation when it finds itself in an 'alien' environment within an astrological setting. A Peregrine planetary influence will be weak but in a natal chart it can focus on a person's ability to interact with others.

Phases of the Moon

Phases of the Moon are an important consideration in astrological analysis and are believed to be as influential and insightful as the Sun. The variation in the illumination and visibility of this planet has for centuries been viewed as a trusted source for weather and tide predictions. The Phases of the Moon appear as crescent shapes before the half Moon and after the Full Moon stages. As well as providing additional insights into probable personality in a horoscope these Phases of the Moon are thought to determine moods and parental instincts. A person born in the 1st lunar phase is said to typically possess much enthusiasm and optimism in life.

Next astrological definitions of Astrology Dictionary for letter P:

Pisces, Placidus House System, Planet, Planetary, Plato, Pleiades, Pluto

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