Scorpio monthly Horoscope for June 2024

Scorpio monthly Horoscope for June 2024

Monthly Scorpio horoscope for June 2024, what to pay attention to

Dear Scorpios,

As the most intense sign of the zodiac, June 2024 is your time to shine authentically. This month, the Sun in Gemini illuminates the mystical waters of your native eighth house, allowing you to feel completely in your element. This celestial influence will continue until June 20, marking the summer solstice. Dive deep into your research, planning, and emotional fantasies. The eighth house governs intimacy, merging, shared resources, investments, and all the ways you combine forces with others for mutual benefit.

But the tendencies you kick off in June won’t end with the month. Prepare for a year of discoveries, as you’ll frequently find yourself diving down the rabbit hole and emerging with incredible insights. Expansive Jupiter also moved into the constellation of Gemini late last month and will continue to influence your eighth house until June 9, 2025. With Jupiter, the planet of growth and luck, in Gemini, you’re in for a transformative year. Previously, Jupiter's presence in your sector of long-term partnerships likely helped you finalize lucrative business deals or formalize a lasting agreement with a romantic partner. Now, it’s time to delve into the deeper aspects of life together. With Jupiter in Gemini, consider launching a joint business, investing in real estate, or exploring the most intimate layers of your connections.

Mark your calendar for June 2, a day that promises a significant event. On this day, Jupiter forms a rare and favorable aspect with your ruling planet Pluto, which is in Aquarius and influences your fourth house of family and home. This could mean anything from the birth of a child to discussions about buying a home or moving in together. Unanticipated events are also possible, such as discovering a family secret or uncovering an unexpected treasure.

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Around June 6, with the new moon in Gemini, you'll find a perfect opportunity for a reset. Over the next couple of weeks, you’ll be able to start a new chapter in your closest relationships. Your focus will be on your most intimate connections, especially since Venus, the planet of love, forms a conjunction with the new moon on this day. Between now and the full moon in Gemini on December 15, your collaborative efforts will culminate in a satisfying peak.

On June 11, be mindful of tensions as aggressive Mars in your sector of committed relationships forms a tense aspect with unconscious Pluto in your fourth house of family welfare. Since both Mars and Pluto are your ruling planets, you'll be particularly sensitive to their energy clashes, which might cause homefront disagreements or even plunge you into despondency. It’s crucial to navigate these times carefully, ensuring childhood traumas and stagnant relationships don’t impede your happiness.

What can you do? This month, Scorpios stand on the brink of momentous revelations. On June 22, the first of two full moons in Capricorn this year will illuminate your third house of communication, friends, and local events. An idea you’ve been nurturing since the new moon in Capricorn earlier this year will start to take shape and come to life! Expect exciting news in this area to unfold over the next month, reaching a peak at the second full moon in Capricorn on July 21.


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