Horoscope Mercury Retrograde on April 21, 2023

Horoscope Mercury Retrograde on April 21, 2023

Mercury goes retrograde on April 21, first time in 2023; read Horoscope for your zodiac sign for this period.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Starting April 21, Mercury goes retrograde until mid-May 2023. As you know, thanks to the retrograde of this planet, many processes are paused, and the dates for the launch of new beginnings are postponed. The retrograde period of Mercury is the most famous, although it must be said that other planets also have retrograde periods, but for some reason not everyone knows about them. This is most likely due to the fact that Mercury, being the closest planet to the Sun, is also the most rapidly rotating and, accordingly, the fastest moving planet in the night sky. It goes retrograde three times a year, often in different signs of the zodiac.

However, Mercury retrograde has a bad reputation. For some reason, people tend to blame him for all their troubles! Stuck in the elevator, Mercury retrogrades, a girlfriend or friend leaves, Mercury retrogrades again, and so on in a circle! Well, yes, in part, everything is right here. But because Mercury is the planet of communication and is starting to move in the opposite direction, it introduces dissonance into the communication paths, thereby distorting the transmitted data. However, he does not do this out of hatred for us. In a sense, this is stimulation, designed not to complicate our lives but to make sure that we get rid of excess baggage that consumes our resources, distracting us from more important things. In other words, this is a period of purification!

Horoscope Aries, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21, 2023 Horoscope Aries, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21

Dear Aries, From April 21 to May 14, 2023, Mercury goes retrograde. What will this mean for your sign? Usually, the Taurus season, which began with the Sun moving into this sign the day before, is a time of success for Aries, especially as your 2nd house of wealth is activated. However, due to the fact that Mercury (the planet of communication, trade, and technology) begins to move in the opposite direction, your productivity may be interrupted. In other words, if you deliberately do not stick to your plans and priorities, you can easily waste this time.

Mercury retrograde can interfere with your plans, frustrating you and creating obstacles in key infrastructure. Although its impact can be greatly reduced or even eliminated with a certain degree of attention to detail, take all the usual precautions: change your passwords, back up important data, and create backups. When Mercury is retrograde in your money zone, mistakes can happen, particularly with your finances. Therefore, the decision to set aside some funds for a rainy day will also be prudent.

But with new plans and undertakings, you should be especially careful. Before moving forward, take a step back to check if your assets are reliable and if partners will let you down at a crucial moment. Actually, this is what Mercury retrograde is for—this is a period in order to check and double-check any plans. So refrain from signing contracts until you are one hundred percent sure of all the key points, especially when it comes to numbers, time, and money.

Horoscope Taurus, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21, 2023 Horoscope Taurus, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21

Dear Taurus, From April 21 to May 14, Mercury becomes retrograde, and this happens just in your zodiac sign, that is, in the 1st house of personality and self-knowledge. By the way, this is the reason why Mercury will stay in your zodiac sign until June 11 this year, which is an incredibly long time for this planet. However, you can extract some benefits from this privileged position.

What might follow the onset of Mercury retrograde in your sign? Well, since Mercury, the planet of communications, technology, and material gain, is in its retrograde phase from April 21 to May 14, it will open a new blank page in your mental guide. On the one hand, this will make the Taurus think more about what was and, in part, hold back your development. On the other hand, it will be a forced retrospective phase that can lead you to the right ideas. But in general, yes, it will not feel very pleasant. By turning into your sign, Mercury can make Taurus feel misunderstood or abandoned. As if you were in the middle of a deserted road, not seeing landmarks and not understanding where to go next.

Don't resist the flow! Everything is as it should be. Uncertainty is caused by the need for analysis. The retrograde period of Mercury, especially in the 1st house, is best used for reflection and review.

Horoscope Gemini, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21, 2023 Horoscope Gemini, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21

Dear Gemini, From April 21 to May 14, Mercury goes retrograde, turning its back on you in the hazy 12th house of your subconscious mind. When your ruling planet Mercury starts to misbehave, Gemini should be on the lookout, slow down, and put off any important undertakings. At least a couple of times during the upcoming period of Mercury retrograde, you may find yourself in a state of mental confusion about what is happening; it will not be clear to you who is your friend and who is the enemy, so it will be impossible to make a meaningful decision, much less move in any one direction.

Well, when you find yourself at a fork in the road, the smartest thing to do is take a step back and think about your priorities, plans, and goals. What do you value most in the present? What result is in line with your long-term goals, and what is stopping you? In fact, this is what Mercury retrograde is for; its period allows you to get rid of unnecessary baggage and regroup. So at this time, you may have to accept that some level of uncertainty is inherent in any decision-making process. On the other hand, due to the impact on the 12th house, you may experience nostalgia, which will prompt you to seek advice from a wise person who has highlighted all your ups and downs.

Horoscope Cancer, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21, 2023 Horoscope Cancer, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21

Dear Cancers, From April 21 to May 14, Mercury turns retrograde in your friendly 11th house of active social interaction, giving us about three weeks of slowdown in trends in this area of your life. But even without that, it was not all smooth sailing! Either way, with Mercury ruling technology, arrangements, and communications, he can easily mess up some of your romantic alliances, friendships, or business relationships.

