New moon and solar Eclipse in Aries April 20, 2023

New moon and solar Eclipse in Aries April 20, 2023

Horoscope: new moon and eclipse in Aries on April 20, 2023, how it will impact your zodiac sign

On April 20, a rather rare astrological event awaits us that, in some ways, will determine our lives for several years to come. We are talking about a second new moon in Aries and a hybrid solar eclipse in the same sign.

First of all, we note that this is the second new moon in Aries, which is the continuation of the undertakings of the new moon that occurred in Aries on March 21st. Double new moons are rare in themselves, and therefore in astrology it is believed that they enhance each other's influence and that of each sign in different ways, depending on the sector of the horoscope in which they fall. There is another pleasant moment in this. During the second new moon, you can always look back, analyze past events, and understand what the current aspect will be aimed at.

The second feature can rightfully be considered a hybrid solar eclipse in Aries. It will occur immediately after the new moon, affecting the same sector of the horoscope and therefore significantly enhancing the overall influence of all aspects. However, perhaps the main feature of the eclipse on April 20 will be that there have been no eclipses in Aries for a very long time, since 2015. It also speaks favorably of the fact that we are entering a new stage of life. How long will it last? About two years The fact is that from this day on, eclipses will occur alternately in two signs along the so-called Libra-Aries axis. The last eclipse in this eclipse cycle will take place in Aries on March 29, 2025. But the main thing, of course, is that the new moons in Aries on March 21 and April 20 open the door to a new era for us, in which eclipses alternately occurring on the Libra-Aries axis will rock transformations in two spheres at once. Want to know how it will affect your sign? Read your horoscope for your zodiac sign.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Horoscope Aries New moon & Eclipse in Aries Horoscope Aries New moon & Eclipse in Aries

Dear Aries, on April 20, several events await us at once: a new moon and a solar eclipse. Despite the end of the season, which means a slight decrease in energy, let's turn to the new moon and solar eclipse. Firstly, the new moon will occur in your zodiac sign even before the Sun moves into Taurus, and secondly, it will be the second new moon in your sign after the first new moon on March 21st. So look back to see what will be especially important to you in the near future. Simply put, if in the recent past you started a new project that somehow changed your views or life, then today you will experience additional points in this area. And I must say, these are significant points because the new moon will be supported by a solar eclipse that will occur immediately after the new moon, also in your zodiac sign.

Almost all solar eclipses are accompanied by bold undertakings that can lead to the fact that outdated parts of our lives disappear and something completely new arises in their place. But it should be added that the solar eclipse on April 20 will be the first eclipse in a series of eclipses that will pass along the Aries-Libra axis from today to March 29, 2025. This definitely prepares an Aries for a major change in their personality and how they relate to others over the next two years. This is normal; as you change, your closest ones adapt to these conditions. While the first eclipse on April 20 may create temporary turbulence, trust me, it's all for the best.

Horoscope Taurus New moon & Eclipse in Aries Horoscope Taurus New moon & Eclipse in Aries

Dear Taurus, April 20 is a special day when the beginning and the end coincide at one point in space. This day will begin with a rare new moon in Aries, which will activate your spiritual 12th house on the same day that the Taurus season begins, that is, when the Sun enters your zodiac sign. It should be noted that the new moon on April 20 will be the second new moon in Aries after the new moon on March 21. This is important because today you can look back and understand what events are important to you and what will continue in the near future, thanks to the second new moon.

April 20 is not easy in every sense; this day begins a series of eclipses on the Aries-Libra axis that will occur until March 2025 and affect the XII and VI houses of work. Unlike others, at this time, Taurus will restore the balance of the soul and mind, which will have a beneficial effect on you as a person, but in the process may cause you to temporarily feel lost and confused. But this is later; now the new moon and the eclipse in Aries can put Taurus in a dilemma. Figuratively speaking, you may find that the situation that you were ready to give up, after all, may contain some potential.

