Libra monthly Horoscope for September 2024

Libra monthly Horoscope for September 2024

Monthly Libra horoscope for September 2024, what to pay attention to

Dear Libras,

In September, the Sun is in the constellation of Virgo, which may reduce your activity and impact your 12th House of Completion, Self-Analysis, Rest, and Meditation. However, this phase won't last forever; the start of Libra season is just three weeks away! During this time, it's ideal to focus on resting more to ease into your upcoming birthdays. Nevertheless, the September skies will bring their own set of challenges and activities right from the start, making it difficult to fully relax.

On September 1, Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus, shaking up all the rules you've grown accustomed to recently. Uranus influences your 8th House of Intimacy, Personal Secrets, and Investments, so this shift can easily change your perspective on a current romantic or financial matter.

Additionally, on September 1, intense Pluto, which has been retrograde since late spring in Aquarius, returns to the constellation of Capricorn. This is quite significant, as this mysterious planet visits this constellation for the last time. For Libras, Pluto will shift its focus from the romance sector back to your 4th House of Home and Family for the final time. In other words, you'll have one last chance to process and come to terms with personal traumas, particularly those involving close relatives and family matters that have long been buried in your subconscious.

On September 2, the new moon in Virgo will illuminate your 12th House of Completions, Acceptance, Transitions, and Rest with its healing light. This aligns with the tendencies of Virgo season and offers the perfect opportunity for self-analysis or acceptance processes, freeing up space for the next steps in your life.

Libra week horoscope August 26—September 1, 2024
Horoscope for the week September 16—22, 2024

However, don't rush into decisions, as the Universe will dampen your decisiveness on September 3. On this day, driven Mars forms a tense aspect with elusive Neptune, placing unexpected obstacles in the way of your professional plans. Don't despair during this time. You have all the necessary resources to overcome this challenging period; all you need is the right idea and a creative approach. Moreover, on the next day, September 4, Mars transitions into the constellation of Cancer, activating your 10th House of Career. In other words, things will soon improve, and new opportunities are on the horizon.

Unfortunately, a roadblock will appear on September 8. On this day, the annual opposition between the Sun and Saturn will occur, which may make your whole environment feel heavy or pessimistic. Just take a pause. There's no need to criticize yourself for various shortcomings; it's merely the Sun in your introspective 12th house and demanding Saturn in your 6th House of Perfectionism making you particularly self-critical.

The most significant event of the month occurs on September 17. This is the day of the full moon and eclipse in the constellation of Pisces, illuminating your 6th House of Well-being and Organization. This event also begins a new cycle of eclipses on the Virgo-Pisces axis. This will bring about necessary changes, urging you towards better organization, systematic living, and strategic planning. It’s crucial for Libras to stay attentive, expect the unexpected, and remain open to all things new!

Wishing you a transformative and enlightening journey through September, dear Libras!


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