Horoscope: New Moon on May 19, 2023

Horoscope: New Moon on May 19, 2023

The New Moon in Taurus on May 19, 2023, and its impact on each zodiac sign

On May 19th we have a new moon in the constellation of Taurus. This is an earthy, stable zodiac sign, but unfortunately, the upcoming lunar cycle will be full of ups and downs. However, such a development of events has long been expected as a matter of course. For us, every part of the process is important, and the beginning of change is always much more frightening than its completion.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Horoscope Aries: New Moon on May 19, 2023 Horoscope Aries: New Moon on May 19, 2023

Dear Aries, on May 19th, the new moon in Taurus falls in your second house of money, opening up prosperous financial opportunities for representatives of your sign that you can realize over the next six months. The next couple of weeks will be a great time to check your budget, start a new business, find a new way to make money, or send your resume to a new place. Right now, the new moon in the financial sector of your horoscope gives Aries an extra dose of willpower. And given that Mercury retrograde began to move forward a few days ago, Aries has all the opportunities to fully unlock their potential and decide on what they may have kept secret. If you continue to stay the course and not reduce your efforts by even a bit, you will soon see the results of your endeavors.

Horoscope Taurus: New Moon on May 19, 2023 Horoscope Taurus: New Moon on May 19, 2023

Dear Taurus, each day things are getting better and better. It seems like recent events are playing into your hands! Not only is Jupiter, the planet of luck, in your zodiac sign, but also the brisk Mercury has ended its retrograde period, returning to direct motion in your sign as well. And this is not all good news! On May 19th, thanks to the new moon, which will also occur in your constellation, Taurus begin a personal period of ascent to the heights. Despite all the recent fortunate and happy coincidences that influence different areas of Taurus' lives, this new moon launches a six-month journey into the area of your self-awareness and self-identification to determine who you are, what you do, why, and for what purpose. Not the easiest task if you think about it, but you will have enough time until the full moon in your sign, which closes this lunar cycle. By the way, the next full moon in Taurus on October 28 will be reinforced by a lunar eclipse, which once again indicates the significance of the processes initiated by the May 19th new moon.

Horoscope Gemini: New Moon on May 19, 2023 Horoscope Gemini: New Moon on May 19, 2023

Dear Gemini, are you able to let go of the past in order to start fresh? Well, you have another opportunity to test your skills as on May 19th, a new moon will rise in your 12th house of healing and closure. Generally, if we think about our lives not as a straight line where events fall into place one after another in chronological order, but as a spiral where one occurrence becomes the result of the next, it becomes clear that closure is not the end, but the beginning of a new phase of development in the next spiral. So, dear Gemini, answer the question: what do you need to let go of this time in order to move forward and not get stuck at some point with unnecessary baggage from past experiences? In the last few days before the Sun enters your zodiac sign and new moon arrives, this concluding aspect gives Gemini the opportunity to evaluate the past year and enter a new annual cycle of development with clear intentions.

Horoscope Cancer: New Moon on May 19, 2023 Horoscope Cancer: New Moon on May 19, 2023

Dear Cancer, you have the opportunity to become a connecting link between ideas, groups of people, organizations, and events that surround your zodiac sign in this current moment and the next couple of weeks. In any case, social activity, persuasive power, and communication skills of Cancer will significantly increase, so much so that you will have the potential to create conditions for the development of your initiatives. Thank the new moon on May 19th as it activates your 11th house of teamwork, the only new moon in 2023 in this sector of your horoscope. In the lives of representatives of your sign, friendships, collaborations, or even romantic encounters may arise. However, romance is more of an exception to the rule, arising from a general increase in new acquaintances and contacts. Events initiated by the new moon in the 11th house will be most vividly developed over the next two weeks, and then will continue to gain momentum until the full moon in Taurus on October 28th, reinforced by a lunar eclipse. In other words, everything is shaping up well, especially if you consider that the period of Mercury retrograde ended on May 14th!

Horoscope Leo: New Moon on May 19, 2023 Horoscope Leo: New Moon on May 19, 2023

Dear Leos, are you ready for career changes? Maybe you have a new business or project in mind that will take your professional activity to new heights? If not, then you should think and come up with at least one idea. If we guessed right, then the moment to act is coming soon! On May 19, a new moon in Taurus awaits you in your 10th house of ambition and professional success. So, if the recent transition to Jupiter in your 10th house or the fact that Mercury is no longer retrograde as of May 14 couldn't boost your momentum, then this new moon should finally set things in motion. However, don't expect sudden changes, as new moons bring about gradual transformation. Firstly, after May 19, there will be a two-week period when the first changes in your life may begin to unfold, and the full ending of this lunar cycle is expected only in October 2023. To be precise, on October 28, during a full moon in Taurus in your 10th house.

Horoscope Virgo: New Moon on May 19, 2023 Horoscope Virgo: New Moon on May 19, 2023

Dear Virgos, on May 19, a new moon in Taurus awaits us in your 9th house of adventure, activating your curiosity and vision of the future. Don't hesitate to dream! In the next two weeks, Virgos have the opportunity to imagine what their life will be like. In other words, you need to have a dialogue with yourself, let your soul speak about what you really want, what you dream of, and what you think about when you are alone with your thoughts. Don't worry if your first ideas seem unrealistic or impractical. Accept the idea that at the moment there are no limitations for you. For now, this is pure imagination, and in the future, when you follow this path, reality will separate what is viable from what is not. By the way, this new moon may give Virgos the opportunity to travel, since the 9th house is the house of adventure and wandering. This may also relate to your move to a new home or place of residence.

