Cancer monthly Horoscope for June 2024

Cancer monthly Horoscope for June 2024

Monthly Cancer horoscope for June 2024, what to pay attention to

Dear Cancer,

June 2024 ushers in a time for you to slow down and unwind after a bustling year filled with social activities and new connections. With Jupiter in Taurus heating up your eleventh house of group activities and collaborations since last May, you've been quite the social butterfly. However, as of last month, Jupiter, the planet of happiness and broadening horizons, has shifted into the constellation of Gemini, activating your twelfth house of acceptance, rest, introspection, endings, and transitions. This giant planet will remain in this introspective sector of your horoscope until June 9, 2025, offering you a chance to reflect on past achievements, future aspirations, and what still needs to be done. It's a period to release what no longer serves you and to lean on others for support instead of trying to do it all alone. June 2024, in particular, will be significant in this context, especially compared to the bustling year behind you.

But it’s not just Jupiter making waves this month. The Sun also spends the first three weeks of June in Gemini, resting in your twelfth house of acceptance, healing, and endings. This celestial positioning suggests that for most of June 2024, you will continue an annual cycle of lower energy, ideally suited for rest and relaxation. Additionally, this phase nudges you to release old burdens and eliminate anything hindering your progress, without getting entangled in frustrating setbacks.

On June 2, a favorable aspect between Jupiter and Pluto in Aquarius will impact the eighth house of your sign. Briefly put, this aspect highlights the planet of expansion interacting with the alchemical planet of transformation, in the most intimate and mysterious sector of your horoscope. On this day, your empathy and psychological abilities will likely peak, and your emotional depth may even bring tears to your loved ones’ eyes. It’s a day when strong emotions, long held inside, may surface over seemingly trivial matters.

Cancer week horoscope May 27—2, 2024
Horoscope for the week September 2—8, 2024

Profound insights will be especially palpable around the new moon in Gemini on June 6. New moons signify fresh beginnings, and this one occurs in your twelfth house of completion. Expect art, music, and poetry to be particularly soothing, as the new moon forms a conjunction with aesthetically refined Venus, amplifying your compassionate side. Given the new moon’s positioning in your twelfth house, your intuition will be significantly heightened—trust your hunches. If something feels like it holds a truth, there's a good chance it does.

Your fighting spirit will come to the fore on June 11, when decisive Mars in your eleventh house of teamwork clashes with dominant Pluto. You may feel compelled to stand up for justice and defend your viewpoint, even in the face of opposition.

June 20, 2024, will bring a delightful surprise as you begin to feel more at home again. The summer solstice marks the start of Cancer season, and with it, your upcoming birthdays! This season is the perfect time to prioritize yourself and your projects. Allow yourself to emerge from the restive phase of the past four weeks, shedding old burdens and refocusing on your own needs and aspirations.


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