Horoscope Gemini New moon & Eclipse in Aries Horoscope Gemini New moon & Eclipse in Aries

Dear Gemini, on April 20th, we will have a new moon and a solar eclipse in Aries, which will activate your 11th house of friendship and give you a chance for social restructuring. This is a rare event because it will be another new moon in Aries, this time supported by the energy of a solar eclipse. Look back. What has happened in your life since March 21, when the first new moon occurred in Aries, starting this cycle? Today's aspects will rekindle the spark started during this period, continuing the transformation in your zodiac sign's life. And remember, the activity period for this event will last for the next two weeks, with the most powerful potential for meaningful social interactions and transformation. If you have longed to be part of a new social circle, then the energy of the new moon and eclipse in Aries can lead to sudden and life-changing decisions. Don't be afraid to let go of relationships that no longer serve you and respect those allies that grow with you. If, for some reason, you have lingered in the margins of your social group, now is the time for Gemini to join it as the most active member.

We also add that today's eclipse will be the first in a series of eclipses that will pass along the Aries-Libra axis, last until March 2025, and affect the 11th house of friendship and the 5th house of love. There have been no eclipses in this sector of your horoscope since 2015! In other words, everything is just beginning! Get ready to balance your feelings, romance, friendship, passion, and pragmatism in social relationships. But Gemini has nothing to worry about. This will be a cakewalk for you, as a Gemini, who, in your typical dualistic style, can easily pull away emotionally, then turn around and dive into the process with renewed vigor.

Horoscope Cancer New moon & Eclipse in Aries Horoscope Cancer New moon & Eclipse in Aries

Dear Cancer, are you ready to take your career to new heights? Well, on April 20, we will have a second new moon and a solar eclipse in Aries, which will fall on your X house of career and can provide valuable information about your professional path. For the first time in years, an eclipse is entering your career zone, creating the potential for exciting events and rapid change that will require quick action from you.

Thanks to the new moon, the universe gives you a clue. If you do not understand what will become important to you in the near future, then look back. We remind you that the first new moon in Aries took place on March 21; it was it that paved the way for today's events. Thus, the current new moon and solar eclipse will inspire you to look for new opportunities, whether it be a promotion, a new job, your own project, or starting a new business. If, for some reason, you have not found any new promising undertakings in your near past, then stay positive and tuned in to fateful events. The universe will give you a sign soon!

Also of note, the April 20 eclipse will be the first in a series of eclipses that will take place on the Aries-Libra axis until March 2025, activating your 10th house of career and 4th house of family in turn. The last time an eclipse affected this sector of your horoscope was eight years ago, which hints at major changes in your business and personal life in the coming years. Everything is just beginning!

Horoscope Leo New moon & Eclipse in Aries Horoscope Leo New moon & Eclipse in Aries

Dear Leo, today you should look at life from the widest possible angle! On April 20, there will be a rare recurring new moon and solar eclipse in Aries and your IXth House of Adventure, bringing a powerful surge of inspiration that heightens your wanderlust and thirst to explore everything in this world. This does not have to be expressed in a real journey; however, in connection with this celestial event, you will be visited by fresh ideas and new opportunities. In addition, since this is a recurrent lunar aspect in Aries, all you have to do to understand what to pay attention to is to look back. The period of activity of the previous new moon lasted from March 21 to April 5, so everything that was important for Leo during this period will be developed in the very near future.

The solar eclipse on April 20 will be the first in a series of eclipses on the Aries-Libra axis that will last until March 2025. The upcoming series of eclipses will affect the IX house of travel and the III house of the near development of your zodiac sign, alternately swaying one or the other sector. And what’s more, nothing like this has happened in this sector of the Lviv horoscope for a very long time, since 2015. This means that events in this area for Lions are just beginning to unfold, and what is happening in your life now is only the first stage of changes that will last for about two more years and push Lions to new perspectives and innovative ways of development.

Horoscope Virgo New moon & Eclipse in Aries Horoscope Virgo New moon & Eclipse in Aries

Dear Virgos, On April 20th, in the last hours of the Aries season, we will see a rare recurring new moon and solar eclipse in Aries, which should bring your personal life, finances, or some kind of joint venture to a turning point. We advise you to pay close attention to this day, as the moment is really unusual. Firstly, this will be the second new moon in Aries this year, which is rare in itself; secondly, on April 20, the influence of the moon will be greatly enhanced by a solar eclipse; and thirdly, this is the first eclipse that activates your 8th house of shared resources, investment, and proximity this decade. As events unfold, a spark of opportunity may rekindle a previously fading flame.

