Birthday Horoscope February 29th

Birthday Horoscope February 29th


If your Birthday is February 29th and your Zodiac Sign is Pisces

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on February 29th under the Zodiac sign Pisces



February 29th Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 29th of February are as Pisces Leap Year individuals believed to be extremely likeable, tactful and generous. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is the Moon forming personalities that are sensitive, creative friendly daydreamers. Although you present yourself as sometimes having your head in the clouds you are really very focused and resilient. If you have this birthday a combination of communicative charm, sociability and insightfulness helps you anticipate the thoughts and motivations of others. You are a little bit ambitious but soon discouraged by negative responses or slow routes to success. With a February the twenty ninth birthday you are loving and giving with youthful looks and a modern but mature outlook. Your way with words and sympathetic nature make you an excellent listener who can usually offer both practical and emotional support selflessly.



February 29th Work and Finances

Work options to a person born on the twenty ninth of February must ordinarily be flexible and interesting. You are not generally the sort who will stay in a certain profession for most of their working life. Occupations are chosen with these things and your family orientated approach in mind. Your daydreamy imaginative ideas and artistic streak tend to draw you towards unusual career paths. Finances are an area where you have competence but are also likely to be a shopaholic with not much self control. You could have to be quite strict with yourself to keep your budget out of the red.



February 29th Personal Relationships

As a Pisces, the person born on the twenty ninth day of February is typical in their sensitivity and perceptive idealistic view of romantic attachments. You adore the notion and feeling of being in love and will seek a partner who is as attentive, caring, home loving and affectionate. Your outgoing pleasant temperament is friendly and loyal and you will usually put a lot into the friendship element of personal relationships. The physical side of a partnership gives you the opportunity to use your intuitive and visionary imagination to help keep the romance alive. Long term soul mate relationships see you sometimes displaying jealous or possessive behavior as fidelity and devotion are immensely important to you. As you are well aware of your insecurities you will often be the one to apologize and enjoy the subsequent kissing and making up.



February 29th Health

Ill health is not something that seems to bother or be experienced much by those born on February 29th as you have a brilliant attitude concerning healthiness. You are usually especially careful about your dietary and exercise requirements and the need to set adequate time aside for relaxation. This even balance and commonsense approach helps keep illnesses to a minimum. If you have too many stresses or distractions to worry about this can occasionally cause you sleepless nights disrupting your healthy routines. Talking about anxieties should assist in the prevention of stress build up.



February 29th Strengths and Weaknesses

The foremost strengths of your character are probably within the childlike appreciative enthusiasm you possess and in your willingness to admit mistakes. These characteristics and your aptitude to compromise make you easy to get along with and fun to know. A main Weakness of the personality for those born on February 29th is the tendency to become the total opposite of your usual self. This materializes as over indulgence or immaturity. Fortunately these negative traits are normally infrequent in their appearance and as you grow older you learn to recognize circumstances that provoke them.



February 29th Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 29th of February makes you a goal setter but also someone who finds sticking to them a lot more difficult. Despite this you strongly believe in yourself and your abilities so failure will not be through lack of effort and setbacks are taken with dignity. You may set plenty of goals, some realistic and some unrealistic as they often help motivate you into action. Most of the wishes in your dreams will be for the simple things in life that money cannot buy like personal happiness. This, your biggest aspiration is the thing you know you need to feel complete and contented.



February 29th Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty ninth day of the month your birth date figures reduce to a Root number of Two. This special numerical reference to your birthday has the linked keyword 'Harmony' and it identifies your desire for serenity and fulfillment. In the Major Arcana Tarot deck the 2nd card the Priestess is closely conjoined with your birthday. It highlights in your individuality your high levels of receptiveness, equal give-and-take and compassion. The best lucky gemstone for February the twenty ninth birthdays is the white Pearl. Wearing it is imagined to attract wealth and positive energies.



