Horoscope: Full moon and lunar eclipse on May 5, 2023 in Scorpio

Horoscope: Full moon and lunar eclipse on May 5, 2023 in Scorpio

Horoscope for the full moon and lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 5, 2023 for all signs of the zodiac

On May 5, 2023 at 1:34 P.M (ET) or 17:24 (UTC/GMT), a lunar eclipse will occur followed by a full moon ten minutes later, at approximately 14 degrees in the sign of Scorpio. The beauty of this lunar cycle lies in the coincidence of the full moon and lunar eclipse. Additionally, the full moon in Scorpio will oppose the Sun in Taurus, which may indicate a strong desire to choose the most stable course, combining decisiveness and a desire to achieve safety. Read our astrology forecast to find out how the full moon in Scorpio, intensified by the lunar eclipse, will affect your zodiac sign.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Horoscope Aries Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5 Horoscope Aries Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5

May 5 marks a significant moment for Aries! This is all thanks to the full moon and lunar eclipse in Scorpio that will illuminate your eighth house, which is associated with intimacy, merging, and secrets. Do you know what is hidden beneath the surface of events around you? Still unsure? Well, you will have to find out. In the next couple of weeks, Aries may unexpectedly discover something deeply buried in memory, recall old feelings, uncover a secret about a loved one, or something just as surprising. Perhaps the most difficult part is that during this time you may become aware of your dark side. Don't panic, we all have one! In fact, this should be viewed as a powerful impulse for transforming emotions and overcoming fears. Additionally, under the influence of this lunar aspect, intimate attraction may reach its peak, but since the full moon signifies the completion of processes, some relationships may reach a point of no return. That is, in relationships with a loved one, Aries may be on the edge of either going all in or losing everything. On the other hand, for stable couples, this full moon may stimulate the beginning of shared life, pregnancy, or engagement. Meanwhile, in the business and financial sphere, the full moon in Scorpio may prompt profitable investing, signing contracts, or concluding real estate transactions.

Horoscope Taurus Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5 Horoscope Taurus Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5

For Taurus, on May 5, processes aimed at changing the conditions of your partnership may begin. On this day, we will experience a full moon and lunar eclipse in power-hungry Scorpio, affecting your seventh house of committed partnership. Thus, some important relationships in Taurus's life may be heading towards official status or, conversely, abruptly terminated. The full moon usually signifies completion, but together with the lunar eclipse, it leads to significant turning points, significantly intensifying transformations. So, stay alert, soon you will have to figure out who does not belong to your trusted circle. As for romantic, business, or creative collaborations, this full moon and lunar eclipse mean a transition to a new state for you and your partner. For example, stable couples may enrich their relationships with a joint project, inventing an entirely new way or approach to existing initiatives. Also, the eclipse in Scorpio may force Taurus to make a choice, and although you don't like to be hasty with conclusions, in some sense, the decision may seem timely. If you have a certain agreement or contract to sign on the agenda, this aspect may contribute to the completion of these processes. However, there are some concerns here. Mercury will be retrograde until May 14, which may make negotiations difficult. On the other hand, lunar eclipses are impatient, and they will drive you towards making a decision. It may happen that you will have to rely on the situation and sign a document not to miss the opportunity.

Horoscope Gemini Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5 Horoscope Gemini Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5

Dear Gemini, a moment comes in your life to change the way you organize and manage your life processes. On May 5, 2023, there will be a full moon and lunar eclipse in the impatient Scorpio, falling in your 6th house of health, everyday affairs, and organization, calling for the reforms that have been ripening in these areas. Under the influence of this transformational aspect, Gemini can receive a powerful boost of motivation, for example, to start daily workouts or finally do spring cleaning in their home. In general, a lunar eclipse in such a position can signal accumulated health problems. So, if you have been ignoring pain or postponing a doctor's visit for some time, you should undergo a full preventive check-up. Under the influence of the full moon, there may be rearrangements in the workplace or the team where you participate. Some team members may suddenly leave, and new people will come in, with whom you still have to establish connections. However, this is probably for the better. The new moon clears your path, preparing conditions for the transformations that you are only beginning to approach.