Interestingly, current events only anticipate the coming changes. The solar eclipse on April 20, 2023, will be the first in a series of eclipses that will occur on the Aries-Libra axis over the next two years, affecting the 8th and 2nd houses of finance. Nothing like this has happened in this area since 2015. At the same time, the consistent influence on the VIII house of investments and the II house of money clearly speaks of upcoming changes in the field of material well-being and the way of earning money and saving it—a very sensitive and important part of the life of your zodiac sign. By the way, for this reason, Virgos may still feel insecure about the correctness of the chosen path... Well, you have yet to figure it out.

Horoscope Libra New moon & Eclipse in Aries Horoscope Libra New moon & Eclipse in Aries

Dear Libra, it's time for you to stop living by other people's standards, especially when it comes to your personal relationships. On April 20, there will be a new moon and a solar eclipse in Aries, which marks the beginning of a two-year series of eclipses on the Aries-Libra axis. As these aspects alternate between your 7th and 1st houses, they will gradually change the rules of the game in these areas, bringing new understanding to your approach to partnerships and your sense of self as an individual. Of course, you have everything ahead of you; most of these aspects are yet to happen on the horizon until 2025.

Nevertheless, Libra will already have to go through certain transformations. What? This time, the universe is giving us a clue. First, with the second New Moon in Aries on April 20th, all you have to do is look back to the first New Moon in Aries on March 21st to highlight the most significant events of the moment. Something that appeared in your life from March 21 to April 5 will continue after today's events. Secondly, since both new moons occur in the 7th house, the events are more related to the sphere of your committed relationship, marriage, or obligations to a partner. And finally, a third: a solar eclipse, in itself, gives you a moment of enlightenment.

Horoscope Scorpio New moon & Eclipse in Aries Horoscope Scorpio New moon & Eclipse in Aries

Dear Scorpios, get ready to change your daily rituals. On April 20, the second new moon in Aries and the first eclipse of 2023 will activate your 6th house of work, health, habits, and daily routine. A double new moon in your VI house is in itself a rather rare astrological event; however, a hybrid solar eclipse in the same sector, immediately following the new moon, can no longer be considered a coincidence but a rule confirming the inevitability of structural changes in your lifestyle, in the fields of work and health.

Despite the importance of current events, it should be noted that the solar eclipse on April 20 will be the first in a series of eclipses on the Aries-Libra axis that will last until 2025. And this means that for Scorpios, everything is just beginning. The upcoming aspects will influence the 6th house and the 12th house of the subconscious, gradually and consistently transforming the spheres of health, work, and the connection of Scorpios with divine inspiration, which is the responsibility of the 12th house.

Returning to today, we can add that the areas of work, health, and routine are quite extensive in order to understand exactly what will be most important in your life at this time. If, for example, you have little idea in what area you are waiting for change, then the double new moon in Aries can offer you a hint. Scorpions just need to look back. The first new moon that affected your 6th house took place on March 21, 2023, and its active phase lasted a couple more weeks. What new and important things have happened in your life since that moment? So, most likely, it is these trends that will continue and be strengthened on April 20 due to the second new moon and solar eclipse in Aries.

Horoscope Sagittarius New moon & Eclipse in Aries Horoscope Sagittarius New moon & Eclipse in Aries

Dear Sagittarians, it's time for true love! On April 20th, the new moon and solar eclipse in Aries and your 5th house of romance, creativity, and fame ignite your inner fire, making your senses blaze with bright fire. And it should be said that there have been no eclipses in your love sector since 2015, which in itself means the importance of this event, which promises your sign quick and sudden opportunities that can lead to a romantic spark or, for example, conception, for whom this is relevant. So, if you've been unsure about your feelings for your partner, now is the time to make a choice, as you yourself may need answers soon.

