Birthday Horoscope October 5th

Birthday Horoscope October 5th


If your Birthday is October 5th and your Zodiac Sign is Libra

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on October 5th under the Zodiac sign Libra



October 5th Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 5th of October are destined to be rather independent, friendly and charming with the usual Libra agreeable flexibility. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Mercury making you usually more decisive yet less diplomatic than most others with this same star sign. If you have this birthday your clever communication and negotiation abilities often guide you to have great leadership skills. Your versatility is matched with an intense curiosity fueling an abundance of ideas and a preference to learn through experience. Highly practical, artistic and funny you are also inclined to possess a very understanding side as well as being a great listener. Despite your articulate fair approach and interest in social issues you are in addition capable of adopting an idealistic uncompromising manner too. Individuals with an October the fifth birthday may be family orientated and constantly crave stability but could suffer from occasional bouts of restlessness.



October 5th Work and Finances

Job choice to a person born on the fifth of October is commonly a very important decision as you seem to consider it an opportunity to follow your destiny. Doing something useful and progressive you enjoy is an essential requirement for an ideal and favored career. Your blend of charm and decisiveness along with your ability to negotiate mean you often find the perfect occupation in one of the many fast paced service industries. As you tend to be good at investing financially and likely to favor keeping spending to a minimum it is rare for you to encounter monetary difficulties. Saving is something you place lots of importance on.



October 5th Personal Relationships

For a Libra, the person born on the fifth day of October is typically affectionate and full of romantic idealism but with a need to feel in complete control. You seem to strongly seek emotional security and will greatly value the companionship element of a soul mate relationship. Easygoing and a little flirtatious you usually aim to gain the real sense of stable contentment you commonly yearn. An ideal partner will have to share similar tastes and common interests along with the same level of tenderness for a compatible happy love union. Your avoidance of quarreling and tendency to be a bit too compromising can sometimes lead to problems going unresolved so openness in every other area of a committed relationship is essential. Your well balanced energies help you to be attentive when it matters making a loved one feel truly cherished. You are likely to put a partners sexual needs before your own.



October 5th Health

Illness related to excess weight gain is rarely experienced by those born on October 5th as a result of your energetic approach to life. In spite of your fondness of activity and keeping in trim you have the inclination to be a tad unconcerned about healthiness when it comes to dietary choices or pacing yourself. Suppression of your personal needs is usually one of your worst habits. Being more choosy concerning food and finding relaxing ways to beat stress should prove highly beneficial to overall health. People born on this day should try and spend lots of time outdoors to avoid the likelihood of developing a sallow complexion.



October 5th Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are displayed in your assured sociable deportment and streak of independence. These positive traits help you express yourself with confidence, friendliness and firmness. Your additional fortes of curious charm and adaptability allow you to easily fit in wherever you may be. The personality weaknesses for those born on October 5th are usually activated by events that evoke your negative trait of occasionally becoming restless. This negativity can cause you to become somewhat preoccupied, bothered or anxious and once in a while act totally out of character and be extremely inflexible.



October 5th Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 5th of October means that you do not ordinarily require much encouragement or praise towards aspirational aims. You are selective with the setting of goals and like to achieve things that could make a difference or send a message that may lead to reforms. You have the tendency to only attempt something if your chances of success are high. Assistance from others with the achievement of your ambitions is sometimes hard for you to accept. Dreams are often an extended expression of your creative resourcefulness, having the possibility of featuring your wish for harmony with picturesque scenes of tranquility.



October 5th Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the fifth day of the month your birth date is specially assigned an equivalent Root number of Five. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Inquiry' accounting for your inquisitive inventive mind and heightened practicality. In Tarot the 5th mystic card in the Major Arcana illustrating the Hierophant is associated with your birthday. This represents your kind conformity and usual willingness to listen. The lucky gemstone for October the fifth birthdays is imagined to be a sparkly Diamond, to be worn for the probability of calmer sleep and a possible boost to both courage and wealth.



October 5th Horoscope Summation

All Libran personalities are thought to be astrologically predicted by the powerful influence of the planet Venus. The actual day you were born on, the fifth of October, is governed by Mercury's dominant presence. So these 2 planets are the main influences on your presumable uniqueness. Your pleasant inquisitive temperament's mix of decisiveness and idealism gives you a capable, interesting spirited niceness. Your sense of humor and instinctive optimism help you cope productively with life's challenges. A summarizing cautionary thought for people born on October the 5th is to beware of stumbling over the stone at your feet while dreaming of distant desires. Alertness is usually the key to your successfulness.

October Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope October 5th

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alberto 2018-05-09 15:01:05
finely have something to brage about xd
Susiequeue 2016-10-05 13:03:33
FIts me to a tee ! ! 😃 Happy Birthday fellow Oct 5 babies.
Tesha moore 2016-08-27 13:10:40
So what am I missing ? single 40 old female 2 Kids and big dreams now I know I got something but where do I start ?who do I turn to ? I am ready to go! This means nothing because I don't know how to use my zodiac
Ananth 2017-01-02 00:10:04
Me too single at 40 ! Don't worry keep going... days are ours! Not just a flirtatious word but from the depth of my heart! Goodluck!
Vico 2016-02-01 21:33:31
This is so damn spot on, specially with the pary of needing little to no encouragement to do what we want, which is true, if I do something is because I love doing it or know I can do it. I don't do anything to get praised or please anyone, but sure i'd accept and appreciate any compliment
10Rox 2015-10-19 19:40:43
So true. I'm so unstopable whenever i wanna do anything and the end result is usually successful.
Renate 2015-10-02 23:14:52
Very interesting...thank you.
Jael-sama 2015-09-30 22:03:27
Especially me when talking about how I only shoot for what I'm pretty sure I can do.
mola coka 2015-06-02 20:02:32
Make una keep quite... dats me there
N..... 2015-05-31 00:16:52
Its so true at my arshad
only me... 2014-12-11 21:23:23
Its more or less met accept for the healthy part!!! And I'm not working 🙁! But further everything is just the way who I am... 😍 😭
LazyBubblez 2014-12-09 03:56:56
The part about health is so true for me lol. 😝 Though, I hate being the leader or in control. I'm friendly, I guess... and I'm not so sure about flexibility. I can do the splits but not all the way. But, anyways, great job on describing me (or us! No need to get all grabby..) you put a lot of details into it, which I like. Ok. Uhh, is that it? Uh, yea I guess so. 😃 lol.
prabhakar 2014-12-05 02:17:00
It matched with me. I don't believe this.!

Anon 2014-11-20 16:16:42
This is all so true. I am shocked! Defines my boyfriend very well. 😍
IG: MalikLavar 2014-10-05 19:12:33
This was very enlightening, affirming and encouraging!
Hef 2014-10-03 10:01:21
Don't stop! ...go on... seems like a descriptive, expression; of all great characteristics making up me; a Fire Dragon Libra 5th October! :-)

Cheers! Reckon I'm reading this on a weekend which is why it all sounds like the perfect zodiac to be! lol
lisa 2014-09-25 21:42:48
all these are d characteristic of me..yap 😄
Amir 2014-10-04 22:46:53
Not just of u... but of me also 😎
Candi 2014-08-31 16:25:57
This was a very good summary of me! Ha ha

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