Monthly April 2023 horoscope for Leo in the field of career and professional activity for all signs of the zodiac
Dear Leo, In April 2023, you will be able to observe many fundamental changes in your professional activities and career. At least some of the changes will come because this month Mercury and the Sun enter Taurus, another fixed sign of the zodiac, and activate your X house of career and business reputation. Of course, you have to try, but in general, the situation is such that the Lions in April will receive the recognition that they have long deserved. Your candidacy has been discussed for a long time, so now they can finally offer you a promotion or a position on better terms. It seems that this is everything you could only dream of. Not really, you deserve it!
How do you feel about business trips and possible relocations? Here's the thing: on April 20, the Sun and Moon will connect, forming a new moon in Aries and your IX house of adventure, expansion of influence, and long-distance travel. Not surprisingly, a business trip or relocation to a new location may be a key issue for your promotion. In any case, April 2023 will be a very dynamic period, filled with conversations, actions, and decisions that can really change the trajectory of your professional life!
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