However, this is only half the story. Firstly, the new moon on April 20 in Aries will be repeated, reinforcing the effect of the first new moon in Aries on March 21. Secondly, the solar eclipse on April 20 will be the first in a series of eclipses on the Aries-Libra axis that will take place over the next two years and affect your 5th house and 11th house of social contacts. So love is not the only thing that looms on the horizon! You can also gain recognition and publicity by drawing everyone's attention to yourself. It also means that everything is just beginning for Sagittarians on April 20, as the transformations awaiting you in these areas will take place until 2025, when the last eclipse of this cycle will occur in Aries on March 29.

Horoscope Capricorn New moon & Eclipse in Aries Horoscope Capricorn New moon & Eclipse in Aries

Dear Capricorns, you should expect the unexpected and accept it as inevitable. On April 20, 2023, the new moon and solar eclipse in Aries mark a major turning point in your family life as it concerns your 4th house of family and traditions. Although this aspect is a continuation of the new moon that occurred on March 21, the rare hybrid solar eclipse that occurs following the new moon on April 20 can cause rapid and sudden changes in your family, home, and relationships with your close relatives. The universe is stepping on the gas pedal and accelerating all events in this realm, leaving you with a glimpse of the possibility of what lies ahead.

But this is not the whole story; there are even more changes ahead of you, so don't get too hung up on current events. The thing is, the April 20 eclipse will be just the first in a series of eclipses on the Aries-Libra axis, with the final solar eclipse in Aries on March 29, 2025, affecting your 4th family and 10th career house. In other words, the changes are just beginning, gradually activating changes in the personal and professional spheres of life for Capricorns.

What is to be desired? Try to trust the process and not get in the way, instead welcoming the changes. In your destiny, moving, renovating a house, or offering a new job or position are possible. But this is all on the horizon in two years, so you need to give the transformation time to unfold and open up new opportunities for you.

Horoscope Aquarius New moon & Eclipse in Aries Horoscope Aquarius New moon & Eclipse in Aries

Dear Aquarius, get ready for a shake-up. A new moon and a hybrid solar eclipse in Aries await you on April 20th in your 3rd House of Friendship and Communication, igniting your creative spark and providing opportunities for collaboration with broad groups of like-minded people.

This aspect has several features that make it remarkable, and its influence on your sociable 3rd house is more powerful and meaningful. Firstly, it should be noted that the last eclipse in this sector of the Aquarius horoscope was about 8 years ago, which in itself rolls back unexpected opportunities in this area. But more is to come! The new moon on April 20th is the second new moon in a row this year to occur in Aries, the previous being on March 21st. And this fact speaks no less eloquently of its importance. Thirdly, the impact of the new moon, enhanced by the solar eclipse, is just the beginning of a wider cycle of eclipses that will occur on the Aries-Libra axis in the next couple of years, in turn affecting your 3rd house of communication and 9th house of adventure and higher knowledge. Simply put, the events that are happening in your life right now are important enough, but they are only a prologue to the transformations that will occur in the coming years.

Horoscope Pisces New moon & Eclipse in Aries Horoscope Pisces New moon & Eclipse in Aries

Dear Pisces, watch your hands; now the miracle that you have been waiting for will happen! On April 20, the universe has prepared something exciting for you, but everything is in order. First of all, on this day there will be a second new moon and a hybrid solar eclipse in Aries and your II house of money and material well-being! Already good, isn't it? But further—more. This aspect has several differences that can be interpreted and has nothing less than a significant impact on the sector of your horoscope responsible for finances. First of all, we repeat, this will be the second new moon in Aries, which will support, continue, and deepen the events that began during the activity of the first new moon in Aries on March 21st. Secondly, current events will be supported by the influence of a solar eclipse in the same sector, which has not happened for more than eight years since 2015. This rare hybrid solar eclipse encourages Pisces to think outside the box and explore new financial opportunities that they previously missed.

But that's not all! The trend in this sector will only gain momentum over the next two years, as the eclipse on April 20 will be the first in a string of eclipses on the Aries-Libra axis that will last until 2025. The upcoming series of eclipses will not only affect your sector of material well-being in the 2nd house but will also affect the 8th house of large financial investments. Simply put, you are in for a period of increased prosperity. Don't forget to thank the universe!

New moon and solar Eclipse in Aries April 20, 2023

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Horoscope for the week April 17—23, 2023


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