Horoscope Cancer Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5 Horoscope Cancer Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5

Dear Cancer, your heart is burning with passion, and your cheeks are burning with embarrassment! For you, the full moon and lunar eclipse in Scorpio starting May 5 involve your 5th house of love, responsible for passion, creativity, love, and romantic pursuits. This lunar aspect brings you the peak of a romantic moment in the spring period, beginning a love fever in the lives of representatives of your zodiac sign! Over the next couple of weeks, spend as much time as possible with your loved one or flirt without restrictions if you are in free flight. However, the full moon marks the end of the process, so some relationships in this period may end abruptly. Cancerians living in a stable couple should remember that the V house of love is also responsible for fertility, so you should protect yourself or, conversely, intensify your efforts if you plan to bring a new family member into the world. On this rise, your creativity in the professional sphere can skyrocket, and Cancerians can get an unexpected surge of public attention. However, the full moon in this expressive and reactive part of your horoscope can intensify Cancer's emotions, in some cases releasing them with strength and drama. Be careful, do not react to sharp statements, and when you don't know how to respond without raising your tone, it is better to remain silent, thus showing your opponent that your time to answer will come.

Horoscope Leo Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5 Horoscope Leo Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5

Dear Leos, on May 5th, changes await you in the walls of your home and family affairs. On this day, a full moon and lunar eclipse in Scorpio will enter your 4th house, which is associated with family and traditions. This lunar aspect can bring an unexpected turn in family affairs, relationships with loved ones, and real estate matters. If you are planning to move or change your living conditions, this lunar aspect will help speed up the processes related to real estate or relocation. Moreover, everything can happen quite quickly - today you started talking about selling your house, and the next day you already receive the first offer! Such rapidly developing events are normal during the full moon period, intensified by the lunar eclipse. Find time to spend it with loved ones, even if you are busy with work or other matters. During this period, you may gain emotional clarity from one of your relatives who will provide you with some key information. However, Mercury is still in retrograde, which will affect your consumption and understanding of the information you receive. In this regard, Leos should postpone signing contracts or making other agreements until May 14th.

Horoscope Virgo Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5 Horoscope Virgo Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5

Dear Virgos, important news may appear in the next two weeks starting from May 5th. On this day, a full moon and lunar eclipse in Scorpio will affect your 3rd house of communication and close social connections. So, if you have something to tell the world, it's time to take a megaphone and, turning up the volume to the maximum, convey your message. Of course, taking into account the retrograde Mercury, you will have to carefully choose your words or postpone your speech until May 14th. Plus, in the latter case, you will have enough time to plan everything correctly. If you have been looking for new ideas or considering collaboration lately, this full moon can bring everything together. Something that was intangible or seemed unattainable before this day will finally take shape and may become the main direction for further development. In the end, you will start feeling more confident in your ideas, priorities, and the message you want to bring to the world.

Horoscope Libra Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5 Horoscope Libra Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5

Dear Libras, significant financial changes are coming your way in life. On May 5th, a lunar eclipse and a full moon in Scorpio will affect your 2nd house of money and financial stability. Full moons signify the end of certain processes, while lunar eclipses mark a turning point and a change of direction. Whether you are ready or not, one of the upcoming events in your life may change your perspectives and help you find new sources of economic stability. Feeling tired of a dead-end job? Very soon, it may be scratched off your life. Dreaming of a new source of income? The eclipse may increase your income from a source you have not used before. Just remember, changes take time. The stars are transforming your financial, expenditure, savings and work domain. Hence, start with small changes and see what you get in return. Once you find the right spot, hit it hard for maximum benefit. In any case, Libras have a chance to do something important in the next couple of weeks, if they are willing to take the risk. This lunar aspect may bring a job change, promotion or an opportunity to increase your income. Your project that has been delayed for a long time may be completed soon. However, if you rush into it, you may end up with an agreement on unfavorable terms. Keep in mind that Mercury is in retrograde until May 14th, which gives us the risk of misinterpreting information.

Horoscope Scorpio Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5 Horoscope Scorpio Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5

Dear Scorpios, on May 5th, you have a wonderful opportunity for new possibilities, as a lunar eclipse in your zodiac sign occurs on this day, backed by the power of the full moon. Full moons signify the beginning of a finishing period, while lunar eclipses are turning points. Together, they give Scorpios a chance to close the past and open a new chapter in their lives. For example, in the coming days, one of your projects that has been postponed for various reasons may magically come together. This lunar aspect affects your 1st house of personality, so although you do not always feel confident in the spotlight, in these spring days, you welcome it warmly, basking in the ovations of recognition for your merits or achievements. Well, you deserve it! The eclipse and full moon on May 5th direct the focus to Scorpio and your priorities, giving you permission to pursue your ideals without apologies or concessions. Good luck to you, dear Scorpios, the coming days will be very important for representatives of your zodiac sign.

