Birthday Horoscope February 19th

Birthday Horoscope February 19th


If your Birthday is February 19th and your Zodiac Sign is Aquarius

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on February 19th under the Zodiac sign Aquarius



February 19th Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 19th of February are believed to be kindhearted and intuitive but also aloof and independent. This personality mixture is a result of you being an Aquarian born on the cusp date for the zodiac sign of Pisces, and of the ruling astrological influence for this particular day, the Sun. Despite your added sensitivities you are dynamically driven with a mindful sense of purpose. If you have this birthday you will be bubbly in nature, eager to learn and have a strong streak of creativity. You are full of innovative ideas and own good powers of persuasion but not particularly ambitious and may shy away from the spotlight rather than go out and seek it. Individual's with a February the nineteenth birthday are primarily guided by their emotions making them empathic and warm. Despite your sensitive characteristics you are not a push over and will always stand up for things you passionately believe in.



February 19th Work and Finances

Work is usually quite a high priority to a person born on the nineteenth of February as you are naturally responsible and reliable. Your purposefulness and inventive mind give you the capability to turn your hand to most tasks and toil equally as well in a team or alone. The artistic side of your personality is often featured in your career choices and your communicative ability helps you talk your way into jobs. Where money is concerned you are ordinarily a lot better at making it than you are at managing it. You love to spend and sometimes get carried away and may need assistance with better budgeting tips.



February 19th Personal Relationships

For an Aquarian, the person born on the nineteenth day of February is one of the most emotionally vulnerable of this zodiac group. In friendships and personal relationships your constant need for approval and reassurance can be demanding. You try to counteract this with your charm but at times it can make you appear unconfident and fall in love quickly and deeply. Your high degree of intuition helps you be highly tuned into the feelings of others and so an extremely loving, understanding and sympathetic individual. A romantic idealist, you are likely to be incredibly affectionate and like to be pampered happily returning a partner's displays of affection, attention and indulgences. You may feel restless in a relationship until it becomes long term but it could take a while to find a soul mate to live up to your high expectations.



February 19th Health

Health disturbances experienced by those born on February 19th are sometimes a consequence of your reliance on comforters. In an attempt to disguise your insecurities you may rely on food, alcohol or tobacco as an emotional prop causing you to slip into bad habits that can induce unhealthiness. Aside from these little dependencies you generally look after yourself fairly well and often get your personal balance of dietary requirements and exercise about right. People born on this day should drink plenty of fluids and ensure they get enough rest time especially when under any kind of extra stresses.



February 19th Strengths and Weaknesses

Your most admirable strengths of character are in your modesty, empathy, receptive imagination and persuasive communication abilities. These attributes and your determined attitude assist you to be a nice to know kind person who will voice their opinions in a tactful and unbiased manner. Personality weaknesses noticeable for those born on February 19th include the tendencies to be sometimes careless, hasty and impulsive if you feel too pressured. Other negative traits can comprise of the proneness to be as hardhearted as you are warmhearted and the potential ownership of a weak willpower.



February 19th Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 19th of February often makes you not very keen on setting yourself definite goals in life. You are happy to drift along and make decisions as and when you need to, even with your idealistic approach, rather than determine a predecided route. Your dreams however are usually a different matter entirely. You are a frequent dreamer and gain some of your most innovational inspirations from dreaming. Amongst your commonest wishes is the hope of finding a partner who understands you as much as you understand them and the chance to build secure foundations for the future.



February 19th Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the nineteenth day of the month the one and the nine in your birth date total to a Root number of One. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Drive' and is a possible indication of your sincerely zealous outlook. The 19th card in the Major Arcana Tarot deck, symbolizing the Sun is the one most associated with your birthday. It highlights your quest for happiness and contentment and identifies your warmth. A lucky gemstone allocated for February the nineteenth birthdays is the Ruby. It is thought to bestow good health and fortune on it's wearer.



February 19th Horoscope Summation

Aquarian personalities are imagined to be mainly astrologically influenced by the planet Uranus. The actual day you were born on, the nineteenth of February is governed by the influences of the Sun. Therefore your unique allocation of thoughts and behaviors is predetermined by this cosmic combination of planetary forces. Uranus's influence gives you heaps of receptiveness while our brightest star gifts you with your large amounts of persistence. Your emotion induced direction and focused persuasion skills help you to gain what you desire in life without having to try too hard. Your self sufficient side emerges when required and you have the willingness to wait for things that you consider worth waiting for. A final applicable thought for people born on February 19th is you just need to improve your weak spots and occasionally let things come to you instead of pursuing them.

February Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope February 19th

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Tracie 2017-07-25 18:18:39
I was born february 19th i am a full blooded Aquarius i was born in the leap year of 1976.there is no cusp or no such a thing...
BISU 2017-02-19 16:48:29
My date of birth is feb 19 1959 1;05 am. Am I aquarius or pisces
Kayemba ricky 2017-01-26 23:43:04
I was also born on 19th Feb 1994,which am i in??
Nobbie 2017-01-26 21:18:33
I was born in 19 february 2002 am i aquarius or pisces when i search in net about my birthdate sometimes my zodiac sign is pieces and aquarius
Julie 2016-07-11 19:17:41
I was born on the 19th of feb. 1958.I was born at 1:40 pm. Which sign am I? Some say I'm Pisces, and others say I'm Aquarius? Please help, Signed: CONFUSED
Vicky 2016-10-06 22:45:49
I am also born on Feb. 19, 1955 at 1:30 p.m. I share traits from both. I read both Aquarius and Pisces in the paper - I guess we cusp babies really have to look at both.
guest 2016-02-19 19:35:25
Oh and you can find out exactly what you are by entering your birthday, time and location. Like I said degrees are very precise. I've heard that theres a cusp for any last two days of a sign especially the second to last day but once its the begining of a sign its definitely that sign because thats when its at its strongest. But anyway most of Feb. 19 belongs to Pisces. You can type in your info into a natal chart calculator and it will tell you!
guest 2016-02-19 19:29:25
February 19th is Pisces if you know anything about Zodiac degrees. Every sign gets the same 30?°. And its very precise because its measured from the time of the vernal equinox which is 0?° aries. It is true that depending on the last leap yr it could affect the time the ecliptic occurs but even so the sun would leave aquarius and enter pisces very early in the day. Therefore most of the day belongs to pisces. The independent driven characteristics assoviated with the days personality come from the numerology 1. Whereas anyone born on a 2 for example would be more about partnership and into their emotions.
Silvia 2016-02-19 06:12:27
Born at 12:20 am on the 19. Of February ..I am an Aquarius all Aquarian charts. ......
If it feels like a duck , talks like a duck ...
it's an Aquarian !
Al 2016-04-06 09:04:14
I was born @ 5 a.m the 19th I feel Aquarius
Lola 2016-03-31 16:07:07
I was born on the nineteenth of February at 12:30 am! !
ns 2016-01-17 08:21:08
My brother who passed away 1year ago was born2/19/85 and he was an amazing person. I'm 2/10/87 and totally Aquarius so my bro was opposite and Pisces. And both signs are AWESOME! And BADASS!
Eziyah 2016-01-13 03:57:35
It really depends on the year you were born and when the sun transited that particular year
Soup 2016-01-11 08:23:43
Hey ther, Im a zodiac cancer with libra sun and sagi moon, was told, I'd be most compatible(maybe my soulmate) with a guy born on the 19th Feb. Any one feel so, ping me on Btw, am from India, I'm 29 and I'm a very interesting lady born on the 16th of July, good luck to everybody else... 😄 🙂

P.S. I'm not too moody like a true crab, but a boring, passionate types committed woman.
unknown 2015-09-24 15:29:40
i was born on 19th feb. and sometimes i thought that im aquarius and sometimes pisces. and it just makes me...confused. until my friend called me 'aquaces.' since we dont know if im aquarius or pisces, so she combined both and it became aquaces.
jj 2015-12-06 02:11:22
Same here. I still dont know whether m a fish or the aqua

Kari 2015-08-10 03:05:02
i was born this date on 1994 and thouht my whole life i was aquarious until recently when i saw people debating over wheter thei're aquarious or pisces. personally i've always had all the traits of an aquarious and some few traits of pisces, but considered myself rather an aquarious since i had more traits in common with this sigh. this article describes perfectly all the traits and caracteristics i have so yeah, it's much clearer now 🙂
T 2015-07-20 13:12:33
My daughter is feb 19th and she truly is a cusp baby! AQUARIUS all the way. She lives up to the Aquarius/pices cusp. I am a Sag and I appreciate her Aquarius to no end.
Drea 2015-06-10 10:56:59
I was born on this date and I'm a Aquarius
john 2015-05-08 06:59:43
True picses, this is my birthdate, from my experience i have to say Gemini n Sagittarius are the best compatible for pisces in my experience
Confused birthday girl 2015-03-24 00:27:35
Strange, I always thought Feb 19 to be a Pisces birthday. Wait, isn't it a cusp?
kamanu 2015-06-20 21:30:18
I consider myself to be a as I seem to have more traits
peter 2015-05-08 06:46:19
Thought so too, cusp of sensitivity is what they say
Jumoke 2015-03-04 11:20:15
All said here is very true and well detailed
jasmina 2015-02-19 17:55:01
19 february is aquarius
marian 2015-02-16 13:31:26
I was born feb 19 1959 does this make me a aquarius or pisces or both353
jake 2015-02-12 20:04:55
That funny i have friend born this day but i compare him he's 120% aquarius, rihanma was born Feb 20, everyone who knows her know that she's rebellious independent, trendy like as in her character
Paige 2014-12-23 01:17:32
The birthstone of February is not a Ruby. It is an Ahmyest.
aquari 2015-02-21 18:00:47
It says lucky gemstone is ruby. Didnt say birthstone.
peter 2014-12-17 17:20:47
born this day, its said to be pisces, but i really hate cancer and scorpio ugh
ellen 2015-02-17 10:30:37
mike 2015-02-28 20:24:51
I'm not even gonna talk bout them, you know how you guys are so jealousy, pushy, narrow mind, controlling and unrational tht clearly indicate Aquarius will be annoyed by you
Victoria 2014-12-08 01:45:02
I'm truly in love with a man born on March 19th 1962, I want to know if we are marriage material

Wendy 2014-11-30 20:47:42
Just about sums me up - some conflict with Pisces and Aquarian. Have much emotion and intuition but VERY self governed - no matter what my Cancerian husband thinks or wants!!
Nana 2014-11-04 02:29:22
Very aquarian. Kinda makes sense as I was born in the early hours of the 19th.
marcelle 2014-07-30 19:01:19
19 february is pisces
Raquel 2014-08-13 02:27:46
Most definitely Aquarian born on the Zodiac Sign of Pisces

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