On the other hand, if something bad happens, then only with your comprehensive help in this matter! That is, if you behave carelessly, for example, by pressing "send", without really reading the message being sent. Although it must be admitted that with retrograde Mercury, you will never guess what is better... The fact is that the period of Mercury retrograde is needed in order to shed unnecessary ballast that weighs down our hands. That is, if you take our example, when you send an inappropriate message to a person, you thereby check whether he or she knows you well in order to understand that you were simply mistaken. Do you now understand what all this is for? Not all relationships will survive this period! Some become toxic; others take and give you nothing in return. "You can’t fill a full bowl," and therefore it is necessary to clear the forest so that new shoots appear in place of old trees.

Horoscope Leo, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21, 2023 Horoscope Leo, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21

Dear Leo, From April 21st to May 14th, Mercury turns retrograde in your 10th house of career and personal business reputation. While Mercury retrograde is generally seen as a time of hurdles, try to think differently this time around. To begin with, remember how many amazing events and changes have happened in your life lately—let's say since last year. Not a lot, right? You must admit that it is difficult for you to keep track of all this now; you could not even remember everything. Well, dear Leos, you deserve the chance to absorb all of this. Therefore, be grateful to Mercury retrograde, which gives you the opportunity to take a breath, look back, process, and integrate all the accumulated potential.

However, staying on top during Mercury retrograde can be tricky, especially in your career area, as this communication planet messes up communication channels, leading to misunderstandings running rampant. First of all, make sure you have a backup plan for any eventuality and data backups. But if you are thinking about investing, buying new equipment, or upgrading existing technologies, then wait until the second half of May 2023. Instead of striving to resist the current, follow its direction. Only take on things that clearly need attention, but don't oversimplify the process, as this is not the time to cut corners.

Horoscope Virgo, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21, 2023 Horoscope Virgo, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21

Dear Virgo, From April 21st to May 14th, Mercury turns retrograde in the 9th house of adventure, blurring the final destination of your journey while justifying risk-taking. For a zodiac sign like Virgo, this is an unusual state that can make you feel out of place in different situations and come up with ideas to explain this state of affairs. Some of this may turn out to be true, but in most cases, you will most likely be far from the truth. As always, during the period of retrograde Mercury, you should be more careful and prudent. For example, watch your words and try to be softer and more receptive so as not to accidentally offend people close to you. In relation to others, Virgos should generally be more tolerant, since no one is able to perceive such a detailed concept of the world as you do. Remember, not everyone can think and synthesize ideas at the same level and as quickly as you can.

But there is no evil without good! As long as Mercury is retrograde, you can finally recognize and process all the changes that have taken place over the past four months. Actually, this is what Mercury retrograde is for! You have the opportunity to look back and decide what you should take into the future and what no longer meets your standards and should remain in the past. Without this regrouping, it will be difficult for Virgos to move forward, so good luck!

Horoscope Libra, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21, 2023 Horoscope Libra, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21

Dear Libra, From April 21 to May 14, Mercury turns retrograde in your intimate 8th house of shared resources and transformation. Applying multiple screening filters at once would be a good idea, as this quirky cycle of Mercury in charge of communication can confuse signals around a joint venture and shared finances and even make it difficult to connect emotionally with your loved one. Libra, in principle, can experience increased sensitivity to the influence of other people, which during the retrograde of Mercury intensifies in such a way that you make the mistake of not saying what you wanted to say.

It should be added that the 8th house governs all the ways in which you merge with another person, calling, or entity, from emotional connection to shared space and finances. The 8th house is the territory of what can be described by the word "our". So, since we are entering a period of Mercury retrograde in this sector, in addition to themselves and their behavior, Libra will have to carefully monitor common property and deal with partnership issues. It is possible to settle some fine details of your agreements during this period.

In general, we advise you not to go against the flow. The time of Mercury retrograde is the moment of suspension of active forward movement, with the possibility of regrouping and assessing resources. Simply put, in your case, now is a great time to negotiate! This is the native element of Mercury, the god of merchants, and it is present wherever there is profit.

Horoscope Scorpio, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21, 2023 Horoscope Scorpio, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21

Dear Scorpios, Mercury turns retrograde from April 21st to May 14th, affecting your 7th house of committed relationships and partnerships. Well, perhaps you have developed intuition; it is possible that you perfectly understand your closest person and feel his mood, but starting on April 21, your sensitivity may not be up to par. Mercury is the planet of communication, so when it turns its back on you, especially in the 7th house, it can disrupt the communication channel in your most important relationships. And of course, quarrels are the result of moments of misunderstanding, of which there can be a lot at this time. By the way, this applies to all types of communication, so your relationship can be spoiled with your loved one, with a close friend, and with a colleague, on which your career may depend.