Horoscope Sagittarius Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5 Horoscope Sagittarius Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5

Dear Sagittarius, stop for a moment in your run, look around, and think about eternity. On May 5, the lunar eclipse and full moon, in the neighboring sign of Scorpio, will touch your subconscious 12th house of divine inspiration, dedicated to the final stages of life, which will help you complete another important chapter in your life. Since the 12th house and full moon signal endings, and eclipses mark turning points, the next two weeks will be significant and very important for Sagittarius. This is your moment to say goodbye to the past, to everything that is outdated and no longer important. For example, if you have been holding back grief or unable to fully eliminate old pains after betrayal, offense, or other events, the Universe will help you let go of these feelings now. In such moments, supernatural events can occur in a person's life. For example, your guardian angel may appear to you, even in a dream, but they will leave you with an intuitive feeling that higher powers are watching over you. Don't ignore this! In any case, don't be afraid of the future. This is an enlightening eclipse. Perhaps what is happening to you now is all unclear, and the future seems misty, but new discoveries await you in the coming months, your goals will become clear, and the path you are on will become understandable.

Horoscope Capricorn Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5 Horoscope Capricorn Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5

Dear Capricorns, a period of minor revolution or upheaval is coming to your life if your ambitions are higher. On May 5, the full moon and lunar eclipse in persistent Scorpios will touch your 11th house of teamwork, social connections, and technology. Full moons portend the completion of current processes and situations, while lunar eclipses predict turning events in our lives. Thus, if you were ready to launch a new innovative project, shift the leader in your team, or leave for a new place personally, the next couple of weeks will be the best period for this. On the other hand, you should act cautiously, taking into account Mercury's retrograde movement until May 14. Before implementing any plans, make sure that everything has been checked and rechecked several times. In fact, it would be even more correct to postpone everything until Mercury finishes its retrograde cycle. The period of active influence of the full moon will last until the 20th of the month, so after May 14, when Mercury starts moving in the usual direction, you will have enough time to start planned initiatives.

Horoscope Aquarius Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5 Horoscope Aquarius Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5

Dear Aquarius, you are about to achieve a triumphant completion of your endeavors started over the last six months and receive the results of your hard work. On May 5th, a lunar eclipse and a full moon in the constellation of Scorpio will affect your 10th house of ambitions and professional success. This lunar aspect will create conditions for a successful completion of past projects. However, eclipses can cause sudden turns of fate, and as a result of your work, you may be offered a higher salary or a leadership position. In some cases, the situation may be completely opposite, ending your career at your current job. Unfortunately, that's the principle of full moons intensified by eclipses! Whatever the situation may be, something from your past will irreversibly leave your life, closing an old chapter and opening a new one for the representatives of your sign. Trust what is happening. Eastern wisdom says, "You cannot fill a full cup." This eclipse cleanses the space where you can build new plans.

Horoscope Pisces Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5 Horoscope Pisces Full moon and Lunar eclipse on May 5

Dear Pisces, Your genius, future-anticipating idea may finally take off, thanks to the full moon and lunar eclipse in Scorpio that will affect your 9th house of inspiration, travel, and expansion. In short, full moons signify the end of an old chapter of your life and the beginning of a new one, and a lunar eclipse is a turning point, potentially capable of fundamentally changing you and your life. Dare to dream big, Pisces! In the sense that now is the time for Pisces to dream big, without limiting themselves within the framework of current possibilities, taking bold actions. Let this lunar aspect boost your confidence, take risks, and, for example, book the trip you've always dreamt of, realize your dream in business, or take a decisive step towards one of your cherished goals. Are you scared? Of course, not everything will be cloudless, this full moon can bring you revelation, but at the same time, it will hurt you, leading you through the woods of difficulties and twists. But in the end, you will feel freer, liberated from the weight of the past.

Horoscope: Full moon and lunar eclipse on May 5, 2023 in Scorpio

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Horoscope for the week May 1—7, 2023


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