Birthday Horoscope February 14th

Birthday Horoscope February 14th


If your Birthday is February 14th and your Zodiac Sign is Aquarius

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on February 14th under the Zodiac sign Aquarius



February 14th Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 14th of February are presumed to be charming and insightful with a big sense of humor for an Aquarian water bearer. The astrological planet that rules this particular day is Mercury creating personalities with quick wit, excellent communication skills and a inquiring mind. Your silver tongue is one of your best assets and helps you cleverly express strong beliefs and views. You are bold and expressive with words but not blunt. If you have this birthday you are a good mix of analytical and intellectual making you great at solving problems. You like to go your own way and have a loathing for lies often standing up for those less fortunate. Individual's with a February the fourteenth birthday are generous, compassionate, loyal and loving and tend to take life just seriously enough. You love to laugh and enjoy entertaining others with your inventive wittiness, but you know when to be serious if it is important to be so.



February 14th Work and Finances

Careers are not usually of great interest to a person born on the fourteenth of February as you are not particularly ambitious. Your choice of work is generally one that demands the least effort and number of hours for the highest pay. You tend to believe that a job should not dominate your life but you understand the necessities of working. Your mixture of charisma and intelligence seems to help you find and acquire suitable occupations. With finances you sometimes struggle to balance your budget as you can have extravagant tastes and often have a somewhat lackadaisical approach to financial matters.



February 14th Personal Relationships

As an Aquarius star sign, the person born on the fourteenth of February, Valentine's Day, is not really very romantic or sentimental. However, you are hugely enthusiastic about love and more prone than any others in your zodiac group to fall in love at first sight. You find it easy to make friends and a strong friendship always seems to be an essential requirement of yours for a long term committed relationship. Although you find friendliness no problem emotionally the idea of more intimacy and commitment is sometimes a little difficult. This is most often down to your hint of self doubt and reluctance to be in a rush to settle down making you present yourself as rather cool and cautious. The perfect soul mate partner will need to appreciate your understanding nature and humorous side and be able to return equally your intense loyalty.



February 14th Health

Minor health ailments like headaches and fatigue experienced by those born on February 14th are commonly stress related. You have a strong constitution but are not especially adept at keeping anxiety at bay. By eating a suitable diet, getting adequate rest and restricting caffeine intake you should be able to help your body cope better with daily worries. You are not ordinarily a fan of exercise or sport but may enjoy some of the modern relaxation methods such as meditation, Yoga or Spa treatments. You could also need to take extra care of your teeth as these are a possible weak spot.



February 14th Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are that you are affable, amusing and bright and these qualities provide you with a capable social awareness. Your lively but tactful verbal expression is another of your stronger positive points. For those born on February 14th personality weaknesses are mainly centered around your vulnerability to soon get stressed. This causes you to be tearful or quiet and moody and occasionally act uncharacteristically hostile towards others. These traits of negativity are less likely to surface if you can learn to deal calmly with stressful situations as they happen.



February 14th Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 14th of February makes you quite perceptive and this encourages you to tune into your dreams. You will often try and interpret their meanings and relevance in an attempt to match them with your past, present or future circumstances. When it comes to setting personal goals any that you do decide on usually include a time limit on their attainability. You strive for a comfortable lifestyle with the opportunity to be yourself and have an even blend of work and fun. A loveable partner to share your aspirations is another of your wishes to make you feel complete and content.



February 14th Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the fourteenth day of the month you are allocated with the day of birth Root number of Five. The keyword for this numerical reference to your birthday is 'Inquiry' and probably denotes your inquiring and communicative manner. The Tarot card associated with your birthday is the 14th in the Major Arcana called Temperance. This emphasizes your wish for evenness and moderation. When contemplating a lucky gemstone the Diamond is highly recommended for February the fourteenth birthdays. They are believed to attract good fortune for you especially in matters concerning romance.