According to mythology, Mercury was a rather mischievous god. To our regret, he was in charge of not only communication but also contracts, benefits, technology, and travel, which at this time may also be influenced by the mischief of this retrograde planet. And yet, the strangest effect of the period of retrograde Mercury can be considered the sudden appearance on your doorstep of people from your past. Given the activity of the 7th house, this will be especially true for Scorpios. What is this all for? Let's just say that if an old love gets in touch with you again, this is a chance to start all over again. Of course, whether it is worth giving this person another chance is up to you. Just be prepared; this is a perfectly working scenario for now.

Horoscope Sagittarius, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21, 2023 Horoscope Sagittarius, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21

Dear Sagittarius, From April 21 to May 14, Mercury goes retrograde while in your 6th house of work, health, commitment, and daily rituals. During this period, the influence of this planet in charge of communications, technology, and travel can have an adverse effect on the daily routine of your sign, causing not only delays and postponements of events but also disruption of communication between you and the outside world. To put it simply, Sagittarius will have little idea of what is happening, and what it will actually seem like to you can be very far from the truth. This backward transit can easily increase your stress levels and make you prone to relapses.

But, as the classic said, "He who hinders us will help us!" Mercury retrograde is not to be taken as a cataclysm or plague of the twenty-first century. This is a natural process that has its own reasons. The best thing to do is not to go against the current but to move together. Why? Everything is pretty simple. Mercury retrograde is to give you a chance to rest, slow down, and process what has been going on in your life since the last period of retrograde after a period of rapid growth. If it's even easier, then drop the ballast and then move light. And given the activity of the VI house of work, health, and daily obligations, Sagittarians should turn their attention to these areas.

Horoscope Capricorn, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21, 2023 Horoscope Capricorn, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21

Dear Capricorn, Mercury goes retrograde from April 21st to May 14th, giving your zodiac sign plenty of time to reflect. I must say that the period when this planet becomes retrograde is considered the most famous, despite the fact that almost all other planets also enter a retrograde state. But due to the fact that Mercury is close to the Sun and moves quickly, it begins to move in the opposite direction to the bowl of other planets. And yet, the influence of this planet is difficult to miss. Because Mercury governs communication, technology, and travel, most people experience its chaotic nature in their daily lives. Computers break down more often, plans and planned events are canceled without warning, and due to misunderstandings between loved ones, disputes break out over the most stupid things.

In other words, more than ever, Capricorn needs patience and perseverance right now, especially since the influence of Mercury retrograde will be on your 5th house of romance, creativity, and hobbies. So you are more likely than usual to be prone to violent reactions. In other words, by moving backwards in this quadrant of your horoscope, Mercury can cause drama in your love life. True, it all depends on the point of view. The fact is that the meaning of Mercury retrograde is to try us with the past, to abandon everything unnecessary, and make room for a brighter future! That is, you do not need to resist by straining to pull the strap. Look back, think about what happened in the recent past, and adjust your future plans.

Horoscope Aquarius, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21, 2023 Horoscope Aquarius, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21

Dear Aquarius, From April 21st to May 14th, Mercury goes retrograde in your 4th house of family and tradition, which can cause chaos on the home front and confuse your emotions and relationships with close family members. Just about the feelings of friendship and devotion, Aquarians may have big doubts, especially if in the recent past you have become very close to someone close to you. Unfortunately, feelings are not facts, and it will be extremely difficult to sort out this mix of doubts and hints, especially when the planet of communication is turned back toward you, moving in the opposite direction.

"But there is no need to rush." In other words, it is stupid to rush and draw hasty conclusions at this time. Take some time before tearing the ties. Firstly, these are your close people, and you are nowhere near them; secondly, you may have created an addiction or been stuck in the role of a guardian, which is why you create a lot of illusions for yourself. Actually, this is what Mercury and its retrograde period are for! By creating obstacles in the ways of communication, he pumps up tension, making it impossible for a relationship that will not be able to survive the test of time anyway. And so, you will free yourself from unnecessary relationships or strengthen something that will help you throughout your life.

Horoscope Pisces, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21, 2023 Horoscope Pisces, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21

Dear Pisces, From April 21 to May 14, 2023, Mercury turns retrograde, passing through the sign of Taurus and your sociable 3rd house. But when Mercury, the planet of communication and networking, goes against the grain, moving in the opposite direction in your sector of communication, then this cosmic chaos will be felt by you with a vengeance! Be careful; if possible, completely exclude communication on serious topics with colleagues, friends, brothers and sisters, and even neighbors. But if you see that the conflict cannot be avoided, then spend as much time as possible to clarify all the nuances, resolve all the contradictions, connect all the dots, and make sure that there is no understatement between you and the other person. We advise you to avoid the purchase of complex equipment, electronics, cars, and gadgets. Also, don't start anything new.

However, in an alternative version, it is believed that avoiding problems and resisting the influence of retrograde Mercury is not only meaningless but even harmful. The bottom line is that by swimming against the current, you are resisting the will of the universe, while retrograde Mercury sent you to change the situation. During a retrograde of Mercury, all processes freeze, one way or another. We look at our lives in a wider range, starting to understand what is preventing further progress. So communication problems are only the result of processes designed to inflame the situation.

Horoscope Mercury Retrograde on April 21, 2023

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
New moon and solar Eclipse in Aries April 20, 2023


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