Birthday Horoscope September 17th

Birthday Horoscope September 17th


If your Birthday is September 17th and your Zodiac Sign is Virgo

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on September 17th under the Zodiac sign Virgo



September 17th Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 17th of September are destined to be cleverly inventive and resourceful with the typical Virgo purposeful attention to detail. The ruling astrological planet selected for this particular day is Saturn giving you the ability to easily solve problems with careful analysis and logic. If you have this birthday your serious, thorough and persistent nature is usually trustworthy, helpful and dependable. Resolute, levelheaded and naturally intuitive your friendly compassion is likely to be practical and commonsensical. You will possess a youthful attitude and are quite sensitive emotionally with a preference to always take your time with important decisions. Individuals with a September the seventeenth birthday have a strong will making them courageous and full of stamina. You are calm and collected with an excellent memory but you can get into a real flap if things are unorganized. You can also be occasionally judgmental and intolerant too.



September 17th Work and Finances

A fondness of being in charge usual to a person born on the seventeenth of September can sometimes direct their career choices. Along with your precise organizational skills and quiet yet reassuring presence you often make a great manager or supervisor in any workplace. Your meticulous sense of purpose and flair for problem solving guide you to be a wonderful productive worker to employ or work alongside. Financial matters are usually easily understood by you and you tend to favor and follow smart investments and be good at spotting opportunities to boost your income. You also have the common sense to save money for the future.



September 17th Personal Relationships

For a Virgo, the person born on the seventeenth day of September is typically responsible, rational and affectionate natured with lots of modesty and sensitivity concerning affairs of the heart. Strong close communication is an essential in your ideal relationship as although not very demonstrative with displaying affection, you are not afraid to talk about feelings. You need someone who shares your inclination for high standards and will be as loyal and steadfast as you in an intimate love partnership. You may have to build up a lot of emotional trust with a partner so you require a mate who is fairly patient and understanding. You need a soul mate lover who is capable of seductively unlocking your touch of adventurousness between the sheets and ignite your latent passion. In a long term loving relationship you are rather sentimental and especially good at remembering special anniversaries.



September 17th Health

The usual robust health experienced by those born on September 17th is a consequence of your young and buoyant vigor and outlook. You are ordinarily not a big eater so usually manage to burn off excess calories from your healthy appetite and energetic approach. Bones and teeth could be weak spots in healthiness so plenty of calcium in the diet is advisable. People born on this day should consider slowing down a bit in addition to remembering to regulate meal times and sleep patterns. Following this advice could give a real boost to vitality plus help you retain your natural youthful looks and spiritedness.



September 17th Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are disclosed in your persistence, purposefulness and practicality. These positive traits are fine accompaniments to your helpfulness, dependability and careful thought. Extra fortes are seen in your finely tuned intuition and likelihood to have an even temper allowing you to get along well with others. The personality weaknesses for those born on September 17th appear to occur more frequently if you are especially tired, agitated or stressed. These negative traits of a fussy or stubbornly fixed manner are additional to a proneness for your intolerance levels to really rise in these circumstances.



September 17th Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 17th of September usually makes you fabulous at choosing perfect times to take advantage of chances to achieve. Determined and persevering you are inclined to follow advisory guidelines and adhere to your principles concerning the achievement of aspirations. You are prepared to work hard and wait patiently for the success you seek and appear to be fairly resilient to small disappointments or setbacks. Your inclination to be organized and attentive to detailed accuracy always assists you to accomplish much. Dreams are mostly concentrated on wishes for your private life and coming up with clever inventions.



September 17th Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the seventeenth day of the month the one and seven in your birth date generate a Root number of Eight. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Leader' relating to your logical inventiveness and resourcefulness along with your thoughtful decision taking. In Tarot the 17th Major Arcana card illustrating the Star is associated with your birthday. This identifies your ability to not be deterred by and rise above the majority of restrictions. The lucky gemstone for September the seventeenth birthdays is a Black Pearl to be worn for emotional happiness and stability as well as favorable fortunes.



September 17th Horoscope Summation

All Virgo personalities are presumed to be mainly astrologically influenced by the planet Mercury's authority. The actual day you were born on, the seventeenth of September is governed by Saturn's rule. Hence the influences of these 2 planets are imagined to determine your probable uniqueness from others with this virgin symboled zodiac sign. Your analytic brave approach and methods and your strong trust of your instincts will usually take you far in life. Your capable, calm composed mannerisms and skill at memorizing help you express maturity beyond your years. Taming your weaker characteristics of stubborn fussiness and lack of toleration it should help you progress and grow emotionally. A finalizing thought for people born on September the 17th is to aim to curb your habit of judging others. Try to be more accepting of differences of action and opinion and make time for more fun.

September Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope September 17th

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Patty 2017-09-16 13:30:48
Nice to see there are others who share this bd! Happy day to all of us. This horoscope is about 50% for me .
Kalsang youdon. 2017-07-30 15:37:18
I m. A. Virgo and I m. V sarcastic... V true
Abhay 2017-05-22 06:40:39
yes. Accurate! I'm resilient and determined and my will is as strong as possible. I do believe in a higher existence that helps us along the way though...which makes us humbly achieve success
osaretin 2017-01-09 10:34:03
this is really perfect....100% me
Linda 2016-09-16 15:17:57
Wishing everyone a marvellous day with a 17 September birthday tomorrow. Hardworking, clever and kind .
Lance 2016-05-18 22:10:32
Perhaps experience in life has altered my "estimated" horiscope traits.

