Sagittarius monthly Horoscope for July 2023

Sagittarius monthly Horoscope for July 2023

Monthly Sagittarius horoscope for July 2023, what to pay attention to

Dear Sagittarius, this month some representatives of your zodiac sign will have to deal with heavy emotions, which you, with some success, must cope with. In all other respects, the Sagittarius horoscope for July 2023 promises you opportunities that you haven't even anticipated. It's time to unfold your beautiful white wings and soar!

So, from the beginning of the month, the situation surrounding your close, intimate, and personal relationships may intensify. This is because since the end of last month, the Sun has been highlighting your 8th house of intimate relationships and close partnerships. Furthermore, the Sun does this in the company of talkative Mercury, who sometimes doesn't mind spreading gossip about someone you know more than you should. However, on July 1st, a special event will occur, the conjunction of the Sun and Mercury, which should reveal even more to you, possibly more than you expected. However, it could also be an epiphany or realization of some truth unrelated to receiving information through hidden channels of communication.

Fortunately, on July 3rd, the full moon in Capricorn will bring Sagittarians down to earth, troubling you with more pressing problems. This full moon occurs in your 2nd house of money, so some of the projects you have previously started in this area should successfully resolve. Don't miss the opportunity, use the gentle energy of the full moon in Capricorn to achieve your financial goals or make necessary resource movements in the financial field.

Sagittarius week horoscope June 26—July 2. 2023
Horoscope for the week March 10—16, 2025

By the way, if we started talking about money and your income, it wouldn't hurt to discuss what is happening in your work sphere. For example, on July 10th, energetic Mars enters your ambitious 10th house of professional career, motivating Sagittarians to make a significant breakthrough. It's time for you to remember all your professional ideas and take initiative! Furthermore, on July 11th, Mercury conveniently enters the constellation of Leo, corresponding to your 9th house of travel, higher knowledge, and expanding influence, thereby helping you not to stop in case of success on your career path.

While Mars and Mercury will contribute to expanding your horizons, communicating with new people, and gaining new experiences, the new moon in Cancer on July 17th limits Sagittarians' circle of interests once again to your inner circle. All that is left for you, under the influence of the lunar aspect in the 8th house of intimate matters and secrets in opposition to Pluto, the planet of transformation, is to sharpen your thoughts and not let your fears hold you back from experiencing everything this world has to offer you! After all, in reality, your fears are rooted in yourselves, in your past, but not in your future, which can still be bright.

Well, the most interesting thing starts on July 22, when the Sun, catching up to Mercury, enters fiery Leo and activates your 9th house, inspiring Sagittarians to take risks and emphasizing how important adventures and freedom are for you. So, it's summer! If you don't have any commitments, then hurry up and break free, expanding your horizons... Beach, sea, sun? Yes! Mountains, forests, and active recreation? Quite reasonable! Sagittarians no longer need to hide, staying in their comfort zone, starting from this day you are completely free! And you know what? The universe has a surprise in store for you. On July 22, along with the Sun's transition into Leo, the wandering beauty Venus begins its retrograde cycle in the same 9th house. Keep your eyes and heart open, because during this period you need to be ready for everything new, including changes in love and relationships.


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