Birthday Horoscope September 21st

Birthday Horoscope September 21st


If your Birthday is September 21st and your Zodiac Sign is Virgo

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on September 21st under the Zodiac sign Virgo



September 21st Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 21st of September are believed to be charming quick witted communicators with the typical Virgoan preference for orderly attention to detail. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Jupiter making you destined to be highly innovative and naturally lucky. If you have this birthday balance and harmony are important to your fragile ego and emotions. You are likely to possess a fascination with mysteries and have original thought and an analytical adeptness at solving problems. Intelligent and creative you will ordinarily have an exuberant modern outlook and an elegant tasteful style. Individuals with a September the twenty first birthday your commonsensical temperament is usually very energetic, reliable and dexterous. You have a strong idealistic and adventurous streak in your nature but also a slight fear of failure too. Behind your fairly confident and sociable front you are quite a private person who thinks and feels deeply and is easily hurt by criticism.



September 21st Work and Finances

Favored occupation preferences to a person born on the twenty first of September are those that fully utilize your high intelligence and creativity. Your natural energy and reliability is accompanied by a somewhat perfectionist view of work making you productive and so inclined to fare well in your chosen job. Your enthusiastic approach and adroitness provide additional qualities that can help you achieve your full potential. Although you have a taste for the luxuries in life, it is rare for this to interfere with your usual careful attitude to financial budgeting. You are normally prepared to wait and save sensibly for expensive purchases.



September 21st Personal Relationships

For a Virgo, the person born on the twenty first day of September is typically in search of supportive companionship from a long term love relationship. You need a soul mate partner who understands and accepts your mix of outgoing but serious and shares your sense of humor. As you do not readily show your feelings you tend to need someone who helps you express yourself by going beyond your emotional comfort zone. You are a tad sentimental concerning romance in addition to being inclined to be full of thoughtfulness and intensely loyal. You are caring and helpful but usually require and really appreciate a little space reserved for your own interests. Seemingly modest and conservative sexually you are often surprisingly passionate and responsive to variety between the sheets. Your usual commitment to excellence in everything you do guides you to make the relationship successful and fun.



September 21st Health

The above average healthiness experienced by those born on September 21st is usually maintained by your fastidious frame of mind. Your meticulous care on a daily basis ensures you stay generally but you should find that regular medical and dental check ups will offer extra reassurance. This avid concern of your health needs to extend to dietary choices as spicy food or too much caffeine often disagrees with you and should be avoided. People born on this day will discover that moderate exercise is great for diminishing stress levels, keeping you looking and feeling at your best and improving the quality of restful sleep.



September 21st Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are revealed in your inventive originality and your enhanced ability to communicate presenting you as a progressive and stylish individual. Your exuberance, elegance and appreciation of beauty are further positive traits that expose another side to your blend of idealism, deep thought and seriousness. The principal personality weaknesses for those born on September 21st concern your vulnerability regarding critical comments. These negative reactions reveal your hidden sensitivities and make you rather prone to exaggeration as well as the tendency to act overly materialistic once in a while.



September 21st Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 21st of September usually makes emotional stability and secure future finances your two greatest aspirations in life. Despite being secretly quite ambitious these wishes will frequently be put before and above professional goals. Your modernism and a creative imagination along with your charm and quick wit can assist you with any desired accomplishments. Dreams commonly consist of visualizing yourself within harmonious settings or following your sense of adventure on mysterious journeys. Another common wish is to be part of a loving partnership with someone special where you are able to just happily be yourself.



September 21st Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty first day of the month the total of your birth date figures give you a Root number of Three. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Innovation' highlighting your resourcefulness and likelihood of having ingenious ideas. In the Major Arcana Tarot deck the 21st card representing the World is associated with your birthday. This is a symbol of your originality and an expression of your yearning for satisfaction and success. The lucky gemstone for September the twenty first birthdays is an Amethyst, to be worn for an overall calming effect and a possible increase to intuition.



September 21st Horoscope Summation

Astrologically the planet Mercury is imagined to be the most influential authority on the likely probabilities of Virgo personalities. The actual day you were born on, the twenty first of September is astro governed by Jupiter's dominance. As a consequence these are the 2 planetary influences that help predict your individuality. Your wittiness, abundance of energy and dependability and friendly communication skills make you nice to know. With luck on your side your preciseness and inclination to analyze grant you opportunities to achieve and grow. If you can conquer your distress at being criticized it should open up many new doors and advance your general progress. A concluding thought for people born on September the 21st is to be less afraid of what others think of you and learn to show off your differences.

September Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope September 21st

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T JADHAV 2021-04-23 11:04:32
Each and every word said here is true af.
RAMPRASADH 2019-06-30 10:05:09
Perfect.The above mentioned exactly matches with my life.
ZAKEEYAH ABOOBAKER GANI 2018-02-28 22:25:17
Hi everyone. Really Awesome to know that there are plenty people born on 21 September. I love it. Happy Happy Happy advanced Birthday to all born on this date.
Blackhourglass 2017-08-11 16:19:46
Ghana 2017-05-13 06:30:51
Well, i'd totally agree with the fact that Sep 21st individuals are unique and lucky. And our uniqueness and individuality makes a lot of people around us jealous for no apparent reason. I've faced it all my life and am still facing it because I don't do any thing to hurt people around me, they just become cold for no reason. As for criticism, what's writtwritten here is 100% true. I cannot hold or deal with negativity and criticism that well although I am very strong and confident. And, one thing i'd like to add is that although we all are unique we just don't think ourselves to be and get out of our way to show off because we take care of other peoples' feelings. Now all Sep 21st mates, do you agree?!
Naje 2017-06-21 07:20:28
Message from Ghana
Well, i'd totally agree with the fact that Sep 21st individuals are unique and lucky. And our uniqueness and individuality makes a lot of people around us jealous for no apparent reason. I've faced it all my life and am still facing it because I don't do any thing to hurt people around me, they just become cold for no reason. As for criticism, what's writtwritten here is 100% true. I cannot hold or deal with negativity and criticism that well although I am very strong and confident. And, one thing i'd like to add is that although we all are unique we just don't think ourselves to be and get out of our way to show off because we take care of other peoples' feelings. Now all Sep 21st mates, do you agree?!

"why is that? People are always jealous of us. No matter how we build them up, they envy us and try to stay us in our back. But one thing I know we are blessed and highly favored. We have beautiful pure hearts. And are genuine people!"
So true 2017-03-11 11:41:42
Its somewhat scary to think there are more like me out there embrace our uniqueness and love yourself
megha g c 2016-12-20 05:58:34
All above said is true..!! I can't express anything even with my loved once
Tab 2016-12-09 18:46:50
Wow!.... Sept 21 this is me , don't sleep stress all the time... All I want to be me and nobody judge me!
JAY 2016-12-06 04:12:47
Hey birth mates
Really feels special to know about myself
Well it's true than legends ARE born in September
harsh hulk bahubali 2016-10-23 12:02:10
0 made me feel so special in myself...... Thankyu
Chrissy 2016-09-22 07:18:27
This was amazing. It hit all the points. PERFECT description of a Virgo.
Izzu 2016-09-20 20:24:03
hi birth mates. the world isn't so bad after all. I love you all.

chills Virgo 2016-09-20 11:49:15
this is so true. m happy tht all this people are realating to my story.'' @=@ .
asmin 2016-09-15 04:31:12
the true description of me 😭
juliusgaga 2015-10-28 01:11:17
you guys hit it........ all amazing
MaryK 2015-09-23 21:27:05
This is the best I ever read- Just on target. I had a bad childhood with other people taking care of me, while my parents were not around. This is so true of what my personality has developed. As I am getting older, I understand the benefit of being a perfectionist, and full of life. I am working on improving my health as it right now my priority. Healthy and pleasant life is what everyone should strive for....
Dorothy 2016-08-31 11:52:54
Interesting how so many of us born on Sept. 21 had similar childhoods! The reading was also right on target for me. I've had many occupations and am currently passionate about being a therapist. Part of the strength of this the ability to creatively move into whatever our heart desires...being willing to do whatever interests us.
Kin 2015-12-28 23:13:27
Wow we have the same childhood story
sonal 2015-09-21 06:06:11
its perfect, I liked it very much.
viju 2015-09-20 19:28:13
21 day of peace,,,,,almost 90% is true
JAY 2015-08-19 01:34:21
Omg all of this is so true and I'm only 12 😃
Kavita 2015-08-16 06:27:06
Very well n truly written..
VirGo 2015-07-07 16:11:32
Absolutely me !

The only weakness I tend to have is that i cannot express my feelings that well ....

I cannot show love to my nearest and dearest I am such emotionally-null freak but that's me ;)

CHEERS TO ALL MY FELLOW VIRGO's ....U GUYS ROCK ! After all we are the purest examples of PERFECTION 😄D
Natalia 2015-07-07 11:07:53
I can't even believe how exact that description is of me an to see so many of my fellow birthday plas say the same thing is mind blowing like honestly the whole time was reading this article I was in disbelief that it got me so right on and I was waiting for it to get something wrong but nope it nailed everything. Luckily though I do still hate criticism I have come to that point where I don't are what others think of me anymore and that I am who I am so do stuff my own way and outside the box 🙂
Tosin 2015-07-01 19:12:25
I don't have much to talk than just to say this is article words says the totally description of me
den 2015-06-08 20:48:36
Any other 21st virgos have a really bad childhood?
Liz 2015-11-05 07:42:08
Yes freaky how real this is. My father left my mom, younger sis, and I when I was really young. I'm 19 now. Yeah...bad childhood lol but this horoscope is spot on !!!

somebody 2015-06-01 09:55:34
This is a very "close to perfect " description of me.. niceee!! 😭
Kanika 2015-04-06 10:59:47
Woww amzng.....its so true yaaaaar I cnt. Believe how cn be
suyog 2016-10-01 03:18:27
can i get your fb request
Shar 2015-04-02 23:37:05
Well Stated This is a true description of me. 😃 😃
iona 2015-03-31 23:28:22
My boyfriend Tayte is all this,deeply sensual, serious deep thoughted side,expects perfection from himself, loyal,knows how to let his hair down and have fun,cares about people,delicate+caring,a special spirit xxx
Alwyn Dsouza 2015-06-18 13:19:50
You pray iona . With jesus
anu 2015-01-29 21:35:15
Mostly true,maximam truth,near perfect decription.
sana 2015-01-18 22:38:03
this is so true! just like me! i also found out that alot of virgos like me tend to find if some kind of trend goes around we tend to try to do that trend so a word of notice, every virgo BE YOURSELF! its not good if we go by what others think, the book i read said it was a weakness.

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