February 29th Horoscope Summation

All Piscean personalities are supposedly astrologically influenced by the planet Neptune's authority. The actual day you were born on, the twenty ninth of February is assumed to be cosmically ruled over by our Moon. Therefore these 2 planets combine their powerful influences to determine your exclusive thoughtful, agreeable and multi talented versatile disposition. Your openmindedness and effective expression, language and communication skills all help you make friends easily and learn quickly from experience. Your resilience and practicality are sometimes hidden talents that seem to surface just when you need them. As your birthday is not on a regular date you are one of the rare few who can profess with confidence to be younger than you really are. A last thought for people born on February the 29th is to try to not let others take advantage of your selflessness. Your understanding sympathy and generosity are admirable qualities and should be reserved for those that truly deserve them.

February Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope February 29th

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Hans Garg 2020-02-04 13:26:51
I was also born on 29 feb but some quotes are not true and some are true but i really proud myself. because i born in leap year.
Jane Okoye 2019-10-27 23:16:12
Woaw this just all about me. Nice article God bless us d February born.
Sitara 2018-02-27 21:32:45
Its a blessing in deed to be born on 29th Feb 🙂 we truly are a generous lot 🙂
Kanthilal soni 2017-11-07 18:40:52
My birthday is on 29 Feb 1988 and I m feeling happy and different from all others
cooper 2017-02-22 19:02:53
being born on the 29th of February is a wonderful thing your article is spot on
tabssum 2017-01-22 13:29:35
As a kid,I alwys thought I am the only one whose bday falls on 29th now I see thre are more auspicious peoples lyk m btw 2016 Feb I was 7 yrs old according to leap year.proud to b leaper .
Kedei jeremiah 2017-01-03 12:18:15
I was born on the 29 of feburary....
Soo blessed n proud 🙂
Andrew 2016-11-30 08:02:13
I was born on 29th of February 1996 and this article is so true everything said here has happened. It's just amazing to be a leap year baby I'm 20 and my parents and family talk about how old I am on my birthday I really love it. I feel love and happy. We are very special people who were born on leap year. Love all my leap year friends
Umaya soomro 2016-09-03 09:32:40
I born on 29 feb 1988 n m very lucky i feel blessed
Sarah 2016-08-10 13:45:17
I've always said when/if I'm 84 I'm having a 21st birthday party
Angie 2016-03-16 16:14:15
My daughter was born on the 29th of 2016 and I hope everything that was said is true . So far she is a great baby barely even crys
Kim 2017-11-10 04:21:30
I was the same as a baby. Never fried pr fissed. Always happy!
Crystal 2016-02-29 22:13:25
Happy Day we were born on!!! I love all of you rare and beautiful creatures! 😝
Stanley 2016-11-14 00:25:06
Leap year 1972! Must say: we have that certain intuition and it helps us a lot!

j 2016-02-29 17:50:00
oh my gosh that was so me , so true and so beautiful 😍
Mike Gonz 2016-02-29 04:48:58
I'm turning 28 today, but friends and family are still saying I'm only 7 years old haha. I love being a leap year baby and this horoscope is dead on!
MoByrd 2016-02-29 02:00:33
Its crazy how spot on this article is smh
ron thorward 2016-02-28 16:43:48
born in 1948 it missed my personality and behavior almost completly
Karen 2016-02-28 01:36:01
Finally a birthday! 😃 Happy Birthday to all us Leap Babies!

TE 2016-02-27 04:49:36
Well let me get some pearls.
gaidim 2016-02-25 02:25:17
proud to be born on 29th of February
Albert on his 21 st birthday 2016-02-20 22:41:29
All of us leaplings tend to agree only because the comments contained above are poditive and nice. If there were things that are not so good, then we do NOT agree. Think about it huh
ninah 2016-02-08 00:30:06
True ...proud to be a leap year baby
eve 2016-01-22 11:27:19
So very true ,I guess most of us leap year babies are the same in personlities
ammz 2015-07-19 20:45:13
So very true .. Every word 🙂
Valerie 2016-03-18 16:11:16
im 12 oh wait arent i 3... lol 😎
sa 2015-01-26 19:54:37
very nice and mostly true go leap year babies 😎

neerajanand 2014-07-28 18:08:50
wonderful and inspiring as well

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