February 14th Horoscope Summation

The astro influences of the celestial body Uranus are thought to be accountable for the typical characteristics of Aquarians. The actual day you were born, the fourteenth of February is astrologically governed by the planet Mercury. Therefore it is the combination of these 2 cosmic forces that help determine your zodiacal uniqueness. Your witty but sensible outlook and verbal excellence are some of the best required attributes for getting along well with others. Your friendly and helpful mannerisms more than make up for your occasional aloofness. If you can quell doubts and worries you will benefit enormously. An ending thought for people born on February the 14th is to aim to slow down a bit and take time to be more sensitive to and think deeper about the feelings of others.

February Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope February 14th

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Jonny 2018-01-11 08:19:15
My nick name is jonny five... how the heck did they know that number is so important to me...
Shauna 2017-11-06 11:05:29
This info is every thing about me for real . so true...!! 😭

sudeep 2017-08-21 11:35:03
100% correct anybody between u guys wanna become friend of me?
kat 2017-04-24 11:19:33
this is true altho there are always acceptions to rules. This matched my personality like 95% and the rest was like ugh it depends.
Sanskar 2017-02-13 14:37:00
So true is is deadly accurate. At one point i was actually awestruck to how correct this was
Phoebe 2017-02-10 05:44:53
Yooo that's me exactly oil my God
Allie 2017-01-19 20:43:38
This is so true! Like, totally me. EVERYONE I know always tells me about my great sense of humor! 😄
Soshan Fernando 2016-12-26 02:27:32
Well, it is true and I am just 14...
Lucy 2016-08-09 04:27:15
This is so true they were 100% correct about this
Usman Asghar 2016-03-20 21:12:40
I am happy to be born on this day.. Alhamdulillah
this is quite accurate about my personality..
Almost Valerie 2016-02-04 03:05:11
Nailed it.

Love is Life 2015-11-26 20:04:58
This is extremely accurate . Well most of it.

Aquarian214 2015-11-19 07:23:43
spot on!! this is me to a T
Taimoor 2016-02-10 21:54:37
[just=right]HELO FRIENDS
Alex 2015-10-24 01:55:12
Lol, this is really accurate...I just ain't really sure about the problem solving part tho
S 2015-10-22 22:33:20
This is like the opposite of me. Funny how far off these can be.
Opessque 2015-10-09 17:54:54
Wow this is shockingly accurate. That definately explains a lot! People dont seem to get the random hostile temperament and really dark sense of humor but now I know its not just me. Thanks for posting this! 🙂
Kirsten sanders 2015-09-06 23:55:36
I like this. I'm 13 but it does describe me.
Zheng Tenghui 2015-08-11 03:32:36
This is so me lol
99% is right about me but I don't want to be so stress all the time
shreya 2015-08-06 11:59:49
I really feel lucky about my birthday. 2 much proud to be born on this day.
Valentine Aquarian 2015-06-25 21:56:22
that is how the cookies crumble you forgot to mention one thing though the are always pulled between two feelings life torn between two directions lol
joana 2015-05-29 16:01:16
omg this is so me omg i wish i born another day and month lol 😃
anita 2015-04-29 12:18:59
Jesus christ,this is just me
taylor 2015-04-01 17:39:47
I'm glad the stars agree with me on my personalities haha
Zeke 2015-03-29 21:14:19
I am so like this it's almost scary

silver stoungue 2015-03-03 13:32:17
Exact precision! But im least now I am aware of others feelings ...even if it is after the fact. 😭
Rs 2015-02-15 04:42:04
Wow amazingly true how can we all be so similar
Brandon 2015-02-14 16:03:26
Derek 2015-02-14 13:16:01
Bar the sports thing that was freakishly accurate
Chuck 2015-02-13 20:17:04
I had always figured it was my son's mother who turned him into such a motorhead. My bad, This describes him to a T, Gotta love the runt.
Vikrant 2015-02-13 16:15:46
Really cool! Do all valentine babies have a birth mark? I have a V in my right eye. My father's name also starts from V. I don't like to exercise. I respect sports and sportsperson. But don't want to play. One more question to valentine babies : Do you have a partner? If yes then when did you got one?

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