Highlights of the week December 18 through 24 2023 with horoscope for 12 zodiac signs.
As the week of December 18 to 24 begins, the stars seem aligned to offer support and healing. The positive aspect of Venus with Chiron—a minor planet that is astrologically significant as a symbol of the wounded healer—casts an auspicious glow over the beginning of our week. Specifically, with Venus in the practical sign of Virgo and Chiron's restorative influence, we're poised to start our Monday on the right foot, feeling optimistic and ready to tackle the last pre-holiday rush with a buoyant spirit.
On the heels of this promising start, Tuesday, December 19, 2023, brings the waxing Moon into the first quarter phase in the intuitive sign of Pisces, amplifying our innate abilities in intuition and foresight. While intelligence and practical logic are invaluable assets, this cosmic alignment reminds us not to discount the guidance the Universe offers in manifesting our ambitions. Reflect on the possibility of having overlooked subtle signs the Universe is sending you. Lean into your instincts on this day, particularly when discerning someone’s true intentions. Engaging in disputes may not unveil hidden agendas, but being observant of nonverbal cues and the energies around you could provide surprising insights into their true intent.
This emotional coastline may experience some turbulence; brace yourself for an emotional rollercoaster on Thursday, December 21. Under the sway of an intense aspect between Venus, the planet of affection, and the unpredictable Uranus, emotions may suddenly intensify. Enigmatic behaviors are best approached with caution—if someone acts erratically, give them some space. Should you sense an urge for autonomy, allow yourself the freedom to explore it without demanding clarity or immediate answers. The alchemy of Venus in intense Scorpio clashing with Uranus in grounded Taurus suggests a tentative approach to emotional interactions. At this time, it's wise to sidestep confrontations, particularly with individuals prone to impulsive reactions. Grant liberty lovingly if your partner or companion expresses a yearning for solitude.
Horoscope for the week December 18—24 2023
When the clock strikes December 22, we transition into Capricorn season, which also marks the winter solstice. The Sun's journey into Capricorn ushers in the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Harness the profound silence of this extended darkness to delve into self-reflection, meditation, and appreciation for the highlights of the year we're bidding farewell. Contemplate on the elements of your life you wish to release before stepping into 2024 and cement your intentions for the next twelve months. Now is the optimal time for such introspection and resolution-setting, as the Sun's sojourn in the disciplined and goal-oriented constellation of Capricorn aligns with the tradition of annual forward planning.
Be aware that Mercury's retrograde cycle is still in effect. On December 23, Mercury retreats into the adventurous sign of Sagittarius, promising to stir the pot of communications until January 1, 2024. The festive season may become riddled with miscommunications—jovial quips that would normally enliven may instead come across as brash or insensitive. In these instances, it’s prudent to embrace the golden rule: if in doubt, sometimes silence is golden.
Ultimately, the stars guide us toward a week of reflection, emotional depth, and conscious communication. This season encourages us to appreciate the present moment, remember the strength within, and look forward to new beginnings as we ready ourselves to welcome another year full of potential and growth.
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