Horoscope Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces

Horoscope Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces

Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces on June 17 2023, horoscope for all signs of the zodiac

Starting from 17th of June, strict Saturn, the planet of rules, which is also represented by Cronus (the god of time) in Greek mythology, becomes retrograde and starts moving against the main flow in the zodiac constellation of Pisces. This changes a lot, but imperceptibly, since this retrograde transit will last until November 4th, 2023. In general, since Saturn's backward movement will catch us in intuitive Pisces, we all have to resolve the discrepancies between reality and the fictional world of fantasies.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Horoscope Aries Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces Horoscope Aries Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces

Dear Aries, if Pluto's recent return to Capricorn was not enough reason for you to embark on a spiritual quest for your destiny, then on June 17th, you will have another reason to do so. With the most serious intentions, stern Saturn begins its retrograde period in Pisces, something that has not happened for over 30 years! This retrograde cycle will last until November 4th and may plunge Aries into deep contemplation on what was, what is, and what will be. And it is not surprising that when the planet of rules and organization begins retrograde movement in your subconscious XII house, you may want to free yourself from everything that defines you too strictly as a person or overly limits your freedom.

Horoscope Taurus Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces Horoscope Taurus Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces

Dear Taurus, what you have planned or started to embody in your life reflects on your state of being. Everything can become even sharper and more apparent when stern Saturn begins its retrograde cycle moving backward through the Pisces constellation and your XI house of social interaction from June 17th to November 4th. Is everything good in your team? Are your boundaries really strong? And are you too careless in trusting other people? Usually, people gain trust over a long period of time, but with Saturn, especially moving backward, time seems to be turned back. In other words, until the end of this retrograde cycle, events will require more time, and you can trust only those who have been personally verified for a long time.

Horoscope Gemini Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces Horoscope Gemini Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces

Dear Gemini, you should carefully consider your plans for discrepancies or even reconsider and change the goals you have set. Being in Pisces, on June 17th, 2023, strict Saturn will begin retrograde movement in your X house, which will last until November 4th. Saturn and the X house govern your career, ambitions, and big plans, so the double wave of their energies will result in structural transformations and a revision of professional plans for Gemini. However, there are positives in this retrograde cycle. Saturn will show representatives of your zodiac sign the weaknesses of your foundation, i.e., what your concept of success relies on, help strengthen and correct its flaws.

Horoscope Cancer Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces Horoscope Cancer Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces

Dear Cancers, in the coming months you will experience a deep dive into your grand plans. From June 17 to November 4, structurally oriented Saturn will be turning retrograde in Pisces, conducting its first retrograde cycle in this zodiac constellation in thirty years. For your sign, this corresponds to the expansive 9th house of development and expansion, and as a result, time in this area seems to be moving backwards, narrowing the scope of your ambitions and returning unfinished projects to their starting point. Your zodiac sign is always cautious, so Saturn is doing its job well, helping you ensure that your actions are fortified, at least with a backup plan.

Horoscope Leo Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces Horoscope Leo Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces

Dear Leos, there are so many events happening around you that you may even doubt your ability to handle your plans. From June 17 to November 4, 2023, Saturn will begin its reverse retrograde movement in the sign of Pisces, reversing trends in your 8th house of close relationships. This gives you a bit of a break and an opportunity to step back from what's going on around you and look at the situation as a whole. In the coming months, Leos may, for example, freeze current relationships or slow down too fast business partnerships. You can also take a more realistic look at finances, consolidate debt obligations, pay off debts, and start investing.

Horoscope Virgo Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces Horoscope Virgo Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces

Dear Virgos, from June 17 to November 4, 2023, Saturn will be in a retrograde cycle passing through the sign of Pisces and through your soulful 8th house of devoted relationships and marriage. Naturally, Saturn's reverse direction, as the planet of rules and laws, can affect your plans for romantic and business partnerships and alliances. You are likely going to take a step back, reflecting on your agreements and joint plans, which will undoubtedly stress-test your partnership. However, the worst-case scenario is that you planned a wedding or officialization of your relationship during this period. Don't worry, retrograde Saturn isn't reason enough to postpone your planned celebrations, but it's worth thinking again about the conditions under which you enter into these relationships and the commitments you take on.