I am one for purging and reincarnation as opposed to maintaining and developing.
lidiana 2015-10-22 09:02:29
It is very accurate for me too i would love to meet some people born on this day. my email is
sunitha 2016-02-12 21:43:37
even me too feel it is exactly what i am.
Lotus 2015-09-18 04:11:38
This is so me! Except the judgemental
part. Happy Birthday to you all!
TEBOGO 2015-09-17 08:05:26
Hrishikesh Sonar 2015-09-15 22:51:32
I can't believe...
How someone can This much perfect...
Tomorrow is my birthday...
And this all was 98%. Same to me.... 🙂
Fran 2015-09-15 04:32:25
Yes I am a true September 17th!
Ayanna 2015-09-10 18:18:07
This is so me like 98% accurate! Our Birthday is next week everyone!!! Happy Early Birthday!

Avi 2015-08-31 19:58:56
Wow! It completely defines me. Every word is true. And d funny thing is i'm sure lot of us must have at some point thought of themselves as unique or a one of a kind individual and here you go, seeing so many ppl alike.. It's gud to knw there r ppl lyk me out there. And this site is amazing!
Sunny 2015-07-25 18:57:50
Yeah, I can give one example the Prime Minister of India is born on 17th September
Pamra 2015-07-22 12:51:52
I also born on the same date l'm very thankful to you but we are not judgemental thats wrong
John 2015-06-26 01:31:19
Yes,it's an accurate description for me too. I am very ambitious and which is not mentioned in this 17 September birthday horoscope. I prefer to manage at work, but I can do other jobs with ease. I think many people born on this day will be famous for something since they are very determined to succeed.
agnes 2015-06-09 10:26:46
I was born on september 17,1984 too..thank you i've learn a lot about my personality...
SP 2015-06-01 01:13:20
Im born on sep 17... I was loyal to the end with my first partner of 19 years. Bone and teeth health definitely true with this write up.
Summer 2015-05-25 21:19:44
Most describes me! The part about being judgemental so soooo wrong. I'm the most understanding, least judge mental person ever. Anyone else? Was it life's circumstances in which gave me this characteristic?
OL'LEE 2015-04-23 12:04:25
woow, this Write up is real. this is a typical me.
does this mean i have my exact character out there?
would like to meet my them
chimereze 2015-05-20 19:25:07
Message from OL'LEE
woow, this Write up is real. this is a typical me.
does this mean i have my exact character out there?
would like to meet my them
.Am 17
September. Let's get to know

MRS 2015-03-11 23:54:21
Both, my husband and brother were born on this day and this is very true. They are great individuals, especially in their adult years. Very dependable, loyal and genuine people. Hard workers, family oriented and humerous. But don't let their stubbornness surface! Lol they also have a temperamental/ stubborn side, that you DON'T want to see. :-)
Ana 2015-06-25 03:25:55
So true about the temper lol my boyfriend go 0to 100 quick. But I'm a Capricorn . so were great together. Curious to know what's your sign?
Zen 2015-03-09 14:38:07
Hello everyone, so im analysing trying to figure all of this out. So others born on this day are like me too? im intrigued and would love to meet any of you born on sept 17 that think this is a correct assessment of them. I live in London so if any of u guys up for a chat Please contact me
bolanle 2015-03-04 21:41:25
This is so me...97% correct
Nadine 2015-02-26 06:55:30
This is quite accurate I do have most traits of being born on 17 th September it's spooky

randy 2015-02-16 00:21:38
44 44 44 8 8 8 8. 44 and 8 is in my life more than anything. Sep 17 1984 is when i was born. This has me troubled. Anyone else? write me
umesh 2015-02-09 13:29:04
Thank God our PM Mr Modi & Our Great God Dr Ramdas Pai,birth day 🙁 🙁
allena 2014-12-21 16:55:01
yaeh its true..i wrked as clg president...matches 97 percnt..emotionally very weak..even small things can hurt me..but i pretends to b lyk nthing hs happend.. :-( hope i cld learn to overcme these situations..
Steve 2014-12-02 20:50:22
This in not my EX She has strung me along for the last 6 months, sneaking around behind my back with 3 other men while I have been away working, trying my hardest to provide her with a comfortable life style, she would look me in the face and tell me a lie to try and cover her tracks however on every occasion she has been caught out
Elaina 2014-12-14 07:37:22
my ex bf with this birthday was the exact same way. cheated on me for three years when I was thinking he was the best boyfriend I could have asked for but fortunately I moved on to better things🙂
Andrea 2015-05-10 01:33:49
The downside to us is we love beautiful things..including men so yes we may find love but if someone way hotter comes along we may emotionally (and sometimes yes physically) jump ship. I had 3 bf at one time yes and loved each one by the little hierarchy that existed in my head. We need the whole package so if ur lacking something we may not tell u but will look elsewhere for the rest.
nejc 2015-02-15 19:22:46
my ex did the same thing, and her birthday is on 17.9 aswell.. i think we're on to something guys...
Chels 2015-03-09 04:03:44
Yeah... Virgos cheat a lot. I know I did... But that's in the past! But everyone I know that I a Virgo has cheated on their partner
tianna 2014-11-27 17:00:02
this is definitely me, smart, always taking over, but easy to to jump to conclusion about someone and very reserved in the manner were talking to strangers is concerned
Ishaan 2014-11-02 23:22:42
My word, it knows me exactly !!

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