Highlights of the week May 15 through 20 2023 for Leo based on major astrological aspects.
Dear Leos, this week you should start in the most calm and relaxed state possible. On May 15, the emotional background of the situation surrounding you may be heightened, causing Leos, already inclined towards extravagant actions, to react somewhat inadequately even to the most harmless actions. As this week begins, Mars, urging you to various foolishness, passing through your subconscious XII house, will create an aspect with the undefined Neptune in your no less intense VIII house of personal secrets. Even if you feel that tension around you is increasing, do not step aside and do not try to avoid the situation. Mars and Neptune can make you feel like you have nowhere to hide in case of danger, but this is not the case, it is all just an illusion. On the other hand, if possible, just take a day off and don't leave the house. Literally the next day, everything unclear will become clear and the situations that scared you will turn out to be ordinary, which you can easily handle.
The main news of the week in the business and career sphere will come on May 16. On this day, the expansive planet of luck, Jupiter, bursts into your X house of ambitions and professional success. Over the past year, Jupiter has been in your IX house of expanding influence, which allowed Leos to dream and make plans for a bright future. Well, now a period is coming in which this will not be enough for you! Now, you can not only dream, but also implement your ideas.
By the way, on May 19, there will be a New Moon in your X house of ambitions, allowing Leos to move from words to action. You already have the opportunity to start implementing your plans in the business sphere, or at least to create a plan and carefully check everything. Jupiter will be in this sector until May 26, 2024, so you will have enough time.
Another good news will come on May 20. On this Saturday, Mars will leave your XII house and finally enter your zodiac sign, after a very long absence, as your patron did not visit your sign since June 2021! Firstly, you will have an increase in desire and energy, but most importantly, it will seem like a red carpet is laid out before you, leading straight to your cherished goals. You will definitely be able to attract attention to yourself and accelerate the promotion of any important tasks and issues for you.
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