Horoscope Libra Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces Horoscope Libra Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces

Dear Libras, in the next few months, you should review and organize all your work systems, from your daily schedule and work schedule to your well-being and health. From June 17th to November 4th, diligent but strict Saturn begins retrograde motion through the sign of Pisces in your 6th house of health and organization. This upcoming courageous and selfless period may cause Libras to reduce stress and excessiveness in all its manifestations, which is not necessarily a bad thing, especially if you have recently been prone to fuss by doing too many disparate actions. In fact, this trend will be good for your sign!

Horoscope Scorpio Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces Horoscope Scorpio Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces

Dear Scorpios, from June 17th to November 4th, 2023, serious and sometimes gloomy Saturn will move backward through the Pisces constellation, which is equivalent to your 5th house of creativity, love, and romance. This means that representatives of your zodiac sign should take a step back, considering the whole picture in a smaller scale. This will be especially relevant if you have a dramatic situation in your life. It's time to think about whether you got too involved in romantic relationships that stifle your creativity. Saturn in Roman mythology is Cronus - the god of time, and therefore, this planet that controls the past can also return you to an old creative project or even materialize an old love on your doorstep.

Horoscope Sagittarius Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces Horoscope Sagittarius Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces

Dear Sagittarius, starting from June 17, the austere planet of rules and universal law, Saturn, will begin moving backward, starting its retrograde period, which will last until November 4, 2023. In general, all retrogrades make us more thoughtful and self-analytical, which contradicts making hasty decisions. And since the gloomy Saturn is moving through your 4th house of family and home, your plans for interacting with close family members, moving, buying property, or remodeling will be constantly pushed to the right side of your busy calendar. Essentially, even plans for simply rearranging furniture or buying it may be hindered by some mishaps. However, it all depends on you. Sagittarians may need more solitude at this time to figure out themselves, their feelings, and their desires.

Horoscope Capricorn Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces Horoscope Capricorn Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces

Dear Capricorns, if you have important plans ahead of you, stop and do not rush into irreversible actions. Starting from June 17 until November 4, 2023, your ruling planet Saturn will be in retrograde in the third house of communication, pushing Capricorns to reconsider what was planned for the next day and the coming months. Even if you have other plans, fluid circumstances will constantly create prerequisites for Capricorns to slow down, evaluate the next steps before taking active actions. In fact, active actions may not even happen! During the period of retrograde Saturn, you are likely to want to avoid multitasking and dispersal of efforts, focusing primarily on maintaining and preserving existing resources.

Horoscope Aquarius Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces Horoscope Aquarius Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces

Dear Aquarians, your expenses have crossed all conceivable boundaries, while your income remains the same or even decreased? Even if you know very well what caused your financial fiasco, you will have to figure it out more thoroughly. From June 17 to November 4, 2023, serious Saturn is in retrograde position, moving backwards in your second house of money and material well-being, calling Aquarians to look at their lifestyle more maturely, evaluate their expenses, savings, and sources of income adequately.

Horoscope Pisces Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces Horoscope Pisces Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces

Dear Pisces, your ambitious plans and prospects will have to go on standby. On June 17, Saturn enters retrograde mode, moving extremely slowly in your first house of personality and self-perception. The first thing the stars advise you is to stop or at least slow down to calmly assess your current progress. Look around, what have you already achieved? Of course, there is never enough good, however, if you have felt some overload of your abilities in terms of the responsibilities you have taken on or in terms of health and physical capabilities, do not continue ahead without the necessary support. Also, Pisces need to make sure that their plans are built on a solid foundation, with a clear idea of what steps they need to take, as well as how much time and money will be needed to implement them within acceptable time frames.

Horoscope Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Horoscope for the week June 12—18, 2023


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