Virgo monthly Horoscope for September 2024

Virgo monthly Horoscope for September 2024

Monthly Virgo horoscope for September 2024, what to pay attention to

Dear Virgos,

September 2024 continues to celebrate the season of your sign, so let's start by wishing all Virgos a very happy birthday! However, brace yourselves, as this period comes with unexpected plot twists. The retrograde motion of planets and significant astrological aspects may alter or re-direct any of your plans.

On September 1, Uranus enters a five-month retrograde cycle in Taurus, moving backward through your 9th House of Travel, New Knowledge, Expansion, Growth, and Risks. This planet of unexpected decisions has been in your 9th sector for a while now, encouraging you to take unconventional actions and explore new horizons. For practical Virgos, this has been an exciting journey, but with Uranus in retrograde, you should ensure you haven't ventured too far. Take a step back to avoid excessive optimism that could shake your confidence and perspective. With Uranus retrograde until January 30, 2025, you have the opportunity to find stability.

Furthermore, on September 1, retrograde Pluto transitions from Aquarius to Capricorn, turning Virgo’s attention to past shadows in your 5th House of Love, Passion, and Creativity. This marks Pluto's last visit to Capricorn in your lifetime; due to its long orbit, it won't return to this part of the sky for a couple of hundred years. In your case, Pluto might intensify old conflicts or power struggles, especially in personal and romantic relationships. The 5th House also governs fame and recognition, so with Pluto concluding its transit through this sector, you have a unique chance to shine and showcase your uniqueness to the world! Moreover, Pluto and Uranus will form a harmonious influence, creating conditions for deep personal and global transformations.

On September 2, look forward to a new moon in your sign. Make a wish! Now is the perfect time to set big plans and goals for the next six months (until the full moon in Virgo on March 14, 2025). Confidently pursue your dreams, but be mindful of the timing.

Virgo week horoscope August 26—September 1, 2024
Horoscope for the week September 16—22, 2024

While you're eager to get started, patience is essential. On September 3, driven Mars in your 10th House of Ambitions forms a tense aspect with elusive Neptune in your sector of Teamwork. This aspect might temporarily disrupt your plans due to circumstances beyond your control. But don't worry, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. On September 4, Mars leaves Gemini and enters Cancer, energizing your social sphere and rallying support for your ventures.

Caution is again advised on September 8. An opposition aspect between the Sun and strict Saturn may lead to critical interactions with someone essential for achieving your goals.

September 17 brings a particularly significant event: a full moon and lunar eclipse in Pisces, marking the start of a new cycle of eclipses on the Virgo-Pisces axis. This period signifies the beginning of your transformation, lasting until 2027. Issues of self-expression, finding balance between "I" and "We," and changes in your attitude toward others will become central themes for you.

Throughout September, embrace the opportunities for growth and transformation. Happy birthday, Virgos, and may your journey ahead be both enlightening and enriching!


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