Taurus monthly Horoscope for August 2024

Taurus monthly Horoscope for August 2024

Monthly Taurus horoscope for August 2024, what to pay attention to

Dear Taurus,

August 2024 is shaping up to be your personal zenith, an ideal time to address tasks you've postponed throughout the year. The Sun in Leo will illuminate the lower part of your horoscope, specifically your 4th house, putting a spotlight on family and domestic concerns. Lady Luck is definitely on your side! However, don't assume Leo season (lasting until August 22) will be a breeze. This month you'll contend with significant astrological aspects and the notorious retrograde Mercury.

If you're yearning for some homely downtime, the Sun’s transit through Leo could provide the perfect excuse. After all, the Sun visits your 4th house of family, home comfort, and emotional foundations annually. This house represents the most intimate part of your horoscope, the sanctuary where you can recharge and find solace. You might find yourself longing to spend more time at home or surrounded by loved ones. Utilize these summer days to care for yourself and indulge in rest. Think of it as your season of comfort—good food, ample sleep, solitude, and leisure will be your best allies.

But wait, there's more! The upcoming new moon in Leo on August 4 will imbue this nostalgic period with an extra layer of warmth and heartfelt emotions. You might find yourself reminiscing about your childhood or even planning a visit to your hometown. If there are relationships that need mending, the new moon in Leo on August 4 is the ideal time to extend an olive branch and resolve any lingering disputes.

Taurus week horoscope July 29—4, 2024
Horoscope for the week September 16—22, 2024

From August 5 to 28, Mercury retrograde enters the picture, potentially muddling your interactions and delaying the fulfillment of your plans. Mercury will begin its retrograde journey in Virgo and your 5th house of love and passion, which might overshadow some of the positive vibes from Venus. Then, from August 14 to September 9, Mercury will retrace its steps through Leo and your cozy 4th house, heightening family tensions and stirring up events around your home.

On August 14, determined Mars and insightful Jupiter will converge in Gemini, granting you a golden opportunity to succeed financially. These dynamic and ambitious planets rarely align, so be prepared to make swift decisions and seize the moment.

August 19 brings the only full moon in Aquarius for the year, impacting your 10th house of work, career, and leadership. If you've been dreaming of a career change or aspiring to reach new heights in your field, a professional victory might be just around the corner.

The events unfolding after this full moon could be particularly decisive for you. This is far from an ordinary full moon! It will be marked by two tense aspects between Jupiter and Saturn, and Mercury and Uranus. Given that this is the first full moon following Saturn's transition into Pisces, the happenings this month could signify epochal changes on your horizon.


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