Leo monthly Horoscope for September 2024

Leo monthly Horoscope for September 2024

Monthly Leo horoscope for September 2024, what to pay attention to

Dear Leos,

September 2024 is a time when you'll be especially practical and productive. With the Sun moving through Virgo and your 2nd House of Money and Stability, you'll transition from a vibrant Leo season filled with exciting events to a period of calm focus on achieving your primary goals.

The beginning of the month promises to be exceptionally busy. On September 1, Uranus, the planet of change, turns retrograde in Taurus, affecting your 10th House of Career and Business Success. Projects that were previously started may stall, undergo conceptual changes, or take new developmental directions. Since 2017, when Uranus first entered this ambitious sector of your horoscope, your professional life has been in a state of reevaluation. If you're feeling uncertain, retrograde Uranus can help you break free from constraints that limit your potential. However, during this retrograde period, avoid hasty decisions and use this time for inner exploration and understanding your true desires.

Additionally, on the same day, Pluto, already in retrograde motion in Aquarius, returns to Capricorn, where it will stay until November 19. This marks its final visit to this sector, concluding transformations related to your work and well-being. The interaction between Uranus and Pluto creates harmonious conditions for deep personal and global transformation. This is a crucial time to focus on future achievements, especially important for your fixed and sometimes stubborn sign during the last months of 2024.

On September 2, a new moon in Virgo lights up your 2nd House of Financial Stability. This celestial event will be conducive to practical implementation of your plans by the end of the year and into the next six months.

Leo week horoscope August 26—September 1, 2024
Horoscope for the week September 16—22, 2024

If you feel under-informed in the business realm, it may be due to the influence of a tense aspect between Mars and Neptune on September 3 in your intense 8th House of Secrets and Intimacy. Someone might not be giving you the full picture, whether it's a close person or a professional partner. If something feels off, keep searching for answers.

On September 4, Mars leaves Gemini and enters Cancer, activating your 12th House of Acceptance and Endings. This transition brings you closer to concluding a situation that has been concerning you. However, be cautious; passionate Mars in emotional Cancer can amplify your feelings and intensify your already fiery nature.

September 17 brings a full moon and lunar eclipse in Pisces, impacting your 8th House of Personal Interests and Secrets. Eclipses occur several times a year to shake things up and force decisions. This time, the first of the eclipses on the Virgo-Pisces axis will help you gain a new understanding of significant connections and relationships in your life. Additionally, you may undergo personal changes as this eclipse cycle explores topics like personal finances and intimate relationships.

Throughout September, embrace the opportunities for deep transformation and focus on your future achievements. This month promises both practical advancements and profound personal growth.


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