Birthday Horoscope January 27th

Birthday Horoscope January 27th


If your Birthday is January 27th and your Zodiac Sign is Aquarius

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on January 27th under the Zodiac sign Aquarius



January 27th Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 27th of January are supposedly philosophical, compassionate and as highly independent as their Aquarian zodiac sign depicts. The planet that rules astrologically on this day is Mars creating personalities that are quick learners who are oozing with determination and creativity. If you have this particular birthday you own an intuitive and self motivated nature that is both commonsensical and inquisitive. You can be a bit of a nonconformist and often have a strong desire to reform things or increase their usability or potential. Individuals with a January the twenty sixth birthday are quite sociable and enjoy conversing with others who are like-minded. You like to keep up to date with new ideas and different viewpoints and tend to want to hold on to your youth as long as you can. This can cause you to be occasionally childlike or unrealistic and gives you a proneness to make rash decisions based on impulse rather than logic.



January 27th Work and Finances

Suitable long term work options may be difficult to decide on to a person born on the twenty seventh of January. You will usually search for a job that utilizes your deep rational thinking and captivates your sympathetic, kindhearted nature. Your reformist views see you sometimes employed in charitable occupations where you feel like you are somehow making a difference. Individuals with this particular birth date love spending money and many of you could find managing a budget hard. As you mature you learn more control with your finances but still have the tendency to not be able to resist a bargain.



January 27th Personal Relationships

For a self sufficient Aquarian water bearer you are surprisingly highly dependent on emotional warmth and security from others. Without someone special to love you are likely to feel incomplete so you often seek a partner earlier rather than later in life. Although you have the typical Aquarius high independence and need for personal space your craving for soul mate closeness takes over. Your spirited youthfulness tends to make you fall in love easily and helps you to be a playful, seductive, adventurous lover. In committed romantic relationships you are usually spontaneous and use your good imagination and communication skills to keep the romance alive and interesting. Your haste in wanting to settle down with the right person can occasionally cause you to rush in to commitments before you are ready, if you are not careful.



January 27th Health

A slightly careless and disinterested attitude to healthiness is usually adopted by those born on January 27th. You can get annoyed and easily bored with people who are always dieting or if they are keep fit fanatics. You believe that as long as you eat sensibly and are not particularly lazy you do not need to do anything other than this. This would be fine if you didn't have the bad habit of ignoring little symptoms hoping they will improve on their own. You are advised to avoid neglecting any signs of ill health and try to get adequate amounts of fresh air, fluid intake and restful sleep.



January 27th Strengths and Weaknesses

Main strengths of character for those born on January 27th are revealed in your brightness and determined quickly responsive mannerisms. These characteristics compliment your puerile but deeply thoughtful fun personality and gain you lots of friends and admirers. These positive traits that make you so appealing can also be a negative part of your disposition in the form of your harmless proclivity towards immaturity. You could find it difficult to adapt to getting older and sometimes an additional weakness of impatience is prone to develop if you are not emotionally happy and contented.



January 27th Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 27th of January most often lavishes you with the desire to base any goals on a good mixture of materialistic gain and personal happiness. You are not especially goal-orientated nor organized but you generally have a few plans in mind for the direction you wish your life to go in. Your dreams are diverse and often kept quite separate from your other life aspirations but they give you a sense of optimistic motivation. Secret hopes and wishes for the future are something you as a rule seem to reserve to yourself. However you have been known to share them with trusted soul mates.



January 27th Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty seventh day of the month your day of birth has a birthday Root number of Nine. This numerical reference derived from the total of the digits in the date you were born has the keyword 'Seeker'. It highlights your intuition, impulsiveness, curiosity and quest for comfort and communication. The Tarot card associated with your birthday is the 9th card in the Major Arcana the Hermit, it symbolizes your need to not feel alone. The red bloodstone also known as Garnet is considered the luckiest gemstone for January the twenty seventh birthdays bringing you luck and harmony.



January 27th Horoscope Summation

Aquarian personalities are believed to be astrologically influenced by the planet Uranus creating your high level of self reliance and nonconformity. The actual day you were born, the twenty seventh of January is cosmically governed over by the planet Mars. This celestial body's forces combines with Uranus's to add resoluteness and understanding to your list of amenable features. Your bright cheery character and thoughtfulness for others allow you to fulfill your longing to be helpful, loved, appreciated and feeling complete. All you really need to improve upon is your sensibleness and patience. A last observation for people born on January the 27th to contemplate is that maturation has rewards. You will not discover them until you capitulate and accept aging as an advantage in many respects rather than a disadvantage.

January Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope January 27th

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drea 2017-06-05 19:15:18
WHOAAAAAA ... everything is on POINT! How scary!!!! I'm a female and It's like they took my soul and transformed it into words. It's pretty crazy how I read other sites regarding my birth date and its all on point. If you're on this site because it was your birthdate I would like to know if you're just like me LOL ..

1. I date based on a person personality and looks doesn't even cross my mind. Like all the guys i've dated, every single relationship another person always says to me "he's so ugly, you're too pretty to be with him" but it doesn't phase me. To me, their personality is their beauty inside and out.

2. I hate a relationship that is too easy. I like being in a relationship that is challenging because it makes it more fun and not boring. When I say easy, i mean like they would never say no or disagree with anything i say.

3. When people compliment me on my looks, it doesn't phase me. i could careless lol so its awkward when i give them my response which is normally "ok ..." or "thanks..." i dont care to compliment them back.

4. I always have some crazy idea or project .. like too many and when i start on it .. i never finish because my mind comes up with something more exciting 🙁

5. the hardest thing for me to do is to apologize!!!! like when i joke around i'll say "sorry" or "my bad" but when its like a serious argument or if i got upset .. i can't seem to apologize even if i know i was the one that fucked up/messed up .. lol i dont know why!!! i have too much pride i guess.

well i think i wrote too much so i'll stop here haha oppppps!
geo 2017-02-11 12:22:44
very in line with my characteristics...strange as those days before me or after do not resemble me as well as this exact date. Odd ! based on other comments, replies are similar. I wonder what a Jan.27th exclusive social networking club look like? :-)
Hailey 2016-07-19 20:14:44
My mom was born on January 27th and I think this sounds pretty accurate 🙂 It's interesting seeing this other side of her because she's an Aquarius and obviously pretty secretive lol :P
Aquaperson12 2016-12-27 17:55:55

My mom is also born on that day 🙂 Sweet mom!
iyabs 2016-05-22 09:49:29
Higher % of it are correct BUT,I love my health and I rest a lot. I prefer not to talk when I am crossed and love to be in a world of my ow,. My golden rule is "Once beaten, twice shy". So I respect myself and people around me alot. I don't play around trouble. I love to give. I love to spend money BUT I don't spend d money already kept aside. I don't. Thank you.

Janne 2016-03-22 12:23:41
Quite, but twas a nice egotrip, thanks. 😭
Nitesh Naiding.. 2015-07-27 09:38:37
yes, it's all true of about my life so thankyou horoscope ... 🤔
justme 2015-01-27 23:14:13
That sounds like all of my characteristics!!!!
Benny 2015-05-21 00:46:00
Me too! nut I am not sure that we are careless about our health, because I care about my health
malayah littlelight 2014-10-19 14:40:49
It sounds really like me haha but its true i don't share my trust with everyone or have patience im still working on the 😭

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