Scorpio week horoscope December 18—24 2023

Scorpio week horoscope December 18—24 2023

Highlights of the week December 18 through 24 2023 for Scorpio based on major astrological aspects.

Dear Scorpios,

As we usher in the week of December 18 to 24, 2023, the astrological climate holds promise and cautions in equal measure. The week commences under the auspices of Venus in your sign, Scorpio, engaging in a soothing dance with Chiron, known in astrological circles as the "wounded healer," stationed in the fiery realm of Aries. This celestial interplay casts a spotlight on the theme of recovery and rejuvenation. While the aspect is generally seen as positive, the stars whisper that it's time for you, Scorpio, to embrace rest. Whether it means lounging a little longer in bed, seeking solace in the steam of a sauna, or simply carving out time to breathe deeply and disconnect, self-care should be your mantra as you prepare for the bustling holiday season ahead.

Simultaneously, on December 18, Mercury arranged in disciplined Capricorn will form a harmonious trine with Jupiter in resilient Taurus, which presides over your 7th house of partnerships and serious commitments. This planetary alignment heralds an attunement with your partner or significant other that seems almost psychic in nature. Expect a symphony of shared thoughts and sentiment, with conversations that flow and sync as if choreographed by the universe itself. For those Scorpios still seeking their match, such movements might bring about an encounter with someone who resonates on a profound level—a connection characterized by effortless harmony.

The calm, however, may be disturbed come December 21st, when Venus opposes the unpredictable energy of Uranus. Your relationship sector comes under strain as personal stances solidify into stubborn positions. Tensions threaten to boil over into conflicts or heated disputes. Yet, remember, most battles in life are not about survival but about understanding. Though your instincts may urge you to stand your ground without yield, always maintain the grace to allow for dialogue and negotiation, as these are the true bastions of sustained harmony.

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On December 22nd, the Sun's entry into Capricorn brightens your 3rd house, a sphere associated with communication, social interaction, and community. Drawing Scorpios out of their natural reserve, this period enhances your inclination to engage with those around you. You might find yourself contemplating fresh starts or changes—perhaps a new setting or relocating to different pastures. Caution is advised, however, as the Sun's conjunction with retrograde Mercury on the same day could cloud your judgment. Decision-making in this climate calls for a tempered, methodical approach.

The retrograde theme extends as Mercury retreats into Sagittarius on December 23rd, marking a return to your 2nd house which governs finances. While retrograde Mercury typically announces communication snags and mislaid plans, this period also awakens potential: reaching out to past colleagues or revisiting old clients could unexpectedly rejuvenate your revenue streams. Stay open to possibilities, for as the New Year approaches, so too does the promise of new financial beginnings.

In sum, Scorpios, brace yourselves for a week where rest aligns with relationship revelations while urging you to navigate the realms of communication and finance with strategic foresight.


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