Cancer monthly Horoscope for April 2023

Cancer monthly Horoscope for April 2023

Monthly Cancer horoscope for April 2023, what to pay attention to

Dear Cancer, in the horoscope for April 2023, we should highlight the new moon and solar eclipse, which can significantly change the dynamics of events in your professional field. This month, you will have opportunities to improve and update. Cancers are confident, and the environment is ripe for you to reach the top!

You should be feeling energized by now, but in case you haven't noticed, we remind you that Mars has been in your sign since last month, paving the way through your 1st house of self-identity. Whether you feel it or not, you have enough power to achieve a lot this month and even make your mark! That's right, in April 2023, Cancers are patient, disciplined, and purposeful; they effectively complete their tasks and make an inspiring impression on the people around them, both at work and in the company of friends. And yet, the position of Mars is only a prologue to the main story...

The most important period for Cancer will be the end of the penultimate week of April, April 20–21, 2023. Before that, many events will still happen, but even they will be connected to one degree or another with aspects of the twentieth of the month. Let's figure it out in order.

April 20: On this day, the sun moves into Taurus, thereby ending the Aries season and beginning the Taurus season. However, a few hours before, there will be a new moon and a solar eclipse in Aries, both of which have remarkable characteristics. Firstly, this will be the second new moon in Aries in 2023, which in itself is a rather rare astrological phenomenon. Secondly, the new moon and solar eclipse will occur at 29 degrees of the sign of Aries, which is also called the "anaretic" position of the planet. In short, this is the last degree after which the celestial body leaves the sign of the zodiac, which is why it is considered special in the horoscope. It is believed that this position endows the planet with maximum karmic completeness. If even shorter, then this is a sign of fate! No more, no less.

Cancer week horoscope March 27—April 2 2023
Horoscope for the week March 17—23, 2025

At the same time, since this is a repeated new moon, some processes in the life of Cancer were already launched during the period of activity of the previous new moon in Aries, which was on March 21st. The most active period is the period within two weeks after the new moon. Remember all the events that happened in your life from March 21 to April 5. For what? Yes, because some of this will receive a continuation on April 20. Not even like that. As the repeated New Moon in Aries will be supported by a solar eclipse, there will be an explosion of activity! The most turbulent phase of these changes will last until the first days of May, but the main cycle will be completed only with the full moon in Aries, which is expected in September 2023.

We also add that the Moon affects your sign more because it is your ruling planet. So, while impacting your X House of career and business reputation, this powerful eclipse and new moon will kick off something incredible, increasing your ability to start something completely new.

But with friends and colleagues, the situation can get out of control. On April 21, 2023, Mercury begins its first retrograde this year, turning its back to you in the zodiac sign of Taurus, which will just correspond to your 11th house. It is difficult to say, but it is possible that the activation of events in your business area will be in some way connected with the inadequate reactions of your environment. Be on the lookout, it is likely that you will not be able to trust anyone at this time.


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