Birthday Horoscope January 3rd

Birthday Horoscope January 3rd


If your Birthday is January 3rd and your Zodiac Sign is Capricorn

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on January 3rd under the Zodiac sign Capricorn



January 3rd Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 3rd of January are very persistent in the pursuit of the things they want in life. Like the Goat symbol that represents all Capricorns you have a determined, persuasive, sometimes pushy demeanor. The astrological planet that rules this particular day is Jupiter creating personalities that do not like to fail and strive to never give up. If you have this birthday you are likely to be highly reliable and will usually show a strong level of commitment to projects and people. Individual's with a January the third birthday will often put others before themselves but they can also be unnecessarily stubborn at times. You love to express your individuality and like to put your personal stamp on your attire and the decor of your home. You are an Earth element sign with a favorable connection to your natural environment and so will probably enjoy the freedom experienced from being outdoors.



January 3rd Work and Finances

A person born on the third of January will often aim to choose their career path based on expected job satisfaction and financial reward. You could also be selective in your work choice as you tend to have a love of the finer things in life and are prepared to work hard for the finances to acquire them. You are exceedingly motivated by money and may change your working arrangements numerous times in order to secure the best pay. Although monetary gain is an important consideration to you so is your need to be give to those less fortunate. Some of you may decide to opt for voluntary charitable employment.



January 3rd Personal Relationships

Like a typical Capricorn you can be quite reserved when it comes to close relationships and may have difficulty expressing emotions. Born on the third day of January emotionally you tend to keep your true feelings hidden and it takes someone special to evoke the deeply passionate side of your personality. As you mature you should gradually learn the benefits of being able to share your inner thoughts and ambitions with a partner. You make a warm and loving soul mate when in a long term partnership but you can be prone to be jealous natured and have periods of sulking. Settling into and committing to a personal relationship may be difficult as you are so shy and cautious. As a parent you fare much better due to your responsible, caring and giving characteristics and your ability to cope with pressure.



January 3rd Health

Boundless energy and a zest for life are the usual attributes associated with those born on January the 3rd. You like to look and feel good but do not see the necessity for any special kind of exercise as you are always busy. You have a great appetite but may need to watch your waistline and ensure you drink lots of water to keep your skin clear. People born on this day could also suffer from a proneness to allergies that may be linked to diet. Although you find exercising incredibly boring you should greatly benefit from one of the many new relaxation techniques or spa therapies.



January 3rd Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are your trustworthiness and devoted attitude towards the welfare of others. These admirable traits and your duty driven energetic optimistic outlook will help you to build and retain security in your life. Weaknesses in the personalities of those born on January 3rd center around your tendency to stubbornness and occasional refusal to listen to the views of others. Due to your obstinate streak you can sometimes miss out on things you would have enjoyed. Another weakness you should take care not to hurt others with is your tendency to be a little secretive and aloof.



January 3rd Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 3rd of January endows you with the wish to fulfill a constant stream of goals throughout your life. It seems as soon as you achieve one aim you have another lined up ready to start. Aside from your desire to succeed generally your main dream and aspiration is to find someone on your wavelength to share your life with. This craving for emotional security is sometimes intense and can be distracting. This yearning for a successful relationship may be challenging but you do not give up easily and your persistence and patience in this part of life normally brings rewards.



January 3rd Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the third day of the month your date of birth has a Root number of Three. This numerical reference has the keyword 'Innovation' and sums up your creative persuasiveness in acquiring your hopes and dreams for the future. The Tarot card associated with your birthday is the 3rd card of the Major Arcana the Empress. She signifies your gifts of charm and grace but also a negative influence of vanity. The luckiest gemstone for January the first birthdays is the Amethyst and the wearing of this gem is believed to intensify your intuition and attract good luck.



January 3rd Horoscope Summation

The planet Saturn traditionally rules the star sign of Capricorn and the individuals born under it. The actual day you were born, the third of January, is astrologically influenced by the planet Jupiter along with Saturn. So these are the two significant planets whose cosmic forces blend to create your special uniqueness and determine your probable nature. Your ambitious determination helps you progress in life while your obstinacy if misdirected could hold you back. If you can restrain your obstinacies and be more flexible you could move forward more quickly. A closing thought for people born on January the 3rd is that achieving for others as well as yourself is the route to accomplishing personal satisfaction.

January Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope January 3rd

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Steve-O 2017-01-03 10:48:35
3 Jan 2017
It's not really what was written but
It is what we are about to write
Changes can be made for the better or worse
We always take control
So if you haven't it's time
If you already do keep moving forward
Strength in #s always conquer
Time to multiple :-)
Happy Birthday to us !!!!
Laffy j 2016-12-29 17:06:50
Don't evn know how to start jes soo true lyk 85% for sure...
mckenna 2016-12-11 09:45:29
this is wrong im a capricorn and im not responsible at all and i always have my head in the clouds im always and i mean ALWAYS stereotyped as this responsible down to earth serious subbern little crap!!
Zack 2016-12-10 17:13:14
Not me everyone used me for my luck now at the point I don't even wanna try anymore 1209-496-0917
h 2016-01-15 06:57:24
85% same
January the 3rd 2015-11-16 10:44:00
All true. But thr should b more.
Amanda 2015-09-28 08:39:55
90% true....hate to fail for sure
Ryan 2015-09-03 04:51:47
WOW 100% accurate for me. Crazy
Anonymous 2015-08-17 14:02:37
Some aren't true, but some things are.
I feel awkward knowing all this about myself. I wish I was worthy, lol.
El 2015-06-21 00:32:15
A lot of it is me, I know because my friend always told me. Just from seeing me and hanging out with me. I read it in her voice. W
gilbert 2015-06-17 06:08:36
all true and weird to think everybody reading this has the sam birthday
Kevin 2015-06-10 17:47:01
Yea so much of it is true thx fr the info.

Sunny 2015-02-12 18:08:25
This is totally awesome, overall 80% is me...thank you!
mich 2015-02-10 22:14:35
I like it ,when i read this ,i could relate it in myself,bec. I am a kind of person does not give up easily.
shania 2014-09-29 07:05:32
This is totally me... *lol*
Vilena 2014-08-01 18:45:36
I like that! It is true for me. We have to combine the goog things with the negative ones.
roopa 2014-06-06 17:41:02
Some of the points are very true about me.

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