Horoscope Libra: New Moon on May 19, 2023 Horoscope Libra: New Moon on May 19, 2023

Dear Libras, the moment is coming when you can either get everything or nothing! On May 19, during the new moon in the zodiac constellation of Taurus, your eighth house of intimate secrets, mergers, and investments will be activated. Pay close attention to where you invest your money, energy, time, and resources, as the beginning of this lunar cycle officially launches the beginning of a new transit of Jupiter in the same sector of your horoscope. Jupiter is good luck, and the new moon is the beginning of something new. In other words, it is the most fortunate time to start or begin a new venture. Even if you had no plans, everything can change in the next two weeks. However, under the influence of the gentle lunar energy in the eighth house, Libras may experience not only new business partnerships but also powerful romantic attraction, possibly even spiritual unity with a new person. For couples in stable relationships and those who have been living together for a long time, the new moon in Taurus can lead to new emotional and spiritual depths in their relationships.

Horoscope Scorpio: New Moon on May 19, 2023 Horoscope Scorpio: New Moon on May 19, 2023

Dear Scorpios, the doubling of energy that inspires you towards new horizons continues to amplify! Not only is Jupiter in Taurus influencing your seventh house of committed relationships, but the Moon is also joining in. Under the auspices of luck and happy coincidences provided by Jupiter, the only new moon in the constellation Taurus in 2023 will occur on May 19, which in its own way opens up new trends in Scorpios' serious relationships. In general, your close relationships with both colleagues and romantic partners are the center of attention right now. In light of the new moon, the events of the coming days should pave the way for fruitful unions. Although you should be the initiator of change, keep in mind that change should not be abrupt. The cycle of this new moon will last until the full moon in Taurus, expected on October 28, 2023. In other words, act with caution and gradually.

Horoscope Sagittarius: New Moon on May 19, 2023 Horoscope Sagittarius: New Moon on May 19, 2023

Dear Sagittarius, if there has been more chaos than order in your life recently, things are about to change soon. On May 19th, there will be a New Moon in Taurus, which coincides with your 6th house of work, self-discovery, health, and, most importantly, systematizing all life processes and cycles. Do you know what? This lunar phase is believed to be perfect for starting a healthy lifestyle, beginning training, going to the doctor, and any other actions aimed at maintaining health and improving well-being. But, it seems to us that this time, the essence of the upcoming changes is in reorganizing Sagittarius' lives and optimizing all the processes happening in your life. That is, if you didn't have time to see a doctor or, for example, you are always late for work, all you need to do is change your schedule. Therefore, now is the most convenient period when you can make corrections without further consequences by changing your schedule. For example, to start going to bed earlier and getting up earlier, so that you have time for planned procedures.

Horoscope Capricorn: New Moon on May 19, 2023 Horoscope Capricorn: New Moon on May 19, 2023

Dear Capricorns, May 19th will be a particularly significant day for you thanks to the New Moon in Taurus and your 5th house of love and romance. Hooray! Finally, you can openly show your feelings! It's not just the New Moon itself, in the love sector of your horoscope, Jupiter has been residing for several days, which is also known as the planet of risk and luck. Moreover, retrograde Mercury, which began moving in the normal direction on May 14th, is not hindering you now. In other words, Jupiter has prepared the ground and created pressure, and the New Moon twists the thread, opening a window of opportunities for Capricorns for the next two weeks (sharp phase) and until October 28th, 2023, when this cycle will end with a Full Moon in the same sector.

Horoscope Aquarius: New Moon on May 19, 2023 Horoscope Aquarius: New Moon on May 19, 2023

Dear Aquarians, on May 19th there will be the only new moon in Taurus this year, bringing fresh energy for a new beginning in the area of responsibility of your emotional IV house of family and traditions. But it's not just that this new moon will be special, it's that this lunar cycle marks the beginning of the influence of Jupiter in this sector, which has been preparing the ground in the IV house since May 16th. In other words, something important will happen soon in the lives of Aquarius representatives. Perhaps you will have to support a loved one in need of your help, or maybe you will have to use someone's shoulder to express everything that has been piling up on your mind. As an option, Aquarians can be inspired to rearrange their living space, do repairs at home, or even move to a new place of residence. The most important thing to remember is that events will not happen immediately. The period of peak impact of the new moon will last two weeks, but, for example, the impact of Jupiter mentioned will last until next May.

Horoscope Pisces: New Moon on May 19, 2023 Horoscope Pisces: New Moon on May 19, 2023

Dear Pisces, everything is falling into place incredibly well! Mercury is no longer in retrograde since May 15th, the planet of luck Jupiter has been in your 3rd house of close communication since May 16th, and now, on May 19th, the new moon falls in the same sector. It's time for brainstorming, generating ideas, and gathering information. Whether you are interested in new business connections or romantic encounters, in any case, you have an exciting collaboration ahead of you! If you feel the chemistry that connects you with another person, then this new moon in the 3rd house of communication will help Pisces to launch your new or trial project together to test your connection. Just don't rush. The new moon will last for two weeks, but the processes launched by it will only end on October 28th, 2023 (full moon in Taurus).

Horoscope: New Moon on May 19, 2023

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Horoscope for the week May 